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Gen Douglas Freeman

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About Gen Douglas Freeman

  • Birthday 12/21/1978

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  • Location
    South East USA
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  • Nation Name
    Imperial Cydonia
  • Alliance Name
    Vox Populi
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Newbie (1/14)

  1. Ah, ok, I stand corrected. Thanks for clearing that up
  2. As der ko said, the best way to get tech deals is to join an alliance. You want to join one which preferably lots of nations over 15K NS, that's the nominal range to start wanting to buy tech from outside sources. By now, your inbox should be jam packed with offers from alliances wanting you to join them (and if not, you're welcome to come over to ACV sorry... shameless plug..) I'd reccomend choosing at least a medium sized alliance. Here's a few other notes on selling tech to help you get started. Since you're new, I'll start with the bare basics. A harbour and foreign embassy are vital. You can do your first deal without one, but as soon as you get your profits, free and clear, you'll want to buy enough infrastructure to allow you to buy those two improvements. Next, when dealing with tech buyers, always be prompt. Be sure to check you PM inbox often, and follow any instructions carefully about who you send the tech to. If you know you're going to be late sending your tech, be sure to tell your client that, so that they'll know and not think you're running off with their cash. A lot of larger and older nations are played by very patient and laid back players who don't feel like messing around with looking for new tech dealers every 10 days. Offer them a permanent arrangement. Many times the answer will be positive. After you have secured the profits from your second deal or so, be sure to reinvest some of that back into an "inventory" of 50 tech. Don't sit around with 0 tech. Should you be attacked in that sad state, you'll be unable to purchase aircraft, tanks, or cruise missiles. This is not a fun spot to find yourself in. Should something go unexpectedly wrong, don't be afraid to tell your client. They have been playing this game for a while, and understand that things do happen and will work with you 99% of the time, unless you're an asshat to them. The worst thing you can do, is to panic and say nothing. The going price for tech is 100 tech for 3 million dollars. Don't take any less, don't ask for any more. If you keep a steady supply of tech deals going, you'll find you won't need to rely on your alliance's aid system to jump start your nation! Self sufficiency FTW! I hope this stuff helps you out. Good luck!
  3. A question, and a point. First, the question. Hypothetically, if the GRL were to max out, or, near max, damage to national incomes through direct effect, and through lowered populations, would be what percentage? Next question. How many nukes does it take to cause that kind of a spike? There were significant nuclear exchanges in The Unjust War, but if my history serves me correctly, it was GW II in which the most nukes were deployed. Can someone who served in that war be so kind as to give an example as to how it effected the GRL and how much economic damage it caused? Now, for my point, which is that given the SDI, and the low rate of purchases available for nukes. Even a substantial nuclear exchange would be quite devastating at first perhaps, but over a period of probably two or three days, as nations spent their nuke stockpiles, you'd see it taper off dramatically. At which point, if the war still had not ended, it would become much more difficult, as nations launched off their 1 or 2 nukes per day that they were allowed to build. This would possibly give time for the GRL to start going back down and level off. It would still be higher than normal, of course, but it wouldn't be maxed out. (I'm guessing about half way to the max, perhaps.) With the SDI however, probably one in 5 nukes will hit, (and that's being somewhat optimistic for the attacker. I've talked to those who said it was closer to 1 in 8 or 10) So then, that creates another question, which is, if an SDI intercepts the nuke, does it effect the GRL? I wouldn't think so, because hypothetically, it's shot downand just plummets to the ground. So, if there were to be a significant nuclear conflagration between the major powers on Planet Bob right now it could play out very differently than it has in the past. All that be damned though, it is still my opinion that when your $@! is on the line, nukes look mighty fine. (wow, that was corny...)
  4. I do a lot of tech dealing, and try to structure all kinds of deals, having at least 2 dedicated customers who are patient and allow me to spread the tech dispersal over 30 days so that I can have optimum slot availability to service other customers. When you do a more complex tech deal, and decide to make two aid offers as soon as you've purchased 50 tech (which is what I usually do) it's a good idea to make sure you log in frequently to check on the status, that way you can purchase the next round of tech and hopefully no one has to wait, or if they do, the wait is at most a couple of hours. Also, reinvesting some of your profits to make sure you have an "inventory" of 50 tech is a very good idea. This can expedite service to your customers as well as ensuring you'll be able to defend yourself adequately in the event some fool get the mind to attack you.
  5. Well, there is some point to that. However, if you're being piled upon by everyone and their mother, pissing off a few more alliances should be the last thing on your mind. Liken the situation to RL, since that's your comparison point for that post. If the mainland US were invaded by Russia and China (not even remotely likely, but just for the sake of creating a parallel to situations found somewhat frequently in CN) I do not doubt for a moment that the US would resort to at the very least, tactical nuclear weapons, and quite possibly, strategic nukes. If you're backed into a corner, the let the birds fly baby! Also, I'm not certain what the GRL effect on national income is, but I don't think it's all that much, is it? We're talking what? 100K ? Maybe more for the uberlarge "dreadnaught" nations, but proportionaly, the effect probably stays the same.
  6. In a time when the lack of a major war has brought unprecedented security and peace (read:boredom) to CN, nukes are more important than ever. They add an element of danger and of added consequence to attacks, and if utilised properly, could form an effective component of an alliances offensive and defensive tactical repertoire. A lot of alliances are quite squeamish about using them, which personally, I think is rather silly. Of course, given the current trend in wars gravitating more towards curb stomping than actual combat among near military equals, one could argue that nukes are more important for smaller to medium sized alliances to obtain and horde, but only if they're going to have the balls to use them. I say, if you've got 'em, use 'em.
  7. Freakin' awesome! Much cooler than spies, imho. This also gives a more of a reason for players to purchase land, which is pretty cool. There is also a very nice diversity of ship types, as well.
  8. Sorry, I'm as lulzy as the next guy, but this @$!% ain't funny. If you were high enough NS I'd attack you my own self. Oh wait, I can't, your in peace mode, figures. Come on out and play, it's been a while since I've gotten to take out some cyber trash.
  9. o7 ACV! ACV is a great place for both new players looking to learn the ropes, or for experienced players who want a welcoming alliance that's not the "same 'ol same 'ol" We're active, dedicated, and dedicated to the pursuit of excellence. ACV... when being the best just isn't good enough!
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