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Posts posted by Kitler

  1. [quote name='Comrade Craig' timestamp='1292879821' post='2546989']
    There's a lot of misinformation and flat-out stupidity in this thread that must be addressed.

    Firstly, this is not a moralistic war. INT is not taking a stand against tech-raiding. Our bylaws permit and regulate it, so if we were to fight a war against it we would be waging a war against ourselves. We are fighting because the DF AA is under INT (and TPE, and Fark) protection during the disbandment and relocation process. NEW has refused to accept our protection as legitimate and refused to take corrective steps. Therefore we're at war. It is perhaps the most traditional casus belli in the history of Planet Bob. We are not charting new territory here. All claims to the contrary rely on some of the most twisted and bizarre logic I've ever had the misfortune to encounter.

    Secondly... Does this the whole "even fight" argument ever get old? This is not a boxing match or a sporting event. Blood is being spilled on the battlefield, and our coalition will use every weapon in its arsenal to ensure victory. [i]We[/i] chose the alliances to deploy and the timing of the attacks because it suited [i]us[/i]. We are under no obligation to adopt a losing strategy simply to placate a few loudmouths who cling to the false notion of a fair fight.

    Lastly, has it ever occurred to any of you that the "equal" or "fair" fight that you demand is perhaps the most vicious, lengthy, and damaging kind? Evenly matched sides will wage a bloody fight. When one side has overwhelming force, the opposition is quickly pacified.

    We are not conquerors or aggressors. This is not a war to destroy NEW.


    Thank you for posting this.

    o/ TPE
    o/ INT
    o/ FARK

  2. [quote name='Reagan' date='10 February 2010 - 01:31 PM' timestamp='1265826701' post='2172869']
    Time for my 2 cents. All I can say is that this is awesome for GUN. Soon, we'll reveal our new Constitution and government structure, along with the first elected officials under that structure. We decided this would be a year of rebuilding and growth for GUN. Our objectives are to thrust ourselves back into the political climate and become more involved in the world. If it begins with a curbstomp on us, so be it. We won't walk away without attention or respect for defending our allies. We've been beaten down before and we've stumbled, but we've never fell.

    Onwards and upwards GUN! o/

    *Never thought I'd see myself on the opposing side of ODN but that's how the treaty web works. Personally, I will always respect those guys regardless of this battle. :wub:

    Reagan (Gabe Logan)

    I have the utmost respect for you guys. Good luck on the battlefield. =)

  3. The great epoch which for years we awaited has now begun. MOON is awake now....

    We have in our Movement developed this loyalty in following the leader, this blind obedience of which all the others know nothing and which gave to us the power to surmount everything. For years we were assailed; the attempt was made to bend and break us by cunning, chicanery, and violence, by malice and terror, by everything imaginable. But this instrument of blind obedience remained unbroken, remained steadfast. All we endured was but tests from which we emerged stronger than ever.

    In addition we have fostered the virtue of bravery. Today many are pouring into our ranks. But the greater part of them must learn now what this army has practiced for years; they must all learn to face what thousands of our comrades have faced, and have paid for with their blood, their lives.

    We have succeeded out of our own free wills in once more inculcating in our people the courage which dares to attempt a task in the face of a world of foes.

    We have also utilized the virtue of persistence, of unwavering patience....

    It was this virtue which made you, and therefore us, unconquerable, and which saved the nation. Years of struggle, it seems as though fate had saved up so terribly many victims especially for the last year of the struggle. It was a terribly sad time, and I know how hard it was for many to keep their faith that after all the hour would come at last. We almost doubted justice and providence.

    Then came the turning point.

    Once more many doubted, and some even were beaten down by their doubt. And then came the time when we had to say 'No,' when for the first time it seemed that the way to power was opening before us, tempting us: and yet despite this we had to remain hard and say 'No, it is not possible in that way.' And for a second time the doors seemed to open and for the second time we had to say 'No, impossible.' And then at the third time the hour came and that was given to us which we could not but desire, which we had a right to desire, and at last the Movement entered into the great period of its historic action....

    I can say with pride, comrades, that if every MOON Knight now was possessed by the spirit which is in us and in you, then MOON would be indestructible.

    May God Almighty give our work His blessing, strengthen our purpose, and endow us with wisdom and the trust of our people, for we are fighting not for ourselves but for the good of Cybernations.

    For all of those who have been betrayed by this great treachery, for all of those who have been forced to remain silent, for all of those who have been wrongly accused, for those who have given their lives to this movement, we shall prevail. We fight for the honor and glory of our people. We fight to fix the injustices that have been wrought upon us by our enemies. We will not back down, not anymore! The time is now comrades, join us to defeat these infidels!

    I promise you that our names will be celebrated for as long as Cybernations lives on...

    For Justice!

    For Honor!

    For Glory!

    To Battle!

    o/ Victory!

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