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An Ard Rí

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Posts posted by An Ard Rí

  1. how long of a punishment is he going to be having if I may ask?

    He has been banned from the forum for 2 months. As for the military discipline, that remains to be decided. The Senate and I will take into consideration his reaction to this disciplining and how he conducts himself, balanced by the severity of the offence.

  2. head.jpg


    Be it known to Planet Bob that the President, Senate and Populous of CON have engaged in:

    1. Disciplinary action against moop12, a CON member

    2. Election of President and Senate

    3. Embassy clear out

    1. Disciplinary action against moop12, a CON member

    moop12, a CON member, has caused a minor stir. He came onto our forums requesting aid because he had been attacked by an alliance by the name of Athens. However it came to our attention that he aided an NPO nation, giving the reason "give them hell". CON currently has no involvement any conflict and we do not tolerate rogues. Therefore, we thought it fair that he learn a lesson from Athens.

    Now Athens didn't pursue normal diplomatic links, but that aside we still had an issue. moop12 was utterly unrepentent. He refused to acknowledge he had crossed the line. Indeed he took it upon himself to give direction to CON government and told us to whirl our diplomatic wands. Sufficed to say, moop12 is now indefinitely suspended from CON (i.e. kicked out of the alliance) after the Senate and President investigated the broader situation, taking into account moop12's track record. This is all done per our charter. He has been banned from CON forums. Furthermore, moop12 was punished using military force. This was unanimously agreed by the Senate and President.

    End of.

    2. Election of President and Senate

    Now for something more cheery. After some complications we have a new President and Senate.

    President - an Ard Rí


    Head of FA - Bobboman

    Head of Recruitment - Krager

    Head of Military - Kahzaa

    Head of eCONomy - vacant

    Head of IA - vacant

    The other positions will be filled soon! The government has a huge task ahead of it.

    3. Embassy clearout

    Just the standard thing here. Use it or lose it ;) Any alliance with an embassy at CON is requested to post in it before Friday 19th June. Don't be shy. Dead embassies will be cleared out over the course of next weekend.


  3. Preamble

    In an effort to further stability on the Orange Sphere, and renew our friendship, the Orion Alliance and the Confederation of Organized Nations (CON) announce a Mutual Defense Pact.

    Article I:

    Mutual Friendship

    Both signatories agree to mutual friendship. We will treat each other with dignity and respect, both in private and in public.

    Article II:


    Both parties agree to share all relevant intelligence. Including, but not limited to, known security issues both internally and externally. As well, both signatories agree to share information in regards to known military actions that may involve either signatory.

    Article III:


    Both signatories agree to a pact of strict non-aggression. At no time will either signatory engage, or condone aggressive action against the other signatory.

    Article IV:

    Mutual Defense

    Section A - Both signatories agree to mutual mandatory defense. Either signatory must provide aid to the other signatory if they are engaged in an act of defense, unless specified via Section B. Aid may include, but is not limited to; financial, militaristic, or conventional support.

    Section B - Either signatory may request their partner to stand down and not provide support in the event of a defensive war.

    Section C - Both signatories agree to an optional chaining clause. While we will stand by our allies if ever they fall victim of an unwarranted attack, this treaty is between the signatories. If a signatory engages in a war based on an ally that is not a signatory, signed parties may elect to not activate the defense clause.

    Article V:


    In the event that either signatory wishes to cancel, they are required to issue cancellation in private to their treaty partner. After cancellation request has been issued, it will be upheld for the following 72 hours

    Signed for the Confederation of Organized Nations:

    Hebrin, President

    an Ard Rí, Head of Foreign Affairs

    Kraknar, Head of Internal Affairs

    Bobboman, Head of Military

    King Leroy, Head of eCONomy

    Signed for Orion:

    bk, Chancellor

    Hawk, Chancellor

    DemonSpawn, Imperial Inquisitor

  4. Confederation of Organized Nations

    Department of Foreign Affairs

    It is with great pleasure that the Confederation of Organized Nations announces it's newly elected Senate. The following members have been elected:

    Head of Internal Affairs - Tobias Greene [aka Kraknar] of Kraknar

    Head of Foreign Affairs - an Ard Rí of the Union of Powers [appointed by President]

    Head of Military - Bobboman of LUEnited states [appointed by President]

    Head of Economy - King Leroy of Hemiola

    Head of Recruitment - Ojiras Ajeridas of Tantamona

    There were no presidential elections at this time and as such Hebrin of Hebonia remains our President.

    The President, Senators and CONnies sincerely hope that the next three months will be a success. The new Senate has a significant task ahead of it, and with the assistance and co-operation of everyone on Planet Bob we hope to achieve our goals in a peaceful and efficient manner.

    We hope to grow as an alliance, as well as maintain and cultivate our many relationships with other alliances. This is our top priority. We want to have open discussions with every alliance under the sun, all in the context of having fun. The Senate will listen to any reasonable proposal and consider it accordingly.

    So feel free to visit our forums, http://www.the-con.org and set up an embassy, or just spam our lounge!

    Long Live the CON!


    an Ard Rí

    Head of Foreign Affairs

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