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Posts posted by Arkantos

  1. No offense, but transferring to an offsite will make it much harder for other people to keep up with their RP and make it less interesting for new comers. =/

    I endorse this statement. Look at CNRP in Space. I was sorta strong for a while, but it didn't take long before the only regular activity was me & Subtle. Then Subtle's activity dropped off, and I didn't have any reason to keep going there, and now it's dead. The only reason it's still in my sig is because it's too cool of an idea to let die without a fight.

  2. Just a thought.... what is the status of the military operations of NATO/USA/Canada within Afganistan.... I was thinking about RPing that due to the global economic crisis and political backlash within the above states such operations were halted, with many foreign nations simply giving up on the country...

    I intend to turn it into a Semi-Taliban/mujahadeen-Fremen like nation.

    Hmmm... Ask whoever's RPing America to see if they're still operating there.

  3. GreekFlag.png

    December 31, 2009: Riots break out all over Greece due to a major scandal which involved trillions of dollars flowing between Greece and Turkey. 158 people are killed, in what became known as the Christmas Riots.

    January 15th, 2010: The Christmas Riots end. Another scandal occurs, and the Greek government loses power. Greece returns to being a nation of city-states.

    September 11th, 2010: War has raged across Greece. Now, Athens has emerged as the dominant city-state, and they form the Democratic Republic of Greece.

    February 3rd, 2011: The DRG falls to civil war, and the city-states rise once again.

    October 31, 2011:The Greek city-states form a loose confederation.

    November 27th, 2011: Albania, fearing invasion, joins Greece as a "city-state", Greek City states declare war on Turkey, claiming "Retribution for historical events"

    December 31, 2011: The Turkish capital, Ankara, falls to a Greek-Albanian blitz attack, and the Greek Empire forms again, with Greece, Albania, and Turkey as members.

    Not since the death of Alexander had Greece had so much power. For such a long time after Alexander's death, Greece was sbject to empire after empire; the Romans, the Byzantines, the Ottomans. But no more. Greece was, once again, an empire. To reflect this, the old flag of revolution was adopted, with one minor change: a red canton, for Albania. The capital remains at Athens, the birthplace of Democracy.

  4. Alright. Say something happens.

    Say...A country traded land to another for a port or something. Now the only thing written in the post were what was being traded, borders, maps and signatures on a nicely written agreement.

    Can someone go ahead and argue that the people being traded agreed to it, even if they didnt? Its not written, but is it implied? Honestly, I was given land by the Dragon Empire and I rped a slow culture collision that progressed in mine and the new lands working together. If it isnt RPed that the people hated joining one nation or loved joining one nation, can others comment on how they were mistreated now?

    Yes. It even has it's own word. Propoganda.

  5. The go-ahead was given for the landing. As the plane landed, Aigin troops moved in to take control of the Saxbridge International Airport and to secure the package of Uranium for transport to the reactor, 20 miles away, just outside of Saxbridge.


    "I believe our business is concluded here. It was nice meeting you, Administrator." He shook Administrator Anderson's hand.

  6. The technitians would find the reactor in the best condition possible for a reactor running almost non-stop for 2 years. The workers there had become slightly lax, seeing as all they were doing now were babysitting spent fuel rods, but they would be drilled for every scenario, from a Three Mile Island type disaster, to a full Chernobyl-style meltdown, and preventing another Chernobyl.


    Back in Agrona

    "So, I take it you find the reactor acceptable?"

  7. "We are. We intend to use it in a reactor outside of Saxbridge, a major city with major power generation issues. If it proves to be more efficient that the alternatives we are experimenting with, we will begin to mine our own Uranium and refine it, and use it."

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