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Posts posted by Aaric

  1. Not really. I am mostly disappointed at the hypocrisy of the Polar of today. You claim to be martyrs and this war is unjust, yet Polaris herself is guilty of the same crimes you are so vocally against. Did FIST deserve what they got for a simple joke. Did NADC deserve what they got for "Breathing our air"? Did CIN deserve to die because Azra was tired of being harassed.

    Yeah, I helped with most of those causes and I have the blood of the innocents on my hands as well. But don't pretend that Polaris is completely virtuous in her endeavors. The shoe is on the other foot now and it's time to settle disagreements on the battle field.

    wow how quickly your hypocrosy switches sides Fupresti i do not say much on these forums but you were in a position to change the "culture" you say you now hate and yet you were gung ho about it, to now come in and criticize us because your on the larger side, it made me have to respond. i will not justify wars of Polaris's past but i ask you when TORN is on the other side of the barrell will you be posting the same things about them that you are about us? for I assume you will do your best to run from any ship which is not in clear water.

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