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Posts posted by PirateBob

  1. Dealing Carnage Under Pirate Sails

    We be settin' sails fer uncharted waters upon th' vast, open seas o' Planet Bob.


    Th' First Accords:

    § 1. All Crewmembers will follow th' policies o' th' Captains in a manner that dasn't brin' ill repute upon our Alliance or our Allies.

    § 2. We be an exclusive alliance an' membership be nay guaranteed.

    § 3. We be an Orange Team alliance. Crewmembers who aren’t in a long-term trade circle will switch t' orange an' we will help them build a new trade circle.

    § 4. Crewmembers will protect an' defend each other against all attacks.

    § 5. Raids against red team, orange team, or any alliance wi' 5 or more members be forbidden. Members will return attacks against raiders until reps be agreed upon wi' th' raider’s Govt. Minimum reps we receive or pay be $3m t' get full use o' an aid slot an' all reps be rounded up t' th' next $3m increment.

    § 6. Any crewmember that shall strike or spy another whilst these Articles be in force shall receive Moses’ Law (that be, 40 Stripes lackin' one) on th' bare aft an' be cast overboard t' Davy Jones’ Locker.

    § 8. Crewmembers will show respect t' each other an' ever' other player in CN, especially durin' times o' war.

    § 9. Crewmembers will abide by th' military chain o' command at all times without exception. Any crewmember that shall nay keep his Arms clean an’ fit fer an engagement, or neglect his business, shall be cut off from his share, an' suffer such other punishment as th' Captains shall think fit.

    § 10. All crewmembers will follow our guides fer buildin' yer nations t' achieve maximum economic an' military growth.

    § 11. Any aid that a crewmember receives be paid aft before spake crewmembers can leave th' alliance. If any member o' th' crew shall offer t' run away, he shall be marooned wi' one keg o' powder, one keg o' water, one wee arm, an' a single shot.

    § 12. All members, includin' th' Captains, shall remain active on th' forums an' IRC. We know that real life gets in th' way sometimes so as long as ye tell us ye’ll be inactive, 't won’t be a problem.

    § 13. We be havin' an optional first strike nuclear policy in a defensive war. Nukes may also be used against raiders an' rogues.

    § 14. If any time we shall meet another Marooner that signs his Articles without th' consent o' our Company, He shall suffer such punishment as th' Captains shall think fit.

    irc.coldfront.net #dcups - http://pirate_bob.0webspace.com/forums/

    Th' Government:

    Captains – 3 Controllin' Members o' Gov – non elective positions

    First Mates – Finance, Foreign Affairs, Membership – appointed by th' Captains as seen fit

    Boatswain (Bos’n) – Staff o' th' First Mates – appointed by th' First Mates as seen fit

    Quartermaster – Military Commander – appointed by th' Captains as seen fit

    Gunners – Military Staff – appointed by th' Quartermaster as seen fit

    Take heed fer ye ben warned

    Ar ships be moored in th' Ports o' ODN. Beware all ye who seek ar booty fer ODN has many a cannon.

    Preamble: In order t' further relations between th' Orange Defense Network (Henceforth known as ODN) an' Dealing Carnage Under Pirate Sails (Henceforth known as DCUPS), both parties agree t' th' followin' treaty.

    Article I: Members o' ODN an' DCUPS will remain respectful at all times.

    Article II: Members o' ODN an' DCUPS will nay take aggressive action against each other. If such actions do take place, th' governments o' ODN an' DCUPS will work together t' find a suitable resolution t' any conflicts that take place.

    Article III: Th' ODN endeavors t' assist DCUPS t' th' best o' its ability

    Article IIIb: Th' ODN an' DCUPS will work together economically t' th' benefit o' each others’ nations an' alliances.

    Article IV: Th' ODN will protect DCUPS from all unwarranted attacks.

    Article IVa: Although 'tis nay required, Th' ODN has legal means an' be encouraged t' assist in any o' DCUPS`s offensive wars.

    Article IVb: Although 'tis nay required, DCUPS has legal means an' be encouraged t' assist in any o' ODN`s wars.

    Article V: Th' government o' each alliance will remain in contact, informin' th' other o' important developments beforehand. Foremost among this ortin' ta be advance knowledge o' treaties an' wars.

    Article VI: This treaty be effective from th' moment 'tis announced. Either party may cancel this treaty at any moment, but remains bound t' follow all sections o' this treaty fer a further 120 hours.

    Article VIa: Upon commission o' a grave violation t' th' letter or spirit o' this treaty, either party may immediately cancel without regard t' th' restriction o' Article VI.


    Captains of DCUPS





    Sunstar, Captain of the Good Ship Fusion

    Zessa, Mate of Marauding

    Arsenal, Mate of Drunken Diplomacy

    Merlin, Mate of Buried Treasure

    Yates, Mate of the Galley

    The 29th Brethren of the Coast:






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