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Posts posted by arani

  1. [quote]I didn't imply anything. Just gave advice based on a hypothetical situation in which I also stated I lacked knowledge of some of the specifics. I also specifically said "those nations that, like Andover, had left the alliance" meaning that they are not loyal to WAPA anymore. I'm not going to counter anything you say as you should know far more than me on the matter considering that is your alliance. I do not question the loyalty of any of your members, and as a matter of fact I myself have been witness to the amount of loyalty some of your members have. They are good people, that just happen to be on the opposing side of the war from me.[/quote]

    I am sorry, it seems I misunderstood your earlier post. I thought that you were suggesting that he actively recruit from WAPA POW's and even from WAPA members themselves. I see that you weren't. Andover is welcome to any former members of WAPA he can get, but don't be actively recruiting from loyal members, that's a universal no-no.

    [quote]AndyMac didn't seem to have a problem with ERA mediating talks when we were all in the same room earlier. I don't recall you being there.

    GUN certainly appreciates Andover and ERA mediating, as in my experience having a neutral mediator helps a great deal with advancing the pace of talks past the inevitable breakdowns in communications. Regardless of the outcome of these talks, having open communications is always a positive thing, and Andover has gained my respect for furthering that end.[/quote]

    I agree that open communication is always good, and WAPA is always glad to talk. But you might understand that sentiment in WAPA is rather biased against Andover, seeing as he abandoned WAPA in a time of need, and is now somewhat trying to stick his nose into business again.

  2. /me shakes head

    [quote]currently ERA is acting as an intermediary to broker peace between WAPA , and its allies and those engaged against them and a time has been scheduled.[/quote]

    ERA has not been asked by WAPA to be a peace broker, nor has ERA been asked by any of the other involved alliances as far as I know.

    [quote]WAPA de-masks their POW from the forum and doesnt really consider them members and I have made an effort to reach out to other WAPA POW to join my alliance.[/quote]

    Demasking POW's is a standard practice in alliances, especially WAPA, since it became one of the CB's for the second shark war. We still considered you a member of the alliance until after you resigned, but seriously, do you really think that we're going to let you run for minister of defense if you surrender after 2 days of fighting?

    [quote]This is just me answering to the topic of the thread, just an idea for you to consider. You could consider recruiting from WAPA members that left the alliance after/during the war, like yourself. I don't know how WAPA handles surrender cases, but if some good people you know are now without and alliance you could try to get a few to join.[/quote]

    Most, and I would venture all current POW's from WAPA, (Andover excepted of course), are loyal members, who surrendered because they were unprepared for this war,and wanted to be more capable of rebuilding WAPA and our allies after the war. So you'll excuse me if I tell you to bug off.

    The above aside, good luck to you in the future ERA.

  3. Recently, a friend of mine came over and decided to create a nation. We created it on another computer then the one I use to play. But we didn't realize that the system monitors network IP's only. I was trying to send him a aid offer when I discovered that that was a problem. He is going to delete his nation as soon as he can, and create a new one on his network. If he does that, will he be in violation of any rules? And will I be able to send him aid?

    Thanks for the help.

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