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John A MacDonald

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Posts posted by John A MacDonald

  1. [center][i][b][size="5"]The Union of Empires[/size][/b][/i]
    [i][size="3"]"Audaces Fortuna Iuvat"[/size][/i][/center]


    [b][size="3"]IRC = #UoE[/size][/b]

    [i][b][color="#0000FF"][size="3"]About us[/size][/color][/b][/i]

    The Union of Empires [i](UoE)[/i] is a growing blue team alliance. As our name suggests we are a union of empires, that is to say, a community of bold people. Within the first two weeks of our formation, we've jumped to 400k in strength with 30 quality members in our community. We've begun setting up tech deals and trade circles. Pushed for recruitment. Established a premium education service and exam. Signed into the Nueva Sangre bloc, governed and protected by [b]AZTEC[/b]. And surely have a positive future.

    [i][b][color="#0000FF"][size="3"]What we can offer[/size][/color][/b][/i]

    Though we are just starting out, we can offer as much as the established alliances can:
    [*]Military protection from us and our protectors in [b]AZTEC[/b];
    [*]We'll set up a trade circle for you (usually the hardest part in this game!);
    [*]We'll also set up recurring tech deals for you;
    [*]Financial aid upon request, obviously dependent on certain circumstances;
    [*]Some of the top guides for this game, developed by seasoned players;
    [*]Many available jobs for those who like to work and help out;
    [*]A growing community which prides itself on member quality, rather than member quantity.
    [i][b][color="#0000FF"][size="3"]How to join[/size][/color][/b][/i]

    We are always looking for seasoned players to join us, along with newcomers to Cyber Nations. If you are interested in joining, here's how:
    [*][b][url="http://forum.tcoc.biz/index.php?app=core&module=global&section=register"]REGISTER[/url][/b] on our forum;
    [*]Follow our registration [b][url="http://forum.tcoc.biz/index.php?/topic/83-member-registration-application/"]APPLICATION[/url][/b];
    [*]Wait to be masked!

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