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JD Storm

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Posts posted by JD Storm

  1. [quote name='BlkAK47_002' timestamp='1289281108' post='2507363']
    The fact that we come up in nearly every political debate actually makes us quite popular. In fact you seem to pop up when ever one of us posts and ranting about one thing or another more than Steve Buscemi. I think you might even be able to challenge him for the " NPO Groupie of the Year Title "

    On serious note,If were are so damn irrelevant, STOP TALKING ABOUT US
    MK has evidence? i find that laughable.

  2. [quote name='JD Storm' timestamp='1281398189' post='2408648']
    it's been well over 24 hours, since i got into a war with another nation. the game won't allow me to use my nukes on him. unless the 24 hour period is for all war slots, then i don't get why this isn't working for me.
    got it working now.

  3. [quote name='JD Storm' timestamp='1281398189' post='2408648']
    it's been well over 24 hours, since i got into a war with another nation. the game won't allow me to use my nukes on him. unless the 24 hour period is for all war slots, then i don't get why this isn't working for me.
    got it working now.

  4. it's been well over 24 hours, since i got into a war with another nation. the game won't allow me to use my nukes on him. unless the 24 hour period is for all war slots, then i don't get why this isn't working for me.

  5. i've seen no serious coordination from our enemies, as of yet. unless they pull their heads out of their backsides, this war won't last long.

    to those of you that see the assault on NSO for what it is, spread the word. turn the tables on the true alliance of evil. don't let this miscarriage of justice carry on.

  6. the first question should've had the option "i expect to be neutral and i don't care what happens". that's essentially how i feel.

    unless i'm attacked or an ally of mine is attacked, i won't be getting involved in this war.

    i would like to see this become destructive. could make things interesting.

    This war is like watching 2 ugly dudes in thongs wrestling in a pig pen. It's sick and wrong on a lot of levels, both sides are full of crap, and you want to look away but it is mildly entertaining.
    i'll drink to that.
  7. i think i came around a matter of weeks before GW3. i pretty much knew by the way things were going that sh*t was going to hit the fan, soon....though, nobody seemed to know when. while i don't have the benefit of seeing how things were during GW2 or earlier, it seemed like far less politics were needed then, as opposed to now. it was more postering (sp?).

    between GW3 & the Karma War, i saw a lot of the standard chest beating. yet, when it came time to actually come to blows, i usually got the guys that didn't put much effort into the fighting. after 1 day of fighting, in both wars, most of my opponents pretty well just sat there & took it.

    i don't know if there's something in the game mechanics that make it less appealing to fight or it's an issue with alliances getting the proper moral with their people to put up a good fight.

    i'd have to agree with the thought that recovery time needs to be sped up, so we don't have to wait so long for a new war to take place.

    i've definately noticed the point that people are less willing to fight, unless the odds are overwhelmingly in their favor. if there was a good reason to go to war, i'd take the necessary lumps....no matter how bad it hurts.

  8. i'm not sure if this is merely a question or if this is a bug, so i'll ask away anyway. i recently changed my government from Capitalism to Monarchy. if i saw the government types right, there should've been some kind of land bonus with Monarchy. yet, when i looked over at my improvements buying area, i'm suddenly down an improvement slot.

    why is that? will i regain that improvement slot if i change to something different, such as a Democracy?

  9. i'm working on my 2nd year on CN. i have to admit that this has been a wonder time, so far. used to play !@#$%*, for awhile. it never compared to CN.

    admin, you've done an excellent job around here. anything that can keep my interest for this long must be awesome!

  10. Scholars is not tech dependent. It is dependent on literacy rate, found in the extended nation display(it must be over 90%).

    After looking at the Resource Calculator Tool, your friend should be receiving Steel, Scholars, Construction, Microchips, Radiation Cleanup, Asphalt, Automobiles, and Beer. Of that, he has Steel and Beer.

    Scholars, as was said, needs 90% literacy rate.

    Construction requires more than 5 tech.

    Microchips requires more than 10 tech

    Radiation Cleanup requires more than 15 tech.

    Asphalt requires Construction.

    Automobiles requires Asphalt.

    So, to get all 8 resources, he will need more than 15 tech and a 90% literacy rate. He currently has no technology.

    Here is the Information Index section on resources and trades.

    now i understand what the problem is. i never realized that the stuff was tech dependant, in most cases.

  11. okay, i'm still trying to get help for a trading partner. in the last thread i had, i didnt get much of an answer to the problem. i checked once more & the remaining bonus resources he should be getting aren't showing up. only 1 resource, the scholars, is tech dependant. the rest should be showing up. 7 resources should actually be showing up.

    my partner's at this link:


    i wouldn't be asking still, but i didn't get much of an explanation in the last thread, before it got locked.

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