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Posts posted by Sapphiredagger

  1. Even though this has been long gone, I am no official gov member, but I try to work things out with raids and stuff. Even if the RE gov knew about those two (?) wars, it's really hard messaging 250+ nations just to stop anyone from piling onto you. So as I haven't personally attacked or instigated an attack on you, there is such thing as RE honor.

  2. I expected Frostbite to have a war with us, I just thought we'd hit them first. Hitting MHA is just sad. It seems to me that in recent rounds, no matter who they attack, they always get the most attention. People just seem to hit MHA more than other nations. Besides MHA, which target is in our range and not an ally?

  3. I've noticed an interesting thing in my travels around the internet. The Aussies make fun of New Zealanders for their relations with sheep, the Kiwis make fun of the Aussies for the same thing. The Welsh make fun of the Scottish, the Scottish make fun of the English and the English make fun of the Welsh, all concerning the sheep. I'm not sure if this is a passive-aggressive possessive thing regarding the sheep or not; but one thing is definitely clear.

    I'd no idea sheep were so slutty.

    Sheep ARE slutty, but they're good at what they do. 'nuff said.

  4. well, to be fair, NONE is not 348 nations, the system erroneously includes 348. They're more like 50-100 I estimate, and they're quite disorganized for the most part. Their strongest nation is about 3k NS and one 4k NS could easily dismantle the whole alliance, but I have to admit that it's not their fault for being 3k NS. People have a habit of tech raiding them quite often.

  5. It feels good to roll MHA... Especially since I was in the Hegemony in the Karma War :D

    I was hegemony too, NADC, but we got an early out in the war, white peace. All that happened was I got nuked a couple of times but I tech raided that guy in a way, if he didn't have nukes, it wouldn't have been a fair fight. It wasn't anyways. ACF joined in and was target practice for us, CSN would have been, but then we would have been overloaded so we accepted the peace. That's how I saw it anyways. No offense to ACF and CSN.

  6. Ah yes I do agree, the gang-up on MHA is quite funny and fun. Are we getting rolled? Well considering we were attacked by a combined force of more than double our strength and we're holding out own it's going well. By holding our own i mean reducing the damage done and preventing further damages. To my own ZI and beyond!

    This might get me ZIed, but I did quite a lot of damage to MHA by myself!

  7. CN:TE is another outlet for mindless warring and sanction grabbing! This was supposed to be a place where you can slug it out with no reason, so yes, I have no problem with MHA getting rolled though it might be because I'm in RE.

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