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Posts posted by Bandersnatch

  1. I'm not sure where you're going to get the guns to deal with him. If you know what's best for you, you'll keep 'em aimed squarely at us.

    And as Joker stated earlier, I can't blame the man for hauling $@! when faced with the GODLIEST MILITARY EMPIRE IN CN.

    Did you just admit that you'd run away if you were losing? (note to self, get the best of them early and they'll fold like a cheap deck chair)

    Jyrinx, there is no culture of fear in ML. We're not afraid of each other, we argue and disagree all the time and most of our .gov types will tell you that we're the hardest bunch to try and lead because we're all kinda feisty redneck types. We're in this alliance because we agree with each other. I haven't done the research to prove I'm right but I'll wager a majority in our ranks disagreed with going to war in support of hegemony. we all knew it was the right thing to do even thought it leaves a bad taste in our mouth.

    The decision is simple; what's worse, supporting an Allie under circumstances less than desirable or going back on your word leaving an Allie to twist in the wind.

    We dont recruit, people come to us.

    Remember, he came to us.

  2. This isn't about his surrender. his last post on our forums doesn't say "i'm surrendering" it says "I'm resigning"

    Yeah, he knew who we were, he knew what we were about. He knew we'd fight for him to the last pixel....he can't or wont do the same in return.

    Those of you who respond with excuses for his actions and accusations of abuse or poor leadership are proving that there's likely no other alliance in this game worthy of my allegiance.

    If you dont understand what this is about, explaining would be lost on you.

    (Edited from the original to fit the situation) Go tell the Spartans, passerby, that here, true to our oath, we die

    Molon Labe!!!!

  3. Yes, I'm honest. I dont care who started it or why...My Alliance said there's a war and this is your target...I trust my alliance and my alliance trusts me...Do you honestly belive EVERY member of your alliance is informed and agrees with your opinion on everything?

    No, some of them are "just following orders" some people are Sooooo naive.

  4. Well, in that case, I can respect the act of valor, even if it makes more button pushing for me. However, your respect for YOUR treaties is no more or less honorable than ours.

    I'm not sure why you think we're pawns in this game, there's zero sign of NPO presence in our forums and we discussed this situation on an open irc channel. Go figure.

  5. ok, so I'm going to follow your tracks in this circle...You KNEW, NPO was coming for you. You KNEW that declaring on ML or TORN or anybody else would get NPO involved and you prepared for it and yet, you chose to put yourself in a position to do LESS damage to NPO while at war with them?

    Brilliant strategy, you guys learned your tactics from the people who destroyed their own neighborhood in support of Rodney King.

    P.S. seriously, if you think this is crying, I'm not sure why since the only MK attacker on me essentially wasted his attacks, his planes went down in flames and his soldiers lie dead bloating in the sun with NO damage done by them.

    I'm askeered of that awesomossity that is MK.

  6. So....you guys wanted a war with NPO, were looking for a way to get it started and figured you'd fill some of your slots BEFORE going to war with NPO?

    You can call that classy if you want but...sounds exsessively cowardly.

    See if there were one shred of truth to what you say, you could have merely gone to NPO and told them you hold them accountable for the actions of their allies.

    Nobody really gives a damn about CB at this point.

    No, I'm not crying, just pointing out that the shortest distance between two points is a straight line, you guys ran around the block to avoid getting where you SAY you wanted to go.

  7. Making false accusations and overlooking the question?

    We've got a stray dog in the neighborhood. Are you gonna bark all day little doggie or are you gonna bite?

    Just say the word fella's...

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