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Emperor of Babanga

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Posts posted by Emperor of Babanga

  1. Dear the Enemies of The North Atlantic Defense Coalition who have tried to scare us and intimidate us.


    that is all.

    Good luck in this war everyone. Free Rum in the NADC forums at the conclusion of this war for all involved.

  2. We are prepared to defend our friends, to whatever end.

    I am proud to sign this declaration, as a leader of NADC, and as a loyal friend to NADC's Allies and the NADC membership. Hopefully we will all live long enough to enjoy a victory rum together. If not, well i will share a drink with you in the CN afterlife (also known as reroll, lol)

  3. you keep judging us on what happened YEARS ago. we have stood by our allies and not wavered from our responsibilities to our friends for a long time. We have been trustworthy and a valued ally to our friends. Maybe you trollers should consider being our friends too? so many alliances cant be wrong. oh wait... some of you are in alliances who ARE our friends lol

    by judging us on our actions in a time so long ago, its like judging mark wahlberg on his actions during his marky mark days, instead of judging him on his current career. We have changed, get over our past.

    your just jealous that we look better in bike pants than you (because of our big kahunas)

    now on topic.

    Congrats to our friends in RDD. we look forward to some fun times with out new bathtime friends.

  4. Congratulations to all in NADC and Legion who were involved in this treaty. I was NADC's Ambassador to Legion some time ago, and they impressed me then with their style of Coolness. Since then its good to see that coolness hasnt diminished, it has actually grown.

    I look forward to working with my counterparts in Legion's Government. A new level of coolness awaits us both.

    Hail the Atlantic Legionaires! (corny i know, but im half asleep and just took my meds. lol )

  5. You forgot that they also trained their elite sharpshooters


    i have to laugh at that one. those pics are from our elite training school. we have since learnt what the trigger thing does. (one of our members shot the drill instructor in the butt)

    i am not afraid to laugh at myself. because he who laughs last laughs loudest

  6. I think picking the weaker enemy is a good war tactic. No use exhausting yourself on the first dance. The tango and waltz are still to come.

    This war has a long way to go yet. NADC will be standing by its allies. No matter the cost we will defend our friends. This is a new NADC people!. Its full of Honourable people like myself, Lord Damien and FreddieMercury and Tankkiller to name a few. The NADC now has a backbone, has Honour, and most importantly it now has some claws.

    o/ NADC, my brothers.

    o/ Zenith, my friends

    o/ trolls, if i dont o/ you, nobody else will.

  7. Good work everyone. If the knights armour gets rusty from the salt water i know a good blacksmith who can polish them so its looks like you are wearing a disco ball. (hey tank, thats an idea for an image, a templar knight doing YMCA at a NADC disco).

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