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General Somoza

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Posts posted by General Somoza

  1. No excuses, I genuinely hope that everyone in the community has a fabulous holiday season. For the next few days most of us have similar traditions and that is worth noting. Come January 2 we can just focus on what divides us.

    Of course there are exceptions for everything. You are clearly a miserable person and you seem to enjoy it so here's hoping you get to continue with that.

  2. We at GLoF sincerely hope that everyone has a joyous holiday season. I hope each person that reads this is enjoying the time with family and friends.

    Despite the urge to reach out and show peace and love too all humanity, the reality is that business doesn't stop just because we all have something else on out mind. Thus, GLoF announces that we will be joining our friends in DT in their fight against Fark.

    We look forward to getting to know you all through mutual combat. Nothing personal towards Fark, but business is business.

  3. Wow, it must be hard to type the same nonsense time after time after time and still miss the point. Let me say this so simple that even you may understand. 


    People in your alliance declared wars on AB. That means that GLOF is at war with your alliance. The fact that we only targeted nations that had declared offensive wars with our friends in AB or DBDC is something that you should be HAPPY about. All of your alliance mates that have not chosen to be involved in the war are not being forced to become combatants but have ample opportunity if they choose to do so. That is a gift wrapped package for you. Everyone else seems to get it, but you whine on and on and on, even after personally asking for wars shortly after the DOW was posted. You're making yourself look foolish, are doing nothing to further your cause, and stopped being entertaining long ago. 



    I'm legitimately curious as to why GLOF cares that we're attacking DBDC, though. There's only one possible reason that makes sense to me, and if it is the case then I might have to have an opinion on GLOF post-war.


    Form your opinion now. We care because we're friends with DBDC. We care because if you have nations declaring wars while you're at war with our MDAP bloc partner you're a threat to them- and thus to us. And we care because if you're willing to declare on someone you understand that this world is much more interesting when you're fighting- and we'll be happy to enjoy it with you. 

  5. I have missed this FAN. Yellow #5 and the "redo" of D-Day were two of my favorite things in the golden age of this world. (Of course, being in GOLD at the time gave me a different view of the intent of at least one of those things.) 


    Hope you all send a message to those that are elected to represent you and fail to do so. 

  6. Not a fan of making wonders inoperative if you below a threshold of some sort. Maybe if you were required to begin a war at some level for the wonders to work, but then when you fell below they'd continue to function. I don't see the gain in telling a nation that has been involved in a war that there was no value in building up to get the wonders in the first place. 


    I love the idea of forcing a nation to maintain a military in order to nuke. As it stands today, I am at war with 2 nations. I have been nuked daily and that's it. One of them buys soldiers every day allowing ground attacks. The other has not done anything other than nuke since this started. If you're seeking to do damage to someone else you should probably be open to full attacks. That or allow ground attacks to take place against 0 troops and be more damaging than they would have been if you would have maintained an appropriate army. 


    I love that the IP restriction is gone. Years ago my wife played and we had an exemption. But something kept going wrong and we'd get deleted and Admin would have to correct the problem. Finally just gave up on doing that. She'll be happy to know she can build a nation again. 

  7. First, look to the left and check out my huge number of posts on this forum. 



    Pretty impressive isn't it? Now, I have been in this game since 2006, and that's all I've managed to accumulate. I have been really active for most of my time in the game but if you aren't in AZTEC, an old member of GOLD, or maybe an old member of FAN you wouldn't recognize any of the names I have used over the years. I am far more interested in the internal workings of an alliance and getting that alliance to perform as well as possible than I am with the global politics of CN. So I can't say that the current state of the game is more or less conducive to generating new members or retaining players that we have. 


    In the end I don't think alliances choosing sides would help anything. I don't think more, or less, wars would help anything. In honesty this game has gone downhill due to the attitudes of those of us playing it. When you say things about the game dying, that you cannot wait for it to go away, etc. that mindset rubs off. I know it makes you fit in the cool-kid clique here on the OWF to say those things, but it has an impact on the people that are less active. They see the more active and outgoing members of their alliance saying things like that and it starts to sink in. However, unlike the people here, when they start thinking that they follow through on it. Obviously if all the people here actually hated it as much as they claim they'd stop posting here and would let their accounts go inactive. 


    The only other thing I see as an issue is the huge disparity between old nations and new. When I first came to this game the world was recovering from the first Great War. As a minnow in the large ocean of Bob I went from new player to nuclear capable (and nuke rogue for that matter) by the time GW2 came about... and remember that was before the Manhattan Project, you had to grow your nation to the top of the game to buy nukes. Today, there's simply no way that a new nation can do that. If you look at the 3.00 NS you have as a brand new player there is simply no way you're going to reach the 736,303.143 that ThePromisedLand has today. Makes it a little less interesting when you know there's no hope of reaching those levels. So, until we find a way to force the top down or to rapidly increase the growth of the bottom and middle tiers I see more players slipping into the abyss. 

  8. As I sit here looking through the accumulated data from spy operations I keep thinking back to this thread. The argument about what the title means can be had for as long as you like... but in the end there's little way to escape that it was provocative towards AZTEC and The Sandstorm. Confederacy. I'd assume that it was thought you all would have a laugh and nothing would come from it, but that thought has proven to be incorrect. 


    However, under any circumstanced it should have been considered that this might cause exactly what has happened. As such, I'd expect most people would ensure their alliance is prepared for war before doing something like this. However a full 60% of the warchests we have data on have been labeled as laughably low. There are exactly zero that would meet my alliance's minimum standard. 


    Obviously it isn't going to matter unless things take a turn for the worse in the next few days. However it just boggles my mind that an alliance could pride itself on fighting, raiding, and using the war mechanism to their advantage could be so woefully unprepared. When I first saw this thread I kind of assumed that RS was prepared for what came. Guess that's what I get for giving credit to a group that would do something like this to force a fight they could not win. 

  9. I am honestly concerned that the people in the riot society actually believe the ridiculous comments they're posting. Any rational person can easily see that they knew they were provoking DT and that things would have to turn against them at some point. However, they just continued to poke and push until they finally reaped what had been sewn. Someone with any cognitive abilities would be able to figure out what needed to be done to bring this to a prompt conclusion, yet the riot kids have managed to do the exact opposite. 

    Either you're making an effort to do everything wrong because it humors you or there are some real problems over there. Either way, I hope you all figure it out before things get too bad for the members of the alliance that were just going about their lives without poking sleeping bears. 


    Oh, and spectacular war chests! What will it be, a week before most of the alliance is bill locked?

  10. I have been around this game for a long time (came in just after GW1). However unless we've been in the same alliance it is unlikely you've interacted with me very much. (If you're an old GOLD member you know me as Echo_Four or Walking_Dead- in GLOF it is Walking_Dead, even if my current ruler name is General Somoza). Like most, my time for the game and interest in the game has cycled from high to low over the years. But through it all a few things have remained constant. 


    Whether you're a member of my alliance, one of my allies, or someone that is a CN enemy; it all ends as soon as the browser and IRC windows are closed. I simply cannot understand how anyone would allow any online community to influence you so greatly that it moves beyond the proper boundaries and into real life. There is simply no excuse to torment someone away from this game for anything that has happened within the confines of CN. If you find yourself even thinking about someone from the game when you aren't engaged in playing you really need to consider your priorities and reflect on whether you're allowing a fantasy world to become too important to you. 


    In the end, we're all a part of a community here. The mechanics of the game were surpassed by the community long ago. If not for the interactions we have with one another most of us would have been gone long before now. However, it is important to keep in mind that every single person in this community has a life outside this game, just like you do. Allowing that person to come to the game when they choose and to step away from it when needed is important in ensuring that this community continues to be a place we all enjoy. If passing around personal information, doxing, and other such activities becomes the norm fewer and fewer people will want to take part in this little experiment. That, in turn, hurts all of us. Whether you appreciate someone in the game or hate them, this place simply wouldn't be the same without them. 

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