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Posts posted by Timoteo

  1. Jipps! I appreciate your post -- especially your efforts to organize and format (i.e. headings) that can aid with comprehension. However, I do disagree with your conclusions. The NPO should probably not be given easy peace.

    I believe that the NPO would disagree with you too, were they allowed to talk more. Since the NPO has been somewhat quiet on these forums (alas), perhaps our only gauge as to their wishes can come from recent memory. Anything else would be unfair speculation, no? Therefore let us remember the following...

    1) The NPO believes in the application of harsh terms and would advocate and defend their appropriateness throughout all possible scenarios.

    2) The NPO believes in punishing alliances-at-war for having some of their members in peace mode.

    3) The NPO believes that it is reasonable to sentence individual nations or even whole alliances to indefinite permawar.

    4) The NPO believes that the installation of a viceroy and demanding root admin access to an opposing alliance's forums are reasonable. Further, it is reasonable that these sorts of conditions be allowed to continue indefinitely.

    5) The NPO do not fear war. Rather, they are honored to lay down their lives for their ideals and to uphold the honor of their infallible emperor.

    Weird, huh? Honestly, I am as surprised as you may be. I would have -guessed- that the NPO might like to receive easy peace. However, until they both admit that their past actions were wrong and apologize for them, it would seem that they continue now to believe in this sort of thing. Apparently NPO supports this current war, including the harsh terms being demanded and their own marginalization. As honorable proponents of justice, I hope that Karma will uphold these wishes of their opponent. Anything else would be unfair.

  2. After the crap they tried to pull on IRON (thank you Citadel for having the class to stop them), did you expect better from RoK? This time they don't even have the "we were attacked" excuse. It's all in the name of justice! ...Except the restitution money for NPO's crimes will end up in RoK's pockets, not in those of NPO's victims.

    I understand that NPO is gonna get harsh terms. Fine. No, that doesn't make you OMG AS BAD AS NPO, which I know you'll accuse me of saying. But you're setting whole new precedents here, things even NPO never did. Not to mention that, as always, the restitution will wind up in the pockets of opportunists, not in the pockets of those who have a valid claim to restitution. RoK, hopefully your comrades in this fight are as classy as those in your fight against IRON.


    If someone wanted to send some reps my way, that would be fine with me. ^_^

  3. I think it takes something just as horrible as NPO to counter the evil that NPO has become. Karma isn't NPO, but it has to act like NPO in order to defeat NPO. Maybe it has been successful in doing this so far.

    Some people have complained that NPO is unable to surrender here, but does NPO deserve peace? Why should they get it?

    I would say they have been asking for what they're getting.

  4. I do find it interesting that the same people who railed against FAN for being in peace mode and also proclaimed that each one of us who had been in peace mode during our war deserved perma-ZI now has their top 28 players all in peace mode (as of the time of this post). According to the OP all the government is in peace mode too, though I don't really know about that.

    So, either it turns out that either...

    1) insisting on your opponent being in war mode is unfair and unreasonable


    2) NPO folks are pretty big hypocrites

  5. I am one of those who agree that the CB of GATO-1V, the months of grinding us into dust while ignoring our efforts to surrender without disbanding, and the occupation itself were all in very poor taste. We were forbidden to trade or communicate with the outside world. Some good men were unnecessarily booted. They insisted on root admin forum access as part of the surrender terms (WTF?). Some of that "rebuilding" policy appeared to be an effort to suppress and delay the recovery which we so desperately needed. It lasted for months past its expiration for no observable objective or reason. Yes, fine, that was some pretty unpleasant stuff for GATO. I concede the point.

    However, all of that is now (finally) in the past, and let's be fair here.

    Were the actions of NPO objectionable? Probably so, yes, but let's also give them credit for some good things along the way. I would have to say that, all things considered, our release would have to be chalked up as a good thing. I honestly believed that it would never happen, so +1 to NPO. Some of us more forward-thinking types liked to think about life after NPO anyway. Better yet, maybe the little treaty thing will deter them from pulling another GATO-1V. Sure, for all we know it could be meaningless or a trick, but I would imagine that, all things considered, that is also a point in favor of NPO. +2 to NPO for making an effort to mend the fences, even if perhaps they were involved in those fences' destruction. Also, I liked Bakamatai from NPO. He's a good man. +3 to NPO for finding and sending people to fiddle around in someone else's alliance.

    Finally, there are many fine reasons to hate a person, but distaste for their alliance is not a very good one. The people over there are human beings and players of CN too, and so they already warrant a certain minimum amount of respect because they have that in common with the rest of us. They're a bunch of fat dumbasses sitting at home in front of their computer on Friday night, and so are you, so be nice and make a friend!

    There is life after bitterness, and there's a healthy amount of CN gaming future yet to be had. So here's to a future in Planet Bob brimming with hopeful potential. *raises a can of Mellow Yellow in a toast*

  6. We currently have an almost-finished trade circle in blue. All we need is marble and coal. If you don't have a harbor, we'll help you build it. You don't have to be in blue, though it's to your advantage to do so. If you have any interest please send a PM in Cybernations.


  7. Excellent. Bwahaha!

    I promise to switch colors and open trades to all of you folks. Please give me a few days to message my current trades. I intend to give them until the end of the month, and then I will be in this thing for the rest of my CN time.


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