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Minister Lawrence

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Posts posted by Minister Lawrence

  1. So you were saying "This is like the just uprising of the Warsaw Ghetto, only not just."


    I'm saying that it's similar to theWarsaw Ghetto uprising in that it was a bunch of confined, imprisoned people charging against those who imprisoned them. I only had to put in just and unjust to satisfy the goombas.

    Must you twist the subject away from what was intended?

    I suppose saying "The SS had cool uniforms." will get me a similar amount of bleating?

    Anyway, good work GDA. Alerting Karma to this bad comedy was an excellent idea and honorable.

  2. Shut up you have no idea what you are talking about. They are coming to our because we were attacked by CD. No bandwagoning or anything, there not declaring with a bunch of other people or anything. They are honoroing a treaty that they ahve with Pyramid and only Pyramid, no other "Big" alliane is telling them to come along for the ride. So please you have no idea what you are talking about.

    Did you have to ask them? If so, why?

    You're a strong alliance, aren't you? So why the little helper?

    And please, if you respond, be civil...

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