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Matt Miller

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Posts posted by Matt Miller

  1. Cuba, I haven’t posted in this realm in many years, but I must on this occasion. I have warred against countless top nation rulers in my time and, honestly, you are one of the very few I respect as a fighter. This is not because of the stats you have accumulated but due to your actual skill.


    Thank you for the fight and thank you for inviting me to ride with the Doombirds.


    You, sir, have my utmost respect. Godspeed to you and your little Doombird. 

  2. I'm okay with this.

    I'm still gonna have that rematch with you though, Matt Miller. :smug:


    Perhaps someday, although I'm not sure I'd be a match for you any longer. Maybe for a change we could actually fight something together.  :P




    Now, how long until Matt Miller becomes a Doombird?



    It's not for lack of trying.  I recruited him pretty hard over the last year or so, but it's better for everyone as it is now.  Still one of the most brutal 1v1's in CN history.  



    That was a great matchup, probably the most fun I've had in this realm aside from the Gre thing post-Bi-Polar. I know we both came out of that with a strong mutual respect. I look forward to seeing where this relationship can go and what the ride will be like along the way. Congrats to those in DBDC as well as my alliance mates in IRON.

  3. Well, that's a stone-faced lie and I have all the battle reports saved on the MK forums in a topic dedicated to you and the other cool cats who declared on me in BiPolar and got rocked to prove it.  You guys lost close to 75% of your GAs on me offensively and I won over 75% of my GAs on you guys... with a much smaller nation.

    The odds have evened out, Matty.  Come pick on someone who has a comparable nation now. :smug:


    Well, that it certainly going to be hard during this war, perhaps in the next go around Mr. Peanut.

  4. I was the first attack every single day due to having the highest odds on every GA since the start of the war.  As of the second round, I've been fighting nations with more infrastructure than I have had starting out.  

    And I would've loved to declare on Matt Miller... except he sold all his infrastructure off to dodge out of my declaring range before I got out of anarchy...like a true wimp.  He also took a good two weeks to come out of peace mode.  Looks like your hero is a coward.


    You do realize you would have had to sell over like 40k NS to attack me at the time, right? That had nothing to do with you, but if you would like to think as much to make yourself feel better, who am I to ask otherwise? :)

  5. Yes good. Really well done. Im sure it's difficult to win those GA's when the nations you're hitting have much less tech and less infra than you at this point. Let alone the fact that they're engaged in three defensive wars each. Tell us all, how many of these GA victories come with you being the third attacker in a three nation blitz after a nuke? Gotta keep up those superficial GA victory statistics. Amirite?

    Face Matt Miller 1 on 1 and we'll see how quickly the tune of this song changes.


    I am otherwise engaged at the moment. However, he and I have been through that dance in the past where I won ~75% of total GA's with him and was part of the group that ZI'ed him in the first round of Bi-Polar (yes I had 6 opponents as did he). Anyway, carry on with the naming of battlefield saints and all, MK. I am sure it is very important to you. :)

  6. [quote name='kite80' timestamp='1341924502' post='3007802']
    I've found those terms of individual surrender right and honorable, a sign that lightbringer alliance respect us and would prefer not to fight against Viridia (not for cowardice, this should be clear). Althought what you may think about us after have seen what happens if a Viridian surrenders (he's put into ZI list and so on), I wanna say that we don't surrender because of that. We simply don't wanna let our flag go down, and will make our best to keep it waving high. Only one accepted your terms until now, don't know if others may follow him, but I'm sure they would be few.

    A true Viridian stays Viridian.

    Said so, thank you Lightbringers for this opportunity.
    There have been two surrenders that both occurred a few days ago. A 121k guy and a 52k guy as seen here:


    That is a low number of surrenders for sure, something to be proud of given the circumstances.

  7. [quote name='Mogar' timestamp='1341550306' post='3004528']
    not a huge fan of VE's choices in targets, but I every single members reacts to these terms like this.
    He hasn't done it properly, but I think VE's pre-war #2 might be trying to prove you wrong there, Mogar. :smug:


  8. [quote name='Colin40' timestamp='1341488535' post='3003880']
    I am not sure this is completely accurate but the victor does write the history books.

    I did have 2 opponents throughout and Belgi should bot be discounted on the punch that he packs.

    Sehmarnaam and Cyber King joined in 4 days later.

    I have truly have had my ass handed to me, but it was not a 1v1


    That is fair to say and you've been a good sport throughout so I'll wish you luck moving forward with this whether we meet again or not. I can say that IRON certainly does not wish to behead you as happened to Lord Stark shortly after that scene. Be well, Colin.

  9. [quote name='goldielax25' timestamp='1341459036' post='3003757']
    Sadly now its Matt Miller + 2 friends vs. Colin so no 1v1 epic showdown.

    Over the course of the 5 days before the other 2 IRON members declared I went from 208k NS to 193k NS. During that same time, Colin went from 208k NS (at the time of my declaration) to 160k NS. I believe the writing was on the wall at that point for our 1v1.

  10. [quote name='Xiphosis' timestamp='1340596349' post='2995030']
    [b]That[/b] a concerted effort has been made by them to denigrate the level of professionalism and class with which the individuals on this game treat one another, both publicly and privately, because it's easier for them to swim in the muck than learn how to properly wear a suit and tie and say thank you.
    I know many others have said this already, but coming from you that is amazingly hypocritical. At least you finally realized sitting around with your fingers crossed hoping to be preempted wasn't going to work out. I guess not all your allies will be with you this time.

  11. [quote name='SoADarthCyfe6' timestamp='1340509691' post='2994107']
    "DH/CnG/PF/DR will not be together rolling us in the next war." - Adrian, King of Sparta

    Hmm, MK is DH, ODN is CnG, TOP is PF and IRON is DR? *Mind Blown* Who would have thought that DH/CnG/PF/DR would be rolling XX/SF, yet again?
    That Spartan King is wise...

  12. [quote name='Centurius' timestamp='1340508017' post='2994002']
    [b][size=5]Announcement from The Order of the Paradox[/size]
    [size=4]Declaration of War[/size][/b]

    Pursuant to Article IV, Subsection A of the Unholy Alliance, The Order of the Paradox declares war against Sparta.

    Joffrius Baratheon (AKA Centurius), Grandmaster
    MegArya Stark (AKA Megamind), Grand Chancellor
    Zac the Sage, Grand Hospitaller



    Have fun waiting on their top tier guys! :)

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