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Edicius Rebirth

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Posts posted by Edicius Rebirth

  1. we are not using the same router, we are not even using the same network, he uses the campuses wired network and I use a seperate wifi network. Is there anyway for this to not happen? The game is set up so that people on college campuses can't play? I am lost as to how to avoid this and I really really really want to play the game.

    oh and uh...checked the ip address myself...and they are uh...NOT the same

  2. Hello,

    My nation has been deleted for a reason that is untrue. It said I had more than one nation. I just signed up yesterday and loved the game. I told my roommate about the game and he signed up too, from his own computer. We set up an alliance and then tried to trade. The game canceled the trade for cheating and then our nations got deleted. We checked our IP addresses and they are different. Why did this happen? Can it be corrected or prevented in the future?

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