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Posts posted by Masvidal

  1. .......take a look at your sig, and tell me was FAN an ally?

    Yes, way long ago FAN was an ally, but perhaps if you actually knew why we went to war-- I doubt you would of made as ill-informed of a statement as you did.

    You dug deep and found an excuse for FAN,

    Whats funnier is how you think we looked for an excuse to go to war with FAN. I guess its trendy to hop on the anti-order bandwagon, can I follow that trend too? I highly recommend you go actually read the thread.

    you abandoned GOONS and threw them to the wolves,

    Yes, we definitely did, even though the UJP admitted in a huge thread they were planning to cause our downfall for months. I guess you missed the memo.

    GPA is now in your line of sight,

    Yes, read the opening thread. Is it that hard to understand?

    and now IRON is in the special seat. Ally or not it makes no difference they will be next.

    What put IRON in the special seat? What are you even talking about? That makes no sense whatsoever. We're too close.

    Wait, are you trying to say that the NPO has never turned on an ally?

    Please link me the thread where we declared war on an ally and backstabbed them where they did nothing to us. I'll view it posthaste.

  2. Well let's see GPA is done. BYE BYE IRON you're next on the chopping block.

    Yes, thats correct. The NPO is going to secretly attack IRON. You've hit the nail on the head right there good sir. I mean, it only makes sense! Turn on an ally! Just like the New Pacific Order turned on the GPA.

    I mean, hell, that MADP we had with the GPA was totally amazing and wrong of us to reverse all that.

    Watch the hell out IRON, he has foiled our plan. We are coming for you!

    Step 1: Attack GPA

    Step 2: While attacking GPA, send all troops against IRON

    Step 3: ?????

    Step 4: PROFIT!

    Congrats cryophonic, you've stated the obvious. :jihad:

  3. Neutrality means having to say you are sorry..again..and again...and again...and again...and again...

    Thats implying Neutrals keep screwing up, which shouldn't be the case...

    especially if they are neutral.

    Note: I know everyone messes up; but this much?

  4. It's also the failure of The Orders.

    Yes, clearly that too.

    And before farung (hopefully) decides to quit the game.

    He won't if he scavenges threads like these.

    Heh, even I wouldn't quit if I was making 30+ page threads :P

    Personally I think IC its enjoyable to have the entire world against you, and gives you something to fight for; thus making it fun for Farung.

  5. This kind of failure can only be attained by one CN individual...















  6. I got Tech Raided all the time by various group, mini-alliances, coalitions, RL friends and such. one thing that all tech-raiders have in common is that they all do the following

    What the hell? Your friends raided you?

    What kind of friends :/

    I know its a game, but there are tons of other targets out there.

    Unless they're really close friends and you don't get mad at this sorta stuff :awesome:

  7. In some fashion, we are playing the game the way the admin wanted to play it.

    Also, on top of it, many people will feel this as a failure because of what happened on the Yellow sphere. I'm sure this time there will be activty in the diplomatic corps, and the NPO will always sort out any problems diplomatically first.

  8. Didn't your guys say it took 10m to message the entire of the red team.

    So now that you've messaged them at least 3 times....30m.

    1) Im sure it took you much longer to compile the list of people to message then ours did.

    2) Continue to dodge the above posts responses. You know you are wrong, and I'm sure your pants got wet over some of the responses in this thread.

    Prove me wrong, rebuttal now. I need a good laugh.

    "hay guies!!1 if i ignore der posts it'wil go away un its own!111one" :awesome:

  9. I don't see your logic.

    So if a bully tells a smaller kid to give him $10 and the smaller kid refuses so he gets hit in the face, it's the smaller kid's fault for getting hit in the face? Or better yet, it's the kid's fault for not being bigger and stronger. Wow, great to know you think this way.

    How about this. A person is working at a 7-11. A robber comes in and shoots the person. It's the person's fault for getting shot and for choosing to work at a 7-11. The robber deserves all the money he steals, right? That's what you think?

    How about this. A lion completely dominates a monkey. Its not the monkeys fault evolution hated him?

    On your pointless troll topic: If that dumb kid wanted revenge he could get stronger, take karate, or do anything to combat it.

    So how about you get out of peace mode and combat us?

    Oh wai--

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