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Posts posted by ORCACommander

  1. Would be better if your first

    4 minutes ago, Abshire said:


    In furtherance of the goal expressed in Article I of the Treaty for Maroon Dominance, Non Grata, Nordreich, and The Last Remnants (“Signatory Alliances”) do hereby declare war against the Global Order of Darkness (“GOD”) and the Coalition of Royal Allied Powers (“CRAP”). Additionally, the Signatory Alliances take this specific action, among a variety of options, because we have developed a particular distaste for both of the declared upon alliances, which, though we don’t quite remember many of the specifics, has persisted despite the passage of several years. 


    In summary; maroon is ours, $%&@ GOD, and $%&@ CRAP. 



    For Non Grata:

    Abshire, Duumvir

    Erwin Schrodinger, Duumvir


    For Nordreich:

    Oro Iban Aozpi, Kaiser

    Latexi, Kronprinz

    Kaiser Hansen, Reichskanzlerin

    PuliSher, Cancertroll


    For The Last Remnants:

    Triumvirate of TLR


    Hombre de Murcielago



    would be better if your first declaration lacked syntax errors ;)

  2. Understood. Decided to ask first and avoid a warning/deletion to play it safe.oh and misunderstanding here. there would never have been a link. I would have just been advertising my services and handling everything via PM. Well thanks for the replies. Lock if you wish.

  3. Perfect for those who love blood shed

    Will be Synchronizing this on my alliance's forums. Please set team to red.

    Resource list:

    - Aluminum http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?a...=4&MID=3389

    - Coal

    - Gold http://tournament.cybernations.net/nation_...tion_ID=1003449

    - Iron

    - Lead ORCACommander

    - Lumber SSJ6GokuSephiroth666

    - Marble http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?a...=4&MID=3389

    - Oil SSJ6GokuSephiroth666

    - Rubber http://tournament.cybernations.net/nation_...tion_ID=1003449

    - Uranium http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?a...4&MID=29866

    - Water http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?a...4&MID=29866

    - Wheat ORCACommander

    Economic effect:

    Income: +$13.5

    Citizens: +8%

    Happiness: +10

    Infra cost: -35.2%

    Tech cost: -12.6%

    Land cost: -10%

    Land bonus: +38%

    Environment: +2

    Env. Penalty: -50%

    Bill effect:

    Infra UpK: -23.7%

    Soldier UpK: -$0.5

    Tank UpK: -16.97%

    Nuke UpK: -60%

    Navy UpK: -38.44%

    Aircraft UpK: -25%

    Military effect:

    Soldier eff.: +42.56%

    Soldier cost: -$6

    CM cost: -20%

    Nukes cost: -20%

    Tanks cost: -8%

    Navy Cost: -27.33%

    Aircraft Cost: -15.21%

    Aircraft Limit: +10

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