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Posts posted by boskosbigdawgs

  1. [quote name='Steinfeld' timestamp='1313434136' post='2781445']
    you still really didn't answer the question of how.... at all.

    Dont know how else it can be said. How bout this way.... You have King A, and King A rules alliance A, but also dictates policy and procedure for King B. King B then dictates what was said from King A to alliance B. The people of alliance B although they have King B are still under the direction and order of King A. Wouldnt one consider that both people of alliance A and alliance B would have a pretty good idea of how things are run by King A? See the hidden thing here is although King B "rules" alliance B, he really doesnt because he get's all the policy and procedure from King A. Make sense?

  2. [quote name='Cao Pai' timestamp='1313431862' post='2781425']
    In all honesty, however, VA being involved in the last war probably wouldn't have helped TPF at all.

    Well first off that point by itself isnt true. Look at it this way. If TPF has 100 nations (for sake of example) and for the example 98 are at 50K NS and 2 are at 10K NS. Take VA and say they have 4 nations all of which are at 10K NS. From Far away you can say that VA wouldnt help TPF, but looking up close they sure could. Their 4 nations could hit the aggressors on the 2 TPF nations and even helping just 2 nations is still helping the cause. Sure they wont effect an overall outcome per say but they sure could help.

  3. I do feel I must throw in a couple comments myself. Although I cant take credit for it's creation I was there darn near the beginning. VA was an alliance I once loved and served loyally. The days with Conner and Mrott as Lord Protectors were our glory days. I think both Mrott and Conner also summed it up best with what they said and there's no sense in essentially repeating what's already here. It was sad to see the demise of a once great alliance. To hear that Mankiller is Lord Protector of DB4D, well all I can say to that is, I cant believe that the lessons of VA are now going to take down another alliance. The only good thing to come from this is that the VA name will cease to exist, the shame that it began to represent will be gone.

  4. Well, the additional economic penalty as already noted does take away 50% of your income on top of any of the happiness penalties. Peace mode is not designed to be Club Med. You can squeak by, but it's not going to allow much in the way of new economic development.

    Interesting. Thank you Count Rupert. I didn't know that..... I knew Peace mode came with penalties just wasn't aware they were "that" severe.

    Admin: my apologies, this seems to turn out to be more of a Q&A than a bug....

  5. Global Radiation is also at the max. That decreases income as well as citizens.

    Yep, I've experienced that before and factored that in.... With my radiation cleanup it doesnt take away 50% of my income though.... Been there during the last great war.

  6. There it is

    Hmmm see I took that as the meaning the lines after it would apply... Like I said, I'm not new to peace mode, havent been in it in a while but dont ever remember taking a 50% hit like that. You may be right though, just may be a hidden faucet that isnt explained.

  7. Keep reading the text after the:

    it mentions something more. I don't remember what it was though....

    Well this is what it says:

    There is also an additional economic penalty on top of the population happiness penalty if your nation is in peace mode for more than 5 days. A nation in peace mode may not send foreign aid, however it will be allowed to continue to receive foreign aid. Nations that are in peace mode may purchase up to 2 navy vessels per day compared to nations that are in war mode who may purchase up to 5 navy vessels per day. In order to exit peace mode nations are required to collect taxes on the day that they wish to change out of peace mode.

    I guess I still dont see what would knock me down 50%. I've gone to peace mode before 7-10 days for a vacation and lost like $20-$30 or so but nothing like this.... That's what made me think it was a bug of some sort.

  8. Look up peace mode in the information index.

    This is a penalty that happens in peace mode after 5 days.


    Yep, and I show it as this:

    4 days = -3 population happiness

    6 days = -5 population happiness

    8 days = -6 population happiness

    10 days = -7 population happiness

    12 days = -8 population happiness

    14 days = -9 population happiness

    I dont see how -5 happiness turns into over 50% of your economy though, at my size.... Am I missing something? :)

  9. I'm just curious, I'm by no means new to the game, and may have certainly missed something but for the life of me cant figure it out. Yesterday I was in Peace mode. Normally my "Avg. Individual Income Taxes Paid Per Day" Is approx. $125 or so. So yesterday in day 6 of peacemode, I made NO changes in any way to my country. I know that I should have received a happiness penalty. BUT my Avg. Individual Income Taxes Paid Per Day dropped 50% down to ~$60. So now I'm militarized, I'm aware of GRL, over populating military and the guerilla camps but I'm still at $60. This doesnt seem right, especially yesterday when I was in peace mode with no excess military, defcon 5, and no guerilla camps. There is another member in my alliance with the same issue as me... I dont know of anything that would drop your income well over 50%. Could it be a bug? Or am I just missing something.....

    My nation link is: http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_d...ation_ID=151403

    Also I've got no new events that could have caused this....

    My normal income of ~6 mil per day dropped to ~1 mil due to this, which is devastating....

    Thanks in advance and sorry if I did miss something and am acting like a noob. :)

  10. I've never posted here on the CN forums and I figured I owed it to Lord Jay, for this to be my first post. I like many of you who have already posted just dont have words. I'm not an avid user of Live Chat but the last 2 times I was on, a few weeks ago, he was always quick to give me a hello. Anytime I was on it almost seemed like he "found" me :). He was a great guy and I really enjoyed our conversations. I'm not going to proclaim to have had the relationship that many of you had with him but I'm going to miss him. This is by far the worst news anyone could ever hope for. SSSW18, and real life family and friends my thoughts and prayers go out to you!

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