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Posts posted by Paavi1

  1. I was called upon and I have answered your pleas. Stickmen, be warned, voting for any senator that isn't directly approved of by me will not be acceptable, and neither will using other alliances to vote for him either. However, since I do approve of this senator, and I do hold reign over all of purple, I like to view the Purple senate as one senate rather than a divided one. Stickmen were merely trying to gain more votes from an alliance that refuses to support my regime by abstaining from the vote, and I have no qualm with their dedication to uniting my great sphere. Why dont we stop fighting my children and return to the unity that I created? If you keep acting up I will ban the senate entirely and make you all vote for me (and if I dont meet the top 100 list then Im gonna make everyone start deleting infra, and none of us want that).

    The King has spoken!

  2. I think that this is my job to present this treaty to you people of CN!


    Old friends with new clothes

    An MDoAP between Asgaard & FCO


    This treaty is the product of a long diplomatic process, which started weeks before Asgaard was officially announced. An official recognition of friendship is now in order.


    Asgaard and FCO retain complete sovereignity in all matters.


    Non-Agression is a part of being friends, though we can always decide to wrestle if we feel like letting off some steam. As a general rule, however, FCO and Asgaard will not engage each other in any hostile manner.

    Mutual Defence:

    Any direct attack on either signatory should be seen as an attack on both. Signatories are obliged to provide military and financial aid to the other if requested.

    Optional Assistance:

    Should either signatory find it necessary to commit an act of aggression upon a third party, they may request military support from the other signatory, though this request is under no circumstances an obligation.


    If either signatory wishes to terminate these accords, they are required to issue cancellation in private to their treaty partner. After cancellation request has been issued, it will be upheld for the following 72 hours.

    Signed for FCO

    KanaX, Chancellor

    Senate of FCO:



    Signed for Asgaard

    ~ Lonewolfe2015, Tyr of Asgaard

    ~ Gambona, Loki of Asgaard

    ~ Mustakrakish II, Magni of Asgaard

    Asgaard we love you guys :wub:

  3. I was expecting something more spiritual from you Paavi1, after all that "Messiahs of CN" stuff. ;)

    Sorry Jalge

    Lord, please bless these rings that FCO and NBA are about to exchange. May these rings forever remind them of their covenant with one another, as well as the circle of love they have publicly created here today. May their compassion and kindness for one another always be like these rings, with no beginning and no end. May the precious metal remind them of their precious commitment, and if either begins to tarnish, may they joyfully undertake the sacred duty to make it shine brightly again. May their relationship always be like these rings, separate but close, simple but beautiful. May these rings always belong to their hands, and their love always belong in each other’s hearts. In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen

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