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Posts posted by darkslayer

  1. Yeah, and a lot of people don't care that I quit either. Doesn't necessarily mean that I can't say anything. You and your buds bash the people you don't like all the time, but you get all pissy when they do the same to you. I know you all will get pissy about what's said about you behind your back, yet you all do the same thing to others. If I wasn't against your allies, and I was against the people YOU don't like, you'd love this goodbye. I've definitely been around enough to know just how much honor most of you all truly hold. People can take my words seriously on either aspects, in regards to both positive and negative, but they can also take it as a joke. I don't care either way. But I gave my opinion? Oh wow! Someone who just quit the game gave their opinion and I don't like it! Someone call the WAAAHHHMBULANCE.
    Yeah, I wouldn't advise coming back.

    Together we shall take the Pacificans down, comrade.

  2. NPO: Wow, you all sure are pure examples of might makes right. But it seems you rarely have honor unless that honor works out in your favor completely. You all sure are good at making it seem like people are lying when they accuse you of spying and editing logs and other crap. You lol at the accusations and people are stupid enough to actually think you didn't do it because of that. Well, I'm reading between the lines. You all are sick.

    True, o/ GOONS

    o/ FAN

    o/ \m/

    o/ LUE

    o/ Legion - NPO puppet gov.

    o/ anti-npo

    down with pacifica

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