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Posts posted by Azhrei

  1. [quote name='Micheal Malone' timestamp='1326697262' post='2900783']
    Wait.... you were lacking because your trades were screwed up? You mean the Spartan war machine is just as successful with internal matters?

    My trades had nothing to do with Sparta's economic section. Nice try, though.

  2. [quote name='Branimir' timestamp='1326678009' post='2900548']
    Buy improvements that boost your soldiers battle efficiency. Its not to be overlooked, war isn't just pushing the nuke button. Spread that to the rest of your alliance. Its a friendly advice, based on experience, not meant to be insulting. In "karma" war, I gave some advice to some decent VE nations I fought (like the one that you dont actually need 30 bombers in an escorted bombing raid) and they thanked me for it later on when it came in handy next wars.

    Yeah, I was seriously lacking in that department. Due to a shifting in trades I haven't yet been able to reach my intended trade circle, and my improvements number was in the negative. So I couldn't really get anything, and didn't intend to until the war ended. As for 30 bombers, I only ever used 2, more than that is a waste.

    Had fun fighting you :)

  3. [quote name='Furious Purpose' timestamp='1326674758' post='2900477']

    Sparta should, at the very least, have been made to fight for a week.

    Out of the 30 or so Spartans in my range 3 fought ... 3. Absolutely pathetic.

    PS ... Much respect to the 3 for standing up for themselves whilst shackled to such a pack of cowards.

    You're funny!

  4. I doubt that it's anything to do with NPO being "ebil", just that he's been opposing and fighting them for so long that he has no desire to be allies. From what I understand, there was debate about it, it was decided to hold off for a while. Then all of a sudden here we are - it's announced on the forums before it is on our own. Was there a vote for it? I don't remember there being one. Sure, the majority of the alliance, going by what was on that first debate, would likely have voted for the alliance, but at least the option to vote would have been nice.

    Now looking around the forums I can see other rather interesting treaties being looked at, and I doubt we'll get the chance to vote for that, either. So, I can see where Blacky is coming from. And also, not very nice behaviour, Ventus. It's "you're with us or you're against us", is it?

  5. [quote name='mdnss69' timestamp='1291910107' post='2534890']Mumbo-jumbo[/quote]

    You make me laugh. If I had the power to, I would attach a roll-eyes icon to your sig. Do we have a roll-eyes icon? We need a roll-eyes icon. Your sig really should have a roll-eyes icon.

    This was a question put to the alliance and the members voted on it, almost unanimously to cancel all remaining reps. There, start of, and end of, the story. You're not going to believe me, of course, but then I don't think anyone in Athens (or TSO, for that matter) cares what you think.

    I think we should stop answering him, now.

  6. Nobody seems to be suggesting any ideas that are workable in any way. And as for a reset, it might help the game a little, for a while, but it would just descend into the game it is now, and possibly with less players after all the uproar there would undoubtedly be. Maybe a new game that sits besides CN, that completely replaces it and people can migrate over on their own terms. I mean, there's already CN:TE, but that's not a viable replacement for the game.

    [quote name='LittleRena' timestamp='1288626132' post='2499031']An upgraded/better game-play will attract new players and keep some intrested, someone posted wonders upgrading as a suggestion, that would help for larger nations to have something to do when there are no wars.

    A war option for a training battle might be useful too, where casulties are minimal and nothing is lost.[/quote]

    Wonders will only help the bigger nations get bigger, which is part of the problem we have now, and as for the "training battle", I'm guessing you missed 10/10/10. In any case, the latter can be undertaken by the players themselves, and has been.

    Also, I just have to mention this (and I apologise in advance), but it is spelled [i]interested[/i], not intrested. I could forgive it if it were a typo, but you've typed it out several times now. Yes, I am one of [i]those[/i] people.

  7. [quote name='Homeboy' timestamp='1286245177' post='2475119']
    Hope other alliances fallow suit and hit "the reset button" with their treaties so we can begin again in this game we play which has reached a stale mate in wars.

    Would anything really change? Would we really see a different world than there is now? Everyone has an opinion on everyone else, wouldn't friends ally again and enemies glare at each other from across the treaty web?

  8. If you'd asked me two years ago, I would have helped you set it up. As has been said, it's been tried before, and there wasn't much of a response to the founding of The Fianna since BAPS had pretty much gathered up all the Irish players who wanted to be in an Irish alliance anyway. I can't imagine that, seeing as BAPS is still here, there are many Irish players who want to leave their alliances for a new Irish-based one.

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