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Posts posted by theone22

  1. Oh great one, tell me how you send this tech from peace mode?

    I said I was happy to pay them back. Eventually that is. But at the moment I need the money to fund my war, and because of the constantly getting declared on I am unable to do so.

    And to all those who say this is "dishonorable" I suggest you pick up a history book and read it. Then tell me one war, just one war, where everything was "honorable." Additionally, I am surprised how little understanding of the war system you guys have (the CN war system that is). You have the opportunity to loot up to 2 million and ten tech and more. That alone is worth more than 3 mil. So you guys forcefully destroy a nation and take their money, while I ask for a tech deal.

    Sorry to break it to you, but war is not honorable. You don't go out onto the battlefield and kill a bunch of people, then have tea with the people later on the day. Sorry, but that's not how it works. You do what you must to win, and to be frank, scamming aid is much more honorable than perma Zi.

  2. Cross us off your list please. We ordinarily have a policy of "new character (meaning not carrying grudges from your old one), clean slate", but given your recent history of carrying over grudges from past characters, not gonna happen.


    Who says I wanted to start a new character? I'm still very much the same character because I wanted to be.

  3. My time has come. CN has turned into what I suspected it to turn into. NPO was won the game (that was apparent a long, long, long time ago). But what I wanted to prove is that they are ruining it for everyone else. But it turns out that there are thousands among thousands of yesmen. Almost every alliance has become afraid of them and what they can do. Even Vox Populi, has been degraded into somewhat "fearing" the NPO.

    What people do not realize is that this is a game that is not to be taken seriously. It is game that is meant to be played for fun, yet people cannot come to comprehending that. I sacrificed my nation to show people that. I tried telling people the hypocrisy of their acts. Yet they do not listen. They cannot put the nation of others before there own, in a game designed to make the "strongest" nation the winner. CN is a truly a unique game, in that you have control of everything. That is what people don't understand.

    So goodbye CN.

  4. All in all I respect the efforts of our allies and friends in VE to reduce and eliminate its use, but ultimately it'll be the people who reside in Vox now, such as Theone22, who would abuse a world without perma-ZI to the point where it will prove just how necessary perma-ZI can be. It's an unfortunate fact, but alliances will do what they can to make sure they aren't walked over.

    I am completely happy to pay back the nations in tech. The point I am trying to make is you have to do this in order to fight off perma Zi. If there was no perma Zi, I would have been perfectly happy to be in my former alliance. But since there is, I am trying to make my point about how useless. People get perma Zi'd only because that option is available, if that makes any sense.

  5. It's all flawed. Tech raiders just don't hit alliances as large as VoX. Even FAN doesn't get tech raided when they drop out of peace mode. TO22, If you got 3 attackers on your door step, They are not there to Tech raid you, They are there to ZI you. I would counter by setting up a consistent source of funding and order the blitz team to throw every thing they have at you for 7 days. at least one of the blitz team would have nukes providing you were in range. Guerrilla camps are useless against nukes.

    I would order said blitz team to give you a couple nukes if possible if you were maxed on military improvements.

    Tech raiders usually look for easy targets like alliances smaller than 5 members and unaligned nations

    and they rarely if ever operate in teams of 3. Usually they either operate alone or in teams of 2.

    That leaves one slot I would fill to stack you. You broke one of the main rules of war, You disclosed your secrets to the enemy. now a plan can be devised to counter it. Your plan just became useless and obsolete.

    You do realize that almost no nation around 500 infra has nukes? It was also pretty obvious by looking at my aid screen how I as staying alive. I am merely saying if you don't want your nation to get Zi'd if you are around 1k infra, then this is the way you stay alive until that day of deletion comes.

  6. However it is one of the only ways to stay alive while on a PZI list.

    The better way is to reroll and shut the $%&@ up about your other account.

    However the part about changing your AA to "none" is the only "good" thing about this. There are enough people wanting to tech raid that you will get declared on soon, possibly screwing up your enemies staggers, and, as we all know, peace must be acccepted by BOTH nations at war, so threats from the NPO or whomever will do nothing while the tech raider is stuck in a war.

    Taking full damage for 7 days is better than taking full damage on your nation forever.

    And contrary to the party line, \m/'s disbandment did absolutely nothing to stop the practice of tech raiding. There would be a good chance of you getting tech raided as a none, provided you don't have nukes.

    The part in bold is what this guide is about. If you are already on a PZI list and want to last the 20 days until deletion without heading toward Zi, this is the way to do it.

  7. Stop with the scams theone. Stop telling people to scam. Stop bragging about scamming.

    It's frankly disgraceful to the rest of us.

    I am merely telling people how to survive perma Zi. And quite frankly, if they do not want to start a new character this is the only way to go about doing it?

    This is a war torn planet, so I am trying to make things a little more peaceful. Unfortunately some people are unable to see it that way, but for those that to do, you are among the finest of CN.

  8. The only people who are ever truly "EZI'ed" as it were are those people you speak of who want to start fresh with a new character letting out the fact that they're a re-roll to too many people. We don't go hunting after IPs or anything as some have suggested; in fact, we could honestly care less most of the time. But, if these people manage to leak out their previous identity, we're going to go after them.

    And that misfortune of having the wrong AA is just the side-effect aspect of the war system in this game. Alliances go to war with 99 percent of the nations actually fighting in it completely uninvolved in the cause of the war. Surely a re-roll such as yourself should know better.

    So basically you take tech and land from other nations without their obliging to it, even though they are "completely uninvolved in the cause of the war." And I ask people for money to avoid perma Zi, and you say that is dishonorable. Am I amazed at how hypocritical you are.

  9. What do you have to offer? 64Digits is for quality members, and all this thread indicates is that you want money and protection, while your current VP membership indicates you are a potentially unstable member.

    I'm just not about shelling out cash to people who don't turn out to be quality members. But trust me, if you are quality, you'll get a ton of money and the protection you require.

    EDIT: After reading this thread, I can safely say that I do not want you in my alliance. You are an incredibly obvious scam threat, and not all too bright for posting your ideas.

    Well so far I have crossed of 5 alliances from my possible list, and I just crossed you off too.

    Unlike some may think, my nation is very reliable and trustworthy when I want it to be.

  10. This is not a good tactic because resisting a perma-ZI is only useful if you think you might be able to get off of the perma-ZI list. Scamming your enemies is a very bad way to do that.

    If you are on perma Zi chances are you wont get off, so this is a way of staying alive and still playing the game.

    For all those of you that think this is dishonorable, ask yourselves this? How honorable is to EZI nations, looking for a fresh start with a new character? How honorable is to attack innocent nations who have had the misfortune of having the wrong aa?

    Do not tell me this is dishonorable, when you do things that are easily thousands times more. This way you get aid to stay alive, but you effectively end a nations ability to play the game when they have committed no wrongs. I am disgusted at the fact someone from NPO is calling this "improper behavior."

    This guide was wrote as a means to keep people sentenced to the death of their nations alive, and it is doing just that.

  11. Because we do not wish to bid for members. Especially ones that have already left us. We should not have to pay nations to keep them around. Not to mention the choices you've made have all but made you a Cybernations rogue, enemy of many alliances around. Hyperion doesn't support that kind of behaviour, and obviously alliances like NPO and FARK don't either.

    So basically you are admitting to being turned into another NPO puppet. While I value alliances who have some level of respect for the NPO, I do not value alliances who are their puppets.

    So another requirement is that you must not be an NPO puppet.

  12. You're assuming that, especially right now, that there's a lot of tech raiding going on. You're also assuming that the minute you hit you'll be raided, and you're also assuming that you'll be able to slip into peace mode after your 7 day war, and you're also assuming that those "tech raiders" won't eventually be told to hit you with everything they've got.

    That's a lot of assumptions there. Your guide needs a hell of a lot of work if you actually expect it to work.

    Not to mention, you're assuming that at such low infrastructure, they won't buy guerilla camps too, when it's dead simple for THEM to get aid and for them to swap out all their improvements for guerilla camps, barracks, missile defenses, etc. etc. Basically nullifying your tactical advantage.

    I was basing the fact they wont buy guerrilla camps off the fact that me enemies have been aided and they haven't bought guerrilla camps.

    I will edit this later, to include all the "common sense" stuff to make it more complete. And you would be surprised how fast people get tech raided once they switch their aa to none. Maybe not instantly, but its definitely in 3-4 hours.

  13. I don't see how changing your AA to none is going to screw up people's staggers. Basically the entire guide could be summed up with "scam people for money", and says nothing about how to ACTUALLY fight while on a perma ZI list.

    Because people will try and tech raid you. Therefore you will be engaged 3 defensive wars that very day.

    Edit: But if you want, I can write down a more detailed "how to manual". But the premise is getting money, getting guerrilla camps, and getting aircraft, and being able to constantly replenish that supply.

  14. can't work forever

    Which is why I added an escape to peace mode option. And yes, scamming people will work for a long, long time. In fact, even Arcades057 offered to do a tech deal with me. So no, nations are oblivious of other nations getting perma Zi'd. So that is why this works.

  15. Unfortunatly, Theone, you have scammed members of Fark, ghosted alliances we are either directly allied to or allied to by proxy, and then attacked a member of our NPO ally. I'm afraid to you, you won't be getting much help anytime soon.

    And your point is? And its theone22 not "Theone."

    How much does Fark offer as start up cash and what growth programs does it offer to new members?

  16. So quite recently I was sentenced to perma Zi by the NPO. And as expected, they completely failed at doing any real harm (I have actually gained more ns and money since then).

    Note: this works best if you have around 100-1k infra.

    Now if you are declared a perma Zi target, you can do two things. You can either slip into peace mode, or fight back. And contrary to what many believe, fighting back is completely feasible. Let's start first, by stating the best way to slip into peace mode. Once you know you have been declared a target, immediately change your aa to none. The next part is optional. You can write in your bio something like "quitting the game". However, changing aa to none is important because it screws up peoples stagger.

    On day 6, before update, have the "edit my nation" page open. A minute or two before update, keep refreshing the page. The second update comes, change the option to peace mode and hit "save changes". That is pretty self explanatory, but what is important for you to do is keep refreshing the page, so the second update comes, you can switch into peace mode.

    Now on to fighting a war. The most important thing you must realize is that getting anarchied is irrelevant. The second, probably more important thing, is that you need money. And the way you get money is by shamming people. I personally like to scam my enemies but is up to you. Send about 150 or so messages to "strong" nations asking for tech deals. Make sure, when you send the messages, your aa is set to something like the "New Pacific Order" or "Independent Republic of Orange" nations, and keep your aa to that. You will likely get 12 or 15 million within the day.

    Once you get the money, buy enough infra so you can get 5 guerilla camps. If you around 500 infra, most nations will not have the money required to swap for guerilla camps, or will just bother not to get them. You then have an amazing tactical advantage in your ground attacks. Additionally, you could deploy all of your troops (self anarching), and easily anarchy one of your opponents. Most of the time, once they get anarchied, they will freak and not no what to do.

    Make sure you buy enough tech to get fairly high level aircraft, getting 55 fighters and 5 bombers. That way, your enemies will have a hard destroying infra by air, so the only real damage you will receive is through cruise missles.

    This 12 or 15 mil will be more than enough for you to survive for at least 7 days. It has worked for me and it will work for you. On day 7 switch into peace mode, and you have just escaped perma Zi. Also after every 10 days or so send 150-200 messages to people asking for tech deals, and that should get you a weekly supply of 15-30 mil.

    So if there is anything I missed, feel free to tell me and I will post it. Remember the major key to success is being able to scam your enemies to giving you fee money.

    Edit: This guide is still in its early phases. Expect future editions.

  17. You've stumbled into a heavily biased post. Posts like these are ubiquitous, and especially frequent during wartime. ;>_> Propoganda has lost a lot of value over the years, but there are still attempts at meaningful soapboxing in place. >_>

    I recommend looking at the Cyber Nations wiki for political history. The good folk there attempt to be as unbiased as possible in their compilation of CN information. The Robertology Portal is especially interesting for new players.

    Would you like me to reference every single time NPO has back-stabbed their allies. Actually I'll work on it, but I can assure you its pages long.

    Ok im starting to understand now the forums here are littered with propaganda thank you for the wiki reference are the links to that available?

    But before you jump to conclusions, I suggest you talking to Doitzel. He was a former NPO gov member and he can tell you all about how they treat their "allies".

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