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Uther Pendragon

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Posts posted by Uther Pendragon

  1. NAAC announced from the start that we are a balance factor. That added to the reset, etc makes it all a moot point. I have no idea why this is being take so seriously. The game is for fun, why all the spite flying around?
    Just a game guys. It resets in November and we get to play a different game. It just gets played out: nothing personal.

    It's like the game risk. You get to all attack each other until one person wins, then you wipe the board clean and play again. You don't hold grudges over who won the last game, because it resets and there is an opportunity to play again. A congratulations and good play is in order for everyone who participates no matter what stage of the game they leave at.

    The answer to 'why so serious' is because it RESETS IN NOVEMBER! It is currently the first week of October. If you are smashed to oblivion you are out of the game 8 more weeks. Restarting isnt an option as TE doesnt have enough trades to go around for a fresh start anymore.

    You shouldnt care in Risk because you lose, you wait a few minutes, maybe an hour for the game to finish then start anew, not 8 weeks.

    If anything CN:TE should be more serious than CN:SE since SE gives you infinity to rebuild and recover from any damage suffered. TE as soon as you are smashed so bad that you cant recover in the remaining time till reset you are 'out'.

  2. http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/ultimatum

    Main Entry: ul·ti·ma·tum

    : a final proposition, condition, or demand ; especially : one whose rejection will end negotiations and cause a resort to force or other direct action

    a final proposition, condition, or demand

    I'm going to respond to his unprovoked spy operations against my nation either way.

    whose rejection will end negotiations and cause a resort to force

    One is recognition of hostilities against a nation, the other is against your alliance
  3. yes because Univeralis defending itself against Legion is such a threat to the whole Purple Sphere.

    You are entitled to your opinion the same as we are entitled to our own. If you would note in the original statement it explains that we do do in fact find Legion was not in the wrong, but rather Universalis to be at fault for the current state of affairs as it says here...

    With great diligence, we have examined the arguments and charges of both sides in this recent altercation involving our home and have determined that Universalis has acted dishonorably and irrationally.

    Of course this is late in arriving, this is a declaration of support from an uninvolved alliance. Jumping in even if only for moral support is not to be taken lightly when you are not directly connected. Time must be given so that every care and consideration is taken into consideration to make sure that you are doing the right thing.

    As for bandwagoning, I fail to see how a DoS made after extensive deliberation is jumping on a wagon. If we just wanted to bandwagon or suck up to Poseidon/Pegasus, you might have expected we would have made a DoS in regards to their other wars as well. This is a DoS intended to foster amity and support the growing solidarity of purple.

  4. Using the senate as a weapon is a deplorable practice.

    This simply must be QFT, wars come and go, but the senate goes on, the prestige and integrity of the institution must be maintained. Fight with nukes, and any weapons at your disposal but the senate is NOT a weapon, hence it may not be used.

    *edit for spelling*

  5. Uther, yet I believe it is the attack on the Tech Raider which could have spurred on the demands. If I understand right, if MARS didn't want to be raided, they should find a Protectorate to protect them. I understand what you mean yet I will have to side with Redline on this.

    This MARS nation is being attacked for defending itself:

    http://www.Cyber Nations.net/search_wars.as...&Extended=1

    and Redlines bio clearly states he expects reps for self defense:

    "**TIA GOV. Contact me. Joint Chiefs of Staff; ID #005 ** *Owe chaosplayer4 100 tech. Owe Mykep 100 tech. *PROTECTED BY RAGNAROK. Tech raid reps: 3m + 1m for every 2 attacks after that + damages. "

  6. I believe that if MARS doesn't pay up, or surrender, they'd be crushed. This is because Redline's alliance is protected by RoK and an attack on him, is an attack on Ragnarok. Go figure.

    Not trying to disagree with you good sir, but it was my understanding (as my alliance leadership told me during my acadmey training) that RoK was one of the more upstanding alliances in the game, and that they did not engage in, nor support or defend the more seemly and dispicable actions sometimes seen on planet bob. Such actions as I was told included for example forced recruitment and as appears here, extortion.

    Being a new leader here, I may misunderstand what constitutes extortion, but so far it would seem (pending the evidence) that:

    -Reps are being demanded beyond the capability of the nations involved to pay

    -Reps are being demanded of a tech raid victim for fighting back after being attacked without provocation

    -Reps are being demanded well beyond the damage caused

    -Reps are being demanded to be paid to an uninvolved third party allied to the aggressor

    -Reps are being demanded in the face of threat of violence against third party nations connected to the involved parties, not just the primary nations

    All the above to me seems to fit the dictionary definition of 'extortion'. In fact it seems as if the tech raider is trying to turn this into the most profitable raid ever. Given that I was told raider etiquette usually involves accepting peace when requested without reps (white peace, as was stated here) it would seem that this would again fall out of the category of what is considered a standard raid on planet bob and intot he realm of attacking people to extort money from them.

  7. Kandria you have been one of the few alliances that I have come across that states its position with candour and decency without hiding behind excuses and posturing to save face.

    While I disagree with your alliances position on tech raiding as a result of this post you are the first alliance that does tech raid that I have a grudging respect for.

    When I asked my leaders why Avalon held Avenguard Crusade in such high regard when they are a tech raid alliance and we are vehemently opposed to the practice, this is almost exactly the response I was given.


    Long Live Grayson!

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