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Posts posted by stevent37

  1. The game is boring, I really think that is the bottom line. There really isn't any tactics involved. This is the only game I have ever played were geography or time have no relevance on what is going on. After u reach a certain level economy really isn't even a factor anymore. I can attack someone next to me just as fast as I can attack someone a million miles away. There is no movement involved, no way to gain tactical advantage over a superior foe or even to retreat. Its just stagnant and boring. I play two other games online and in both if your foe is a significant distance away you know when they are coming and have time to tactically prepare defense or retreat. It makes it interesting VS wake up the next day and find the guy on the other side of the planet has put u in anarchy and there is nothing u can do about it.

    Its interesting for about a couple of months but after 3 months anyone who just glances at the forum knows everything there is to know including best build, best fighting tactics, etc etc. Everyone does the same stuff because the game is to simple. I don't even read the this board anymore except once in a great while. Whats the point?

    As a lot of folks have already stated there is really no way to become a important player except to play for years and even then you stay insignificant forever regardless of what u do because the big guys are so far ahead of you.

    To make the game relevant again will require a major over haul of the whole system IMHO. There needs to be something for a player to do daily besides log in, collect taxes, pay bills, and check tech deals. That is all I have done for the last year. I bet this is what most people do. There has to be at least the hint of real world tactics to the game, something that makes a player think.

  2. Although I agree with most of you said, you should understand that, more of games are dominated for those are fanatics for it, I used to play MMORPGs and people who play 12-14hrs per day are who rule the game, is a good choice lost your real life time to rule in a game? Not for me but this is a fact, when you say "The amount of posters on the Main board make up a considerably smaller percentage." I agree with you but those who post here are who decide the future of all alliances so, if you not participe you can't whine if your nation or alliance is crushed for dominating powers of CN.

    I Hear you. There will always be those that go overboard.

    However I am in three other rp games (also in wolfpack BTW) and in none of the other games is the level of OOC stuff that affects IC stuff what it is in this game.

    I also dont know off any other game where simply disagreeing with someone on the main board is reason enough to get run out of the game. This is counetr productive to the game community and the game itself growing.

    No one should have the power to eliminate a player except the creator/owner

  3. Posters on the main cn Board IMHO have an over inflated sense of there own importance as it relates to the game. This isn't a dig at anyone just an observation. The entire list of sanctioned alliances represent less than 1/6 of the people playing this game. The amount of posters on the Main board make up a considerably smaller percentage. I would think 1/10 is a gross exaggeration as most post contain the same folks from the same alliances.

    GW III happened and statistically its probably accurate to say most people playing the game where not involved and a huge portion didn't even no it was going on. It isn't for lack of great wars the game is hurting.

    IMO what's hurting the game is the fanatics. The same people post over and over again shouting down anyone that has a differing opinion. These same people live, sleep, eat, and breath CN. These are the same people that create all this OOC drama that most people that signed up for the game don't want anything to do with.

    Although I would like to keep my discussion academic I will use myself as a planet bob example. Since this whole wolfpack think has started this is what I have seen.

    People impersonating other people in IRC

    Real life friends screen shooting a "private" IRC conversation between each other and using that as an excuse to start an IC war.

    I had my real world email addy that I use for business posted on the main CN board.

    I had someone call my house and ask for me by my in game rank. You just don't know weird until you hear, "hello is the Beta there?" on your answering machine.

    We have had people change our wiki page to add disgusting comments about animal sex.

    We had our community message board attacked.

    The list goes on.

    There are way to many fanatics in CN playing that really take this thing way to seriously. When the war kicked off I noticed the same people in our IRC channel so one day I did something I never do. I checked the IRC channel before I went to work then during my lunch break at work, then again before I went to bed. 70% of the same people where there all three times I checked. That kind of fanaticism, devotion, or whatever you want to call it to a game isn't healthy in a real world sense.

    Fanatics turn normal people off. Regardless of the outcome of the wolfpack war many of our members will not be returning to CN for just this reason. Until this is fixed the game will continue to bleed members to other games that don't have real world stalkers in it IMHO.

  4. The game dropped below 31k nations today for the first time since I started playing over a year ago.

    Board drama involves a minority playing the game. Most of the posts on the CN board are from the major alliances, they make up less than half the numbers of the ingame players.

  5. Lot of blurring of the lines here.

    SID = wolfpack group dedicated to buying ingame spys in case of wars rogues whatever. INGAME SPYS, not OOC spys as in plants in other alliances

    If anyone is saying something is wrong with that then your saying there is something wrong with anyone who buys ingame spys for there nation.

    Confusion arises as some are lumping the spys you can purchase in game with the OOC spys that would be a plant in another alliance.

    We do not, nor have we ever condond planting nations in other alliances for the purpose of "spying" on them.

    Why would we? we dont have any wierd plans of planet bob domination. We arent even big enough to be close to sanction.

    W have offered to let others roam our sid forum. Its my understanding they declined. We have nothing to hide.

    Edited for.......was gonna edit for spelling but its a lost cause, my spelling suxs and I am just going to have to live with that

  6. Good grief I just stumbled into the house after a good night of watching the sabers beat Toronto and downing a few and saw this.

    Suddenly you have a conscious??????? :rolleyes:


    Is it because you screwed over ed, xemnas me and all the other members that aided you, showed you respect, trusted you, spoke out for you, hanged out with you IRC and talked to you, shared our real lives with you etc over the last couple of months you where a member???????

    That would be nice but somehow I doubt that.......... what do u and your lemon head buddy have planned now, more," he said she said" fake drama?

    This is getting like a bad soap opera.

    People wonder why this bothers me so much. Well I will tell you. I had one pack member message me that he/she donated 11 times to this "game" that's $220 real dollars you cost them. I feel responsible for not protecting their investment. I feel real responsible. I let them down and publicly I apologize to every pack member from not removing this cancer from our midst.

    Don't think anyone of us is sucker enough to believe this is some kind of atonement. I am sure you and your real life-less buddy have started this thread to somehow throw even more blame on us

    My dearest wish is they run into you in real life and express there displeasure with you on a very personal basis.'

    As I said I have had a few so that's all I will say fort he night.

    Edited to add: Kindly remove wolfpack from your AA

  7. 2 points.

    1. Don't ever insult someone or their alliance directly with out checking on where it would possible to defend against them attacking you. Ref NPO Dow on GPA.


    "I am in a bigger alliance than you, the truth doesn't matter, I have no argument to counter yours so I will just threaten you untill you shut up or I will attack your alliance or threaten them untill they make you shut up.


    Thats how cn works now, all us little alliance guys get it...... Hell I am sure by now everyone gets it, that's why the thread has run its course.

    On a side note mega big props to The Big Bad for actually discussing the topic. While we are on different sides of the issue I appreciate your serious discourse and pertinent questions. Thank You.

    Now can I please get that lock mods? I have seen mods all over the board since I requested lock last night why haven't I got it?

  8. Our A game is the truth. Seems no one can dispute that. Thus you have our A game.

    It seems as I said in the beginning of this thread no one has anything to point to except a staged IRC convo between two real life friends. One that was expelled from the pack and had a grudge and another that said he was quitting, all the while pushing his tech and money into nations of the alliance he was supposed to be spying on. Later of course these nations where found out to be his multis.

    I have seen on this forum Wolfpack nations basically asking why are you doing this to us? The response has been "your government isn't telling you, Your government is incompetent etc."

    Wolfpack government has told them the same thing that has been said on this forum.

    "You where attacked because two real life college buddies staged an IRC conversation and that was enough for the powers that be to jump on you."

    They cant believe it, nor can I. But here we are 4 pages later and no one has come up with anything but that and a comment originally attributed to Wolfprince later found out to have come from someone else. A comment that even if Wolfprince said, anyone of 5 people 4 of whom admittedly don't like him could have told him. A comment that wasnt an act of war or ill will but a congratulations.

    That's not proof of anything except proof that college kids like to have fun.

  9. They both make references and your boy Wolfprince when shown the logs did not deny he said it, he just could not remember where he had got that info from. And as for you SID forums it might be better if you all go get your stories staight, some say they exist some say they are fake. You and al of Wolfpack should get together and settle on one story.

    No one said anything was fake except the charge that we had OOC spys. Darkmistress was given acess to the SID forum for goodness sake. Who are these spies? No one of course, If there where someone would have came forward by now.

    Everything leads back to the two real life college buddies. Theres no way around that.

  10. I wish this thread wouldn't have degenerated into NPO Vs Anti NPO.

    I think the OP made a decent point worth discussing

    No one should fault NPO for "winning" or being the current "winner" of the game. It isnt like they bribed the creator. In the same vain though they have been winning for so long it is kinda making the game dull.

    People even got tired of seeing the Bulls win after the third championship.

    There has to be a way to spice things up for everyone without saying the only alternative is punish the winners. Because, playing devils advocate here, who would want to play a game you where not allowed to win?

  11. Ah so you think an let me get this straight you have two buddies, one is spying on the others alliance, he then tells him he runs spy ops for Wolfpack, then they also involve IRON, California and TPF whom they ask for advice and help, of course being the master manipulators they trick IRON and the others into advising them to set up a sting, then they pretend to fall for the sting and then tell Wolfprince the info fed to them in the sting, some how he does not question where the info came from and even better they trick him into later forgetting where the info came from. They do this so it all unfolds over weeks, they even create a fake forum for the secret ops group they made up, or really exists, they are so smart they manage to confuse the Wolfpack gov on if it really exists or not. Then these masters confuse the Wolfpack gov so much that they keep giving different stories. Wow you got it these guys are good.

    They could have just done it the easy way and posted some screen shots of RoTs forums on Wolfpack boards and then sent screens of it to IRON and had them killed in a day or two. Instead they came up with a long twisted way of setting them up that took weeks. Oh yeah that is going to sell real well. How stupid do you think we all are?

    I already said, yes we do have A forum called SID, its alo in the logs in the convo I posted so where do you think I am trying to hide something? We have lot of forums if you want links I will supply them although that's been done before.

    The day this kicked off they said Wolfprince said the congrats, later it was revealed to be Wolfprincess. Two different people. Wolfprincess hasn't been a member of the pack for months. The other side is the side that finally said it was wolfprincess not wolfprince. As stated in my original post they didn't have logs, just copy and paste.

    Here we go with the spin again - your diplomacy or lack there of makes Bill N Ted sad :( (BNT has a high standard of diplomacy so maybe Im judging you unfairly; Ive recieved awards for it too! :awesome: )

    Can we stop with the 'he said she said' 'hes a friend; I dont trust him' 'blah blah blah BAAW' posts. How about you go and see the discussions myself and Wolfprince had last night..... Then maybe we can meet up tomorrow night; sit down and I can tear your arguments to shreds all over again in super slow'mo for the second time; get the logs off wolfprince; you have 24 hours to imagine/make up a convincing story; Ill see you tomorrow night on IRC? :awesome:

    I have posted my thoughts right here for all of planet Bob to see. I have nothing to hide and come armed only with the truth.

    You really need me in IRC so you can say:

    "You are spying"

    I say "no"

    and you say

    "What is sid"

    I say

    " it's our nations that have the most IC spys to be used in defense of the pack in times of war"

    and then you say

    "But why must they have there own forum????"

    then I say

    "We have a lot of forums, we are a gaming community" Then provide you with links to all our forums.

    I am not a diplomat and leave such matters to wolfprince. I speak bluntly and to the point. No flowery words.

    Rip my arguments to shreds right here in front of everyone, no slo-mo required. Be my guest, the people of Buffalonia and planet Bob await!

    My argument is simple. You started a war and ruined the game experience for over 216 nations over what you were told by two college kids that are real life friends. Nothing more, nothing less.

    If you dispute that then please rip away.

    Better yet show me all the nation spies you have caught that were part of this great network the Wolfpack was running. Drag them into the light. Shouldn't be hard. Who were these spies in NPO, IRON and all the major alliances?

    I was hoping for that. A real Salem witch hunt where you guys ZI a few of your own just to keep from admitting you where wrong.. It's been six days now surely someone as clever as yourself has caught them?

    A brief OOC comment. I am a grown man with a real job and a real life. I stayed up with you until 3 AM three days in a row over this. I have a life beyond the confines of Planet Bob kindly tone down the rhetoric particularly that craziness about crying. I don't cry over a game and I think you take yourself way too seriously in this game.

  12. And that little thing where Wolfprince mentions info only given to the spy as a part of the sting, how did that happened how again? I know the last story he was giving was he forgot how he got that info. How do you think he got it?

    I think he got it like I explained how he got it

    Them: It doesn't matter we have more proof!

    Me: Could I see it please??


    Copy and paste of Wolfprince saying congratulations or good luck (cant remember which) to Fox on an upcoming war with some alliance named California.

    Me: huh? what's that all about?

    Them: He shouldn't have known about that! Only 4 in Rot government knew about that. We set a trap for him and he fell for it!

    Me: Not to be disrespectful but how do you know one of those guys just didn't tell Wolfprince about this fake war before the conversation then screen shot him during the conversation saying congrats? As I said lurking and Fox are real life friends........you don't think fox would turn in his real life friend do you?

    Them: Don't be disrespectful this is proof!

    Me: you copied and pasted that can I see the screen shot?

    Them: We don't have a screen shot of that but its Proof!

    No matter how its spun. It all comes down to the same two real life buddys and the interaction between the two of them.

    Edited to add: it wasnt wolfprince who said congrats it was wolfprincess.

  13. DM is explaining their reasoning for war. Your point? This backs up none of what you said in your original post.

    Also, nothing along those lines is in any of the logs you posted.

    The point of this thread was the reason for war.... two real life friends having a chat in IRC one claiming to rat out his other real life friend. The one making the claim being the one that was expelled from wolfpack prior to his alleged ratting out of his real life friend.

    It says that clearly in the logs. I am genuinely puzzled what don’t you understand? :unsure:

  14. If your Wolfpack spin has failed in the past why use it some more?

    I am not a diplomat. I don't spin things. Although as I predicted this thread is full of great comments yet not one denies what I said took place.

    The onus shouldn't be on us to prove we didn't do something it should be on the other party to prove we did.

    OOC: The fact of the matter is 216 nations (thats 216 folks that spent time and effort developing their nations, some that donated to develop said nations) were attacked on the word of a one on one conversation between real life friends and the belief that one real life friend would rat out the other real life friend. I withhold my comments on why anyone would think a real life friend would rat out another real life friend over planet bob as that has already been discussed in the OOC section of the forum.

    Back to IC

    My apologies if my explanation of the events was seen as portraying the other people negatively. The conversation is presented the way it felt to me.

    I did not screen shoot what transpired that first night. Blame it on my lack of political savvy, my shock that this happened or maybe I just figured that this whole thing was so weak reasonable people would come to the conclusion that these accusations couldn't possibly be true. After examining the facts: such as the leader making the accusations being a real life friend of the guy the charges started with; or the fact that the person making the accusation was expelled from the very alliance he was accusing shortly before this incident. Coupled with the obvious question that should have been asked which is "why?" I figured this was just a big misunderstanding that would be settled shortly.

    I am a fast learner however and now after dealing with people whois-ing my IP, Vaders, Trolls, all the nutty anti-NPO, anti-IRON, and in general Anti-everyone people that are trying to talk to me everyday, I now carry a microphone and camera wherever I go.

    So, screen shots of another conversation verifying what I have said are indeed the reason all this started:




  15. Since the Wolfpack speaks thread got all OOC and Wolfprince wasn't online when all this happened. I would like for everyone to know what happened the night wolfpack was attacked. Its kind of long but belive it or not these are the cliff notes. The word for word discussion went well into the AM.

    I get a message in IRC our alliance is being attacked by the major powers in CN. I, or they( cant remember who) initiated discussion.

    Me: Why are your people attacking my guys

    Them: Your spy's!

    Me: No we aren't

    Them Yes you are and we have proof!

    Me: what proof? You cant have any because we don't do OOC spying.


    Show me logs of Lurking talking to Fox of ROT.

    In logs lurking brags about being spymaster for Wolfpack and having plants in all the major alliances

    Me: ummm you do realize lurking and Fox are real life friends and Fox was kicked out of Wolfpack over a month ago?

    Them: It doesn't matter we have more proof!

    Me: Could I see it please??


    Copy and paste of Wolfprince saying congratulations or good luck (cant remember which) to Fox on an upcoming war with some alliance named California.

    Me: huh? what's that all about?

    Them: He shouldn't have known about that! Only 4 in Rot government knew about that. We set a trap for him and he fell for it!

    Me: Not to be disrespectful but how do you know one of those guys just didn't tell Wolfprince about this fake war before the conversation then screen shot him during the conversation saying congrats? As I said lurking and Fox are real life friends........you don't think fox would turn in his real life friend do you?

    Them: Don't be disrespectful this is proof!

    Me: you copied and pasted that can I see the screen shot?

    Them: We don't have a screen shot of that but its Proof!

    Red box lights up, its GGA

    Me: Hold on please

    GGA: sorry dude we are canceling our treaty with you.

    Me: how nice, and may I ask why?

    GGA: You sux dude your a spy. We wont beat up on you for now though.

    Me: ummm ok

    Me to them: Look this doesn't make any sense you cant be serious can you? Lurking and Fox are real life friends and I just checked lurkings aid screen and he has sent all of his tech, aid etc to 5 nations in ROT. If he was our grand spymaster wouldn't he have been sending that to us? He told us he was quitting CN I can show you the thread.

    Them: We don't need to see the thread, Your spying!

    Me: Again not to disrespectful but two real life friends have a convo in IRC is hardly proof of anything, except proof that one is bragging about something he really isn't doing. Why would we be spying on you anyway where not even close to sanction what would be in it for us?

    Hey! why are two real life friends talking in IRC anyway? Wouldn't you just talk to your buddy in real life or call them on the phone?

    Them: Why doesn't matter, YOU DID IT! Admit your guilt.

    Me: I am not admitting to something I didn't do.

    Them: Do you deny Lurking was a trusted member of your government?

    Me: Lurking was in charge of our academy.

    Them: AHA!

    Me: That means he told newbs not to attack aligned nations and to get there trade slots full.

    Them: He was a general

    Me: No, I just said he was in charge of the academy so he told newbs not to......

    Them: Don't be disrespectful!

    Me: ummm ok

    Red Box lights up

    FEAR WTF man?

    Me: I am clueless some crap about OOC spying.

    FEAR: what do you want us to do

    Me: Your joking right? Do nothing we wouldn't want to take you down with us you have always been honorable allies and this damn sure doesn't look like a fight we can win.

    Them: AHA! we have found out the nations lurking was sending AID to are multis!

    Me: Well doesn't that further prove our innocence? If he was going to aid mulits wouldn't it be in Wolfpack or one of his alleged spy nations in the other alliances? Why would all the aid be flowing to multis in ROT the government your attacking us for?

    Them: This is proof!


    So this is all it takes for 216 nations to get beat up on in planet Bob. I could go into the history of the wolfpack and say things like we have never involved ourselves in others affairs or fought except in defense of a treaty but all of the cyberverse is aware of that. I could even go further and say the most surprising thing about this whole affair is the people jumping on us are the same ones that we helped in the last great war. But again everyone already knows that.

    I am sure now this thread will fill up with intelligent debate like "you did it" or even more compelling "this is phail" I rest easy knowing the smart folks have realized none of this adds up.

  16. Two real life friends aren't going to turn on each other over a game. That should have ended the discussion in any reasonable persons mind.

    Is there anyone that believes real life friends will turn on each other over a game? C'mon really? Who out there finds cybernations so compelling you would turn your back on your real world friends or rat them out?

    Is there anyone that believes they have such a mighty IRC personality that alone will make RL friend "A" turn on RL friend "B"........ over your IRC personality and a game?????????

    This whole discussion is bizaar to put it mildly

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