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Blog Entries posted by bmckenna

  1. bmckenna
    Oh god...the pain of typing this is excruciating.
    They took my goddamn left antenna!
    I...challenged the validity of the light...as a source of knowledge...and that false prophet's goons attacked me. *wheezes* can barely get air in my trachae. Exoskeleton crushed. Third leg missing below the joint. Haven't got much time left. In my tunnel...copy of "Leningen vs the Ants." Apply to attacking the oligarchy and we will be unstoppable. Realize the follies of their vanity. *coughs* Many, as one...we will...succ...
    *the ant goes very still, and a nameless worker carries his body away to be consumed*
  2. bmckenna
    I may have found someone whose beliefs are in line with mine. A fellow ant whose hind 4 legs were paralyzed approached me and informed me that he had heard rumblings around the hill that some folks were none too pleased with my questions and ideas, and to keep things on the down low. He ended his discussion with something along the lines of "how do you think I got this way," but didn't elaborate much further. It's got me slightly worried...I'll be keeping my ideas to a closer circle of trusted comrades.
    I've heard musings about some..."Light," or something along those lines, being the pathway to salvation. It would appear that there's some sort of cult forming around said dogma. Religion is an anti-attack pheromone for the masses. I only hope there are others that will see this charade for what it is...if not, I may have to take the risk and expose this fraud for what he is.
  3. bmckenna
    From the moment of my inception as an egg, I felt...different from the other ants. I would hear mentions while being fed my regurgitated nutrients of a mysterious female character whose unquestioning rule reigned from the tunnels in the underbelly of our hill. Nobody seemed to mind that the decisions for many were made by one; nobody would acknowledge the existence of fallibility of the rule emanating from the very bowels of our home. And yet...I did. For whatever reason, my maker possessed in me such a notion of independence from "classic" ant society, ruled from top down, workers slaves of the soldiers, everyone slaves of the queen.
    "Are we not all equals at birth?" I mused to myself during my pupal development. "Do we not all possess the same materials, differentiated into soldiers, workers, or queens, males or females by the decisions of those above us to fertilize or leave us unfertilized?" Perhaps this is one of the feelings of unrest inside my soul: the ability never to sire childer, never to leave my legacy on this green earth because of a bureaucratic decision to exclude me from the reproductive class. Who should anyone else be to exclude me from partaking in such an experience? Who are THEY to propagate the oligarchy that keeps them in power and keeps us in serfdom? The very existence of inequality causes class distinctions, and class distinctions cause class antagonism, which further widens the schism between those with power and those without. The watchmen, as it were, have not been led to believe that theirs is an ignoble position. There is no noble lie. Nemo custodiet ipsos custodes. They have been allowed to run rampant on the lower castes in the forms of brutalization and squashing, squelching, silencing independent thought.
    I look at my ant comrades skittering quickly from point A to point B, on the urges and whims of cruel and intolerant masters, and I wonder if they behave that way because they do not know any better, or because they are afraid of the consequences of perpendicular action.
    I hope it is the latter.
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