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Posts posted by PerthLady

  1. Scotland Forever – Dark Evolution

    PIAT with ODP – Peace Intelligence, Aid Treaty with Option Defence Pact clause

    I. Preamble

    This treaty is between Scotland Forever (SF) and Dark Evolution (DE) to build stronger friendships between the two alliances and to ensure the safety, security, and success of the members of each alliance through the mutual distribution of information.

    II. Sovereignty

    It is agreed that both Scotland Forever and Dark Evolution will remain sovereign and independent bodies.

    III. Aggression

    A. No acts of aggression between Scotland Forever and Dark Evolution shall exist for the duration of this treaty. Acts of aggression within this treaty are defined as:

    * A Declaration of War against the other alliance;

    * Monetary or military aiding of a known enemy of the other alliance;

    * Spy infiltrations of individual member nations or the other alliance as a whole;

    * Threatening/Hostile statements exchanged on boards, IRC, or in-game PM;

    B. In the event of a large-scale conflict occurring between one of the undersigned alliances and a third party alliance already holding a treaty to the other undersigned alliance of this treaty, the undersigned alliances shall remain neutral for the duration of the war, thus refraining from violating the terms outlined in (Article III (A)). This clause shall not be in effect should one of the alliances be obligated by treaty to attack the other.

    IV. Aggression Violation

    If a member of an undersigned alliance violates the terms outlined in Article III A, they will be given twenty-four hours after being notified of the violation to offer peace and pay reparations equal to the damage inflicted. Payment of reparations may be neglected only if the undersigned would be violating a pre-existing treaty or document of surrender by doing so. Defending nations will not retaliate unless the offender fails to comply within the twenty-four hour period.

    If the offending nation refuses to comply with the terms outlined defining a violation of the undersigned's non-aggression, will not offer peace within the twenty-four hour time frame, and proves incapable of providing reason for the lack of compliance, the offending nation's alliance will investigate the incident thoroughly and hand out punishment and/or reparations as appropriate. Furthermore, the expelled nation is to be considered a rogue by both parties, and is to be dealt with accordingly.

    V. Aiding

    A. In times of war, it is possible that any aiding could spell trouble for Scotland Forever and/or Dark Evolution. Because of this, any aid previously being exchanged during peacetime will be terminated if parties are not facing a mutual enemy. This can be voided by mutual agreement between appropriate officials of both alliances.

    B. In times of conflict, each signatory, at the request of the other, has the option of providing direct military assistance to the party in need. While such aid is not compelled in any way, this document sanctions such an action.

    VI. Intelligence

    With the passing of this document, Scotland Forever and Dark Evolution agree to open exchange of intelligence regarding any sort of diplomatic or militaristic action one is considering. For this to happen, it is heavily encouraged that the parties pursue continued intercommunication. Discussion through one another's forums, IRC channels, and using in-game PM systems to exchange information is vital to the longevity of this document.

    VII. Civility

    Both signatory alliances shall be resolute in their in their demands that the members of their alliances act in a civil and polite manner when speaking to members of the other signatory alliance, especially in public forums and other populated venues.

    VIII. Termination

    This document may be terminated by a unanimous decision by the governing bodies of either one (1) of either Scotland Forever or Dark Evolution. A grace period of 72 hours is to exist between the statement of intent in the Scotland Forever Embassy on Dark Evolution’s message board or vice versa and the actual termination of the treaty.

    IX. Ratification

    We, the undersigned officials of Scotland Forever and Dark Evolution, agree to all the terms outlined in this treaty as binding and tolerable, and wish to pursue such relations.

    Scotland Forever Signatories

    Perth Lady, Minister of Foreign Affairs

    Lord Mole, Minister of Recruiment & Education

    Big Yogi, First Minister

    TheHighlander, Minister of War

    Slaine, Minister of Internal Affairs

    Dark Evolution Signatories

    Coolgreen44, Emperor

    Joey67500, Imperial Director of Foreign Affairs

    Angryraccoon, Regent of Dark Evolution

    UacYuri, Imperial Adviser

    Fort Pitt, Imperial Adviser

    Max Beck of Superhate, Imperial Director of War

    Ezko, 'The Black Diplomat'


  2. if by the end of february (28/02/2009) your embassy has not been posted in then you will be pm'd onn our forums and i shall also contact you via your own forums or irc to say you have a further week... on the 7th of March (07/03/3009) any embassies that have still not been posted in shall be removed.

    Any alliances who wish to get an embassy with us over at Scotland Forever, please feel free to come and register and post Here! :)


    Perth Lady




  3. These are a list of Scotland Forever's embassies:

    MCXA - http://z15.invisionfree.com/Scotland_Forev...hp?showforum=20

    WAPA - http://z15.invisionfree.com/Scotland_Forev...hp?showforum=26

    GPA - http://z15.invisionfree.com/Scotland_Forev...hp?showforum=27

    NpO - http://z15.invisionfree.com/Scotland_Forev...hp?showforum=28

    GR - http://z15.invisionfree.com/Scotland_Forev...hp?showforum=29

    Valhalla - http://z15.invisionfree.com/Scotland_Forev...hp?showforum=30

    Wolfpack - http://z15.invisionfree.com/Scotland_Forev...hp?showforum=32

    FEAR - http://z15.invisionfree.com/Scotland_Forev...hp?showforum=35

    The Brigade - http://z15.invisionfree.com/Scotland_Forev...hp?showforum=36

    MHA - http://z15.invisionfree.com/Scotland_Forev...hp?showforum=37

    FPI - http://z15.invisionfree.com/Scotland_Forev...hp?showforum=44

    NPO - http://z15.invisionfree.com/Scotland_Forev...hp?showforum=45

    TFD - http://z15.invisionfree.com/Scotland_Forev...hp?showforum=46

    EUFN - http://z15.invisionfree.com/Scotland_Forev...hp?showforum=47

    UBD - http://z15.invisionfree.com/Scotland_Forev...hp?showforum=57

    The Legion - http://z15.invisionfree.com/Scotland_Forev...hp?showforum=58

    She Said She Was 18 (SSSW18) - http://z15.invisionfree.com/Scotland_Forev...hp?showforum=60

    CCC - http://z15.invisionfree.com/Scotland_Forev...hp?showforum=61

    WANG - http://z15.invisionfree.com/Scotland_Forev...hp?showforum=63

    Ragnarock – http://z15.invisionfree.com/Scotland_Forev...hp?showforum=71

    Carpe Diem – http://z15.invisionfree.com/Scotland_Forev...hp?showforum=79

    Fly – http://z15.invisionfree.com/Scotland_Forev...hp?showforum=83

    IRON – http://z15.invisionfree.com/Scotland_Forev...hp?showforum=84

    Allied Forces of Sovereignty – http://z15.invisionfree.com/Scotland_Forev...hp?showforum=85

    1 Touch football – http://z15.invisionfree.com/Scotland_Forev...hp?showforum=86

    NEW – http://z15.invisionfree.com/Scotland_Forev...hp?showforum=87

    GLOF – http://z15.invisionfree.com/Scotland_Forev...hp?showforum=88

    ROK – http://z15.invisionfree.com/Scotland_Forev...hp?showforum=93

    Capax Legio – http://z15.invisionfree.com/Scotland_Forev...hp?showforum=94

    Dark Fist – http://z15.invisionfree.com/Scotland_Forev...hp?showforum=95

    Dark Evolution – http://z15.invisionfree.com/Scotland_Forev...hp?showforum=96

    TDO – http://z15.invisionfree.com/Scotland_Forev...hp?showforum=98

    Many of these embassies seem to have become very inactive recently...

    If these alliances would like to keep their embassies, could they please come onto our forums as soon as possible and post. Also, we shall be checking these embassies more often to ensure the inactive ones are no longer clogging up our forums :P So could you please ensure you send diplomats over often to keep us up to date about your alliances and keep the relations there! :)

    Even if myself or another diplomat from SF is active at your forums, we still need to know what is required at our end as each term of government only lasts 3 months in SF and there is no guarantee the next term will have the same ideology than the current and so diplomats from SF may no longer be visiting your forums.

    And if your alliance does not have an embassy and you wanna come along and have a wee chat and some scotch, come sign up now! :P

    Thanks very much

    Perth Lady

    Minister of Foreign Affairs

    Scotland Forever

  4. Upgrade from: http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?s...=44724&st=0

    Treaty Introduction :)

    3 guys, 1 Greenlander, 1 English and 1 Scottish, are walking along the beach one day and come across a lantern and a Genie pops out of it.

    "I give you each one wish, that's three wishes in total", says the Genie.

    The Greenlander says, "I am a fisherman, my Dad's a fisherman, his Dad was a fisherman and my son will be one too. I want all the oceans full of fish for all eternity."

    So, with a blink of the Genie's eye "AlKaZoom" the oceans were teeming with fish.

    The English guy was amazed, so he said, "I want a wall around England, protecting her, so that nothing will get in for all eternity.

    Again, with a blink of the Genie's eye "AlkaZoom - POOF" there was a huge wall around England.

    The Scot asks, "I'm very curious. Please tell me more about this wall."

    The Genie explains, "Well, it's about 150 feet high, 50 feet thick, protecting England so that nothing can get in or out."

    The Scot says, "Ach, fill it up with water."

    The 'Ach, Fill It Up With Water Treaty' (PLUS UPDATE!)


    This document hereby establishes a strengthened bond of friendship between The Greenland Republic and Scotland Forever. It will stand to protect the safety, security, and prosperity of all members through the mutual distribution of information and optional defense.


    It is understood that both The Greenland Republic and Scotland Forever will remain sovereign and independent bodies.

    III. Aggression

    A. No acts of aggression between The Greenland Republic and Scotland Forever shall exist for the duration spanning the ratification of this document. Acts of aggression within this treaty are defined as:

    * A Declaration of War against the other signing entity;

    * Monetary or military aiding of a known enemy of the other signing entity;

    * Spy infiltrations of individual nations or alliances as a whole;

    * Threatening/Hostile statements exchanged on boards, IRC, or ingame PM;

    B. In the event of a large-scale conflict occurring between one of the undersigned alliances and a third party alliance already holding a treaty to the other undersigned alliance of this treaty, the undersigned alliances shall remain neutral for the duration of the war, thus refraining from violating the terms outlined in (Article III A). This clause shall not be in effect should one of the alliances be obligated by treaty to attack the other.

    IV. Aggression Violation

    If a member of an undersigned alliance violates the terms outlined in Article III A, they will be given twenty-four hours after being notified of the violation to offer peace and pay reparations equal to the damage inflicted. Payment of reparations may be neglected only if the undersigned would be violating a preexisting treaty or document of surrender by doing so. Defending nations will not retaliate unless the the offender fails to comply within the twenty-four hour period.

    If the offending nation refuses to comply with the terms outlined defining a violation of the undersigned's non-aggression, will not offer peace within the twenty-four hour time frame, and proves incapable of providing reason for the lack of compliance, the offending nation's alliance will investigate the incident thoroughly and hand out punishment and/or reparations as appropriate. Furthermore, the expelled nation is to be considered a rogue by both parties, and is to be dealt with accordingly.


    A. Although it is not mandated for The Greenland Republic and Scotland Forever to partake in economic, military, or technological exchange, it is encouraged as an act of open diplomacy and continued friendly relations. The friendship aforementioned within the Preamble may cease to exist should one party refuse to aid the other in a time of dire need.

    B. In times of conflict, each signatory, at the request of the other, has the option of providing direct military assistance to the party in need. While such aid is not compelled in any way, this document sanctions such an action.


    With the passing of this document, The Greenland Republic and Scotland Forever agree to open exchange of intelligence regarding any sort of diplomatic or militaristic action one is considering. For this to happen, it is heavily encouraged that the parties pursue continued intercommunication. Discussion through one another's forums, IRC channels, and using ingame PM systems to exchange information is vital to the longevity of this document.

    VII. Civility

    Both signatory alliances shall be resolute in their in their demands that the members of their alliances act in a civil and polite manner when speaking to members of the other signatory alliance, especially in public forums and other populated venues.

    VIII. Termination

    This document may be terminated by a unanimous decision by the governing bodies of either one (1) of either The Greenland Republic and Scotland Forever. A grace period of 72 hours is to exist between the statement of intent in the Greenland Republic Embassy on Scotland Forever's message board or vice versa and the actual termination of the treaty.

    IX. Ratification

    We, the undersigned officials of The Greenland Republic and Scotland Forever agree to the terms outlined in this treaty as binding and tolerable, and wish to pursue such relations.


    Big Yogi, First Minister

    Perth Lady, Minister of Foreign Affairs

    Lord Mole, Minister of Recruitment & Education

    Slaine, Minister of Internal Affairs

    TheHighlander, Minister of War


    Drai, Archon

    Celtic, Vice Archon

    Sande, Minister of Finance

    Virillus, Minister of Defense

    James Davis, Minister of Foreign Affairs

    Poolmeister, Minister of the Interior

    Kestral, Senate

    Wurzel, Senate

    Kosherness, Senate

    Davidius, Senate

    Shamed Monkey, Senate

    The bold and italics are the new additions :)

  5. http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_d...ation_ID=284284

    'MuffinmanAiS' of 'Kingdom Of Meland'

    He was previously a member of Scotland Forever and he started to cause problems. He started causing problems for Oceanic Kingdom as two of nations were acting as ghosts for them then declared war on him. Instead of turning to his alliance for help he retaliated by attacking another member of Oceanic Kingdom who was a genuine member.

    He then sent a message to I Lupus Maxamus of Oceanic Kingom saying:

    "SF hates Oceanic Kingdom im at your strength range and my leader wants this alliance destroyed so I want a payment of $2m and i have already gathered information attack if you want ill be waiting"

    Our alliance had and has no problem with Oceanic Kingom whatsoever and was working with them at this time to resolve the issues caused by this member.

    He then conducted a spy operation on another SF nation which was the final straw. We saw him as a rogue and got 2 SF nations and 1 Oceanic Kingdom nation to attack to prevent any more trouble.

    Since then, he has attempted to join WAPA and The Foreign Division (only 2 we know of at current) although both thankfully contacted SF about this member and we informed them of his trouble making previously.

    This thread is to simply inform all alliances of CN and to warn you that this guy is trouble and you should not accept him into your alliance if you want to avoid trouble! :)

    Thanks :)

    Perth Lady

    Minister of Foreign Affairs

    Scotland Forever

  6. i really don't know.. i think we may need to try and get a different set anyway as there are very few people with aluminium and marble and only one of those people don't have their trades sorted. I have messaged her in game but she hasn't opened the message yet.

    There's a chance we will need to drop a few of the people we have and try to get new people so as to fill the two resources we still need.


  7. I am in dire need of a trade circle which will be permanent.

    The resources I'm look for are: aluminium, coal, fish, gold, iron, lead, lumber, marble, oil and wine.

    This will give the bonus resources: Steel, automobiles, construction, microchips, scholars, asphalt and radiation cleanup... I have rubber and water.











    rubber- Perth Lady

    water- Perth Lady

    Blue team members only, please get back to me ASAP!

    My Nation: http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_d...ation_ID=201219

    PM me with interest or post here!!


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