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Posts posted by Innerspeaker

  1. June 2006 was when I created my first nation, I think. I went by Gairyuki, then. I started as a member of Polar and fought in GWII, GWIII, UJW, and WOTC. My nation was nothing special. My contribution to CN came in the form of propaganda and iconography for NpO, Nueva Vida, MK and Doomhouse, mostly. 


    I remember the "good old days" and they seem kind of absurd, now. I miss the unity of the Great War Era, and the vitriol of the post-Initiative era, and the paranoia of the Continuum era, and the uncertainty of the post-Karma era, and the tears of the Pandora's Box era, and the freedom and tyranny of the Doomhouse era. All the greats have departed this world, however, and it feels like we've moved into an era of psychosis. 

  2. 24 days have passed, and Aeropolis, the glorious capital citystate of Gairyuki's kingdom, nears ever closer to oblivion. I won't bore you with the time, but 7 long years of update blitzes, billion-dollar warchests, tech deals and drama for user Gairyuki are nearing an end. Time poorly spent in the New Polar Order among ES, Grub and those who taught me the trade, Nueva Vida under Nel and some cool people, The Indigo Plateau among friends Tarikmo, Mistra, TheListener, and others, and finally, the Mushroom Kingdom among gods and kings; it all circles the drain of time. 


    I'd like to take this brief moment to honor the artists of these diverse cybernations, many of whom often go unnoticed, or un-praised for their works that adorn these cyber halls (I was certainly not one of those unnoticed or without praise). While many would like to consider the actions of a few to be the driving force of this game, I'd argue that the actions of artists throughout went to sustain and nurture it. Nowadays, this place might be a witless wasteland teeming with talentless typing hands spouting bad opinions, but the few artists that remain should be cherished as bright, brief flashes of brilliance. I tip my Unknown-Smurf-borrowed fedora to you, artist. This place would surely be less memorable without you.




    You'll find me in the halls of the Mushroom Kingdom. So long, cybernations, and thanks for all the pixels.

  3. you attack what amounts to civilians for no reason other than boredom, you and your ilk used very similar actions by Q as reason to justify rolling Pacifica twice, what gives you the right to do what you spoke out against only a few years ago?

    but these civilians have guns and buy tech and get a free pass to score points from out of bounds.


    there was like, 1 TDO nation in peace mode when the will of Allarchon presented itself to Mushqaeda. The other ~100 were in war mode. Each of my opponents had nukes when I declared. Each had a full airforce, military wonders, etc. The nations I'm fighting now were certainly not "civilian" nations, by any means. They are merely incompetent; the wealthy inept.


    I don't remember you posting a neutral-menace call to arms when Doomhouse rolled over the Superfriends, or when Continuum plowed into each of its opponents. Where were their ideals? When the chips are down and you've found yourself pinned between the crosshairs of a mushlim army, the neutrals won't ride in to defend you, Mogar. They're the most selfish, lazy institutions this world has ever known. They exist solely to see themselves grow until this world has dissolved into nothing. They're worthless in the literal sense of the word. You're arguing for the idealistic defense of the idealistically-bankrupt. 

  4. Then how do you explain the wars against a member of RIA?



    The revisionist history going on here is laughable. Many alliances have paid prices for their arrogance, including MK and the NPO. The fact is, TDO has never done anything of so much relevance that they have ANYTHING to pay the price for. You guys can have fun on your neutral crusade, but please, for the love of admin, do not go around espousing how TDO is paying for their sins.



    Not sins, but privilege. Neutrality is a privilege, of which the sheep are not entitled. Every single alliance that has come under fire has done so under the watchful, apathetic and selfish eyes of the great neutral whales that float around this world. 


    It is Allarchon's demand that the great neutral menace pay for its privileged pixels.

  5. The irony is that so many others have already paid the price for your neutrality. The Kingdom paid the price many years back. The Orders have each paid the price. The Superfriends, Complaints and Grievances, Dos Equis, Doomhouse; every single time you looked the other way, you collected an undeserved check. So many have died, so that you might live, TDO.



    Nobody deserves that privilege. You should cherish these next few days. They'll be your last.

  6. The behavior of MK's members, the actions of its government, and the abandonment of principle by both prevents me uttering any false statement of regret at this announcement.  MK exits unloved by as many as ever hated NPO, and for the same reasons, though it did not have to be so. 


    Best of luck to those of you who are sticking around, I do hope you find homes which suit you.


    Someone had to do it. "Become the villain."

  7. I'm going to violate my own rule of "don't post on the owf" and point out that to everyone else, this forum is like a good-posting wasteland, where the radioactive, decaying remnants of humanity collect to decide who is the "best poster" with no perspective whatsoever of how much better the posting used to be, before ~the fall.


    The joke is that it was never good, and you're all shit, and the "best posters" are just the beads of dew that rolled off the lumps of poop that dot our abysmal horizon. 


    In other words, the best posters are the ones that don't post.

  8. in regards to this, you know you still die at the end of the movie, right? basically all the propaganda says is you hurt us but we kill you.

    Basically the propaganda says our masterpiece is complete, and CN has come full circle in the grandest of ways.


    Just because AI's been decapitated, and IRON robbed of everything it loved, and NPO cursed to play the game again, it doesn't mean there weren't other victims in all of this. There are a number of groups in this game that will forever puzzle over what we did to them. 


    At least, that's what I had in mind when I made it. :)

  9. No I am looking at the war screen and I see justified wars, where is the problem?

    I am probably missing the unjustified wars.


    The sig represents something more meaningful, just like the movie.

    You saw the movie?


    If I need to explain the meaning any further I fear I might begin to like the meaning behind other products(ugghh ME3).

    eQ people (particularly the CSN guy) are angry that MK nations have parked their nations on the New Commerstown Highschool AA, arguing that we intentionally tried to bait their moronic asses into attacking a neutral alliance. Nothing of the sort happened, and while certain people continue to accuse MK nations of trying to use highschoolers as human shields (idgi either), many of us in this thread scratch our heads at the non-issue that seems to consume a few people; that MK is trying to get the NHS AA into the war. You're not missing anything. You're literally in the wrong thread because nobody understands what you're talking about or what question your asking (because it makes no sense to ask if you actually read the thread).


    I'm desperate to hear your alternative explanation for the meaning behind the sig I made. 

  10. I'm sorry for ghosting my peace-mode-enabled nation on the Newcomerstown High School AA in an attempt to draw eQ gunfire to the nations of some innocent high school students who, in their haste, were not included on eQ's [b]LIST OF NATIONS THAT BELONG TO MK[/b] List, and would therefore be undeservedly ravaged by the eQ hordes. 


    It really is an amazing world we live in.

  11. I'm going to throw my lot in with Karma. There hasn't been a war since where out-of-game "Vox Populi" style warfare was viable or effective; there never was one prior to Karma either. Schatt's TWiP, Vox Populi's spy rings, Sponge's Q blog, lots of major players from the former GW/no-cb era stepping out of the woodwork to play their hands, [b]endless[/b] hypotheticals about the dying game and who was going to leave Q next, and how the inevitable fight would start or if there'd even be another war in CN, and whether or not NPO + friends could beat back the rising tide of opposition; fascinating stuff that put the back-channel game into high-gear for several months, while leaving the actual game to stagnate and "die". 


    I mean, the WotC/No-CB happened several months before Karma, but that stretch of time was equally fascinating to play through. We saw the rise and redemption of CnG, the shifting power of Citadel, the scattering of BLEU-krew to Agora and Polarsphere, respectively, the evolution of several alliances into game-chaning form (I'm looking at MK's pre-karma nuke saturation, and NpO's to an extent) that defined the post-karma era's every-man alliance. The war propaganda has never been better than it was around Karma. Likewise, there has never been such an explosion of talent as there was in Karma, when literally everyone in the karma-kamp brought their best against the waxing Continuum. And the sanction race has never flipped so violently, either.

  12. Allarchon has blessed us with talent, and cursed our enemies to irrelevance! ALLARCHONU AKBAR!



    And for your reading pleasure, I, Al-Gair of the Blessed Paintbrush, and the legendary Avi'Desoo, give you this. May your relationship with Allarchon bloom, and may Gairy and Avi Publishing Company reap the profits of this generous war!



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