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Posts posted by Venomviper

  1. Thanks Guys...I take this moment to shine a new light on UN. We hope to have great battles and even better friends. I as the leader hope to teach my members that this is a game and the people we play with and against are friends through and through and our wars shall be fun and exciting.

    Thanks to UN and to NAON.


  2. The war between The United Nations and Blackwater is not ended on peace conditions.

    This war was fought for fun and no ill feelings on either end. I have the utmost respect for Blackwater and their alliance. They performed one of the best blitzes i have seen in the game. Silent and deadly. I thank them for being a great sport with the swarm of nations and the great fight they put up. It showed me that the UN wasnt as able military ready as i thought but thanks to Blackwater we have revamped our defenses and will be ready for next time.

    Thanks to all that participated

    In conclusion.....Any nation from UN that attacks past Friday Update will be anarchied and NUKED. This is not a joke. This war started friendly and we are not to provoke our friends.




  3. Seriously guys get back on topic...stop bad mouthing the UN

    And Ceasar i resent what you say about just liking Naon...i had high respect for you until that comment. I helped Naon more then anyone turn what UN is today a bigger alliance and a hardworking one..We as an alliance defied what you guys thought we couldn't do. We became a big alliance and you still laugh at us. Well the jokes on you cause we win! we did became a great alliance and we like each other..we don't care what you think and we certaintly wont give respect unless you give it back. I will offer anyone in TE the general courtesy of respect but if you sit here and bad mouth my friends and act like a complete jerk and embarass yourself by doing nothing but sittin her and degrading people then no you deserve nothing by a mod warning you and kicking you off this forum for leaving the topic and slandering other people.


  4. BW is not whining...in fact for the way things are they are being great sports. This was a great war and BW executed a GREAT blitz. Im glad they picked UN cause we now do see our military flaws and we appreciate the wake up call.

    So far so good UN and allies.

  5. Has anyone noticed the people that say UN is fail is stupid Blackwater people...seriously get a life.

    you need another hobby or something. The fact that you sit here and put other alliances down instead of enjoying the game shows your a complete jerk.

  6. Hey BG as for UN joining the war. Well we are preparing for war but we are gettin things together and we will let you soon.

    Got too many tech raids. Thanks for the Invite though.


    Minister of Defense/ Tribune

  7. AS Minister of Defense

    I warn Catyclsm any action toward the UN is wrong and should not happen. we are a different Gov and another alliance. Attacking us will not solve the problem. I ask for the leaders to Message me in game and settle any problems. I will be willing to negoitiate or to listen to any problems they have and will help in any way they need.

    Do not threaten or attack the United Nations.




  8. ok enough of the past im tired of talking about wat happened and the wat ifs...its a game let it go....im sorry cesar that u think the UN is backstabbers and u think we are cowards. I think it shows how true we are cause we stepped up to TPF adn other allies when they needed us in this war. IF you have any hard feelings im sorry you feel that way.

    What happened in the past was mass confusion and mis communication. We are a stable government and have a stable foundation to build on, and if you cant be happy about wat we have accomplished then you really arent a true leader.


    United Nation Minister of Defense

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