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Posts posted by Shamed

  1. [quote name='Haflinger' timestamp='1297431594' post='2629311']
    WotC has already been covered in my previous post. That C&G is not this C&G.

    In both Karma and Bipolar, C&G bandwagoned in. We all know by now that TORN peacing out was because of the lie that Archon told bigwoody, which was designed to split Hegemony and make what could have been a somewhat-even war with Hegemony facing superior odds into a curbstomp where all of TORN's direct allies stayed out of the war.

    When NPO approached the leader of C&G about ending the war launched by mistake, Moo got told that unconditional surrender was the only way out.

    While their agent bigwoody spread dissension among the ranks, thus assuring victory, C&G declared war.

    In Bipolar, they did pretty much the exact same thing. When TOP took their bait and attacked them, TOP stood a chance of actually winning the war - or so they thought. Of course Polar pulled the rug out, peacing out behind them, and C&G knew it had a completely winnable war. So they spread the lie that they had not been planning on declaring war at all, activated all of their non-chaining MDPs, and refused to peace TOP immediately, claiming that they would always be looking over their shoulder for TOP gunning for them if they did.

    If C&G had peaced TOP right then and there, they could have watched while TOP burnt Polar to the ground for them. Of course that would have meant they were on the sidelines, and C&G can't have that. They always have to be in the war on the winning side.

    They've been a bit more sophisticated in hiding their bandwagoning until now. That's probably because they lost Archon, and now have to replace him with people from ODN and International, two alliances who've never been good at hiding their bandwagoning.

    Post of the year. Well done, Haflinger. Well done.

  2. [quote name='rsoxbronco1' timestamp='1290211206' post='2517776']

    We rule the world.
    In no specific order.

    truly the only correct list

  3. GR has concluded it's election results only a little late. >_>

    Archon: Shamed
    Vice-Archon: Bart
    Minister of Foreign Affairs: Gn0x
    Minister of Defense: ff0000
    Minister of Finance: Sand- No, I'm just kidding, Sal Paradise.
    Minister of Internal Affairs: Cripple

    And of course, the most important of all.
    Minister of Trains: babyjesus (lol drai and pip)

    inb4 They elected Shamed again?!

  4. It would be quite sad for a foreign entity, like Athens, to tear apart a community like UED, no matter how much people hate UED.

    Every time you post I want to stab myself in the eye because whatever you say is so incredibly irrelevant and/or stupid. The membership and gov of UED did not want KDII leading the alliance. Considering he pretty much changed the charter on a whim and did whatever he wanted, I can't blame them at all. How is this at all relevant to destroying an alliance?


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