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Posts posted by GorgothianFury

  1. Admirable, but sadly, this won't change much. -_-

    Only because these happen one at a time, and are severely disorganized. If everyone took a stand at once it would be a totally different picture.

    But that won't happen because it would require (insanely conservative guestimate here) at least a month to organize.

    NOTHING can be kept secret on Bob for a whole month. Not from Pacifica.

    So, these will keep happening. And a few unfortunate nations will lose a couple infra, and then be aided until the infra is re-bought.

    And a few noble nations will burn for nothing.

  2. Before I begin, I must emphasize that these viewpoints in no way, shape, or form are the official stance of my alliance. I speak for myself and myself alone. If you have an issue with it, take it up with me. Please leave fellow RoKers out of it.

    First and foremost, I feel I must introduce myself. Despite the fact that I have been playing for fewer than 2 months now, I still tend to be rather “old school” in my approach to these subjects. I am speaking as a gentleman and a scholar.

    Raiding is an art form that seems to have been lost. The raid was originally about tech and land, although since the technology is far more important (and the original reason for the raid) it was called “Tech Raiding.” Just as the Italian Mafia was very much respected in America, for committing the same crimes that modern gangs (Bloods, Crips, Latin Kings, etc.) are despised for today, the difference is how you go about it. Suave, graciousness, and most importantly, respect for the target. Without the target, you would not be able to raid. You must respect the fact that the target is available to raid. If you make a point of demolishing your raiding target, there is a chance that they will quit the game, they may join an alliance, or, at the very least, they will be greatly diminished in their ability to rebuild.

    As a raider, you WANT your target to rebuild. If they rebuild, then they will make for an excellent target later on in your raiding career, and even if they are out of your range by then, they will be available for someone else in your alliance, or one of your friends, to hit.

    Raiding is NOT about the destruction of another’s nation. If you wish to test your military prowess, then it is a full out war.

    While raiding, ground attacks are the only attacks necessary. If you have spies, and the ability, maybe you will wish to use a Spy Attack in order to change their DEFCON setting so that you lose fewer soldiers, and or perform an Intelligence Gathering mission so as to find out exactly what monetary gains are possible.

    But bombing runs, cruise missiles, and especially nuclear missiles are COMPLETELY unnecessary and uncalled for. Instead of going full out, rather try introducing yourself to your target. After you declare war, why not send them a message informing them of your intent.

    This message is NOT intended as blackmail, although it can be used as leverage. Tell your target that you are raiding, and do not intend to use any “larger” weapons against their nation. Encourage them not to escalate, as their doing so will force your hand to do the same. This way they know that despite the fact that you intend very little relative harm, you mean business, and will not tolerate escalation. Since you want the target to remain a “none,” you do not want to give them any reason to join an alliance, or especially to leave the game. Along with your Declaration of Intentions, include that you are willing to grant peace. All they need to do is ask. At that point, walk away. Let the nation rebuild. Do not re-declare, as this will only increase the feelings of malice that have been planted by the original attack.

    Since a raid is not intended to crush a nation, there is no need for multiple people to attack a single target. This is overkill, and quickly reduces what the target has to offer. If two or even three nations are all attacking one nation two times per day, the defending nation’s soldiers will quickly become depleted, and a smart ruler will refuse to purchase more soldiers, meaning that you will soon be able to do nothing but destroy that which you originally intended to harvest, COMPLETELY defeating the purpose or raiding in the first place.

    Some very beneficial relationships can be developed if you have open lines of communication with a raid target. Since you were willing to go to war for technology, they know that you are willing to pay. This may encourage them to sell to you for a reduced price, while you in return agree to help their nation with any diplomatic pull you may have. This will ensure that you have a steady flow of technology, and will help reduce their chances of being attacked by another nation. Both rulers benefit, and both countries grow.

    Raiding does not need to be a disorderly and messy ordeal. It can be fun. It can give you a chance to test your diplomacy instead of simply your brute strength.

    And remember: Attacking a nation that is already being raided proves nothing about your ability to wage war. It simply proves that you are capable of following the masses and slaughtering those who are outnumbered and outmanned. If you wish to prove yourself, find a fully armed target who is twice your size, and then go to town. Send them a Declaration of Intent, and encourage their participation in your training exercise. Chances are they will laugh when they size you up, and all will have fun.

    This is just a game people. Play it, but play it with wit, with charm, and with character.

    -Gorgothian Fury

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