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Emperor Nigel

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Posts posted by Emperor Nigel

  1. On Part 7, I would like to state that the failures of the majority of the CoaLUEition were not reflected onto that of ACID. During that war, the 185 nation alliance would only suffer 2 anarchies at the hands of the Initiative. I defend this claim for I was the MoD for ACID at the the time and coordinated the Initiative attacks personally. I take great pride in this claim (Insert following criticism of me here). I remember heading to the League forums and being criticized for not being as well organized, yet I was the only one who decided that having my boys triple team nations was the best strategy for my alliance. The boys didn't even know what staggering was. -_-

    Great times though, I miss those days of CN.

  2. I joined May 26th of 06. second nation I'm on now.

    So, just to state something about the CoaLUEition vs NPO war, I led the military of ACID and we were the only nation to truly kick some $@!. I remember us having like 200 anarchies in the bag and two on our side, both being nubs and then everyone surrendering and the whole ACID being like "WTF? I thought we were pwning everyone" turns out we were the only alliance who actually was on our side, everyone else failed and failed hard.


    Quick question: When you guys plan on going out and finally saying, that's the end of me and CN, do you plan to either go out your way or do you see yourself just getting deleted?

    I'm hoping to do it my way, taking down some people I've grown to hate in the process.

  3. A few questions, then if I might?

    1. When did TGE, during the Coalition War, declare war on the Mushroom Kingdom or Hyperion?

    2. When did TGE, during the Coalition War, authorize a nuclear first-strike policy? For the sake of clarity, the official TGE policy on nuclear weapons is outlined below. Bear in mind that no exception was ever posted on the TGE boards by myself, Delmonte, Kaiser Frederick II, Shurukian or any other member of the alliance.

    3. If acting on behalf of the New Pacific Order, why did you continue to have "The German Alliance" listed on your nation?

    4. Were you even asked or authorized to act on behalf of the New Pacific Order?

    5. Were you authorized to use the New Pacific Order flag during the course of this action?

    6. Why can noone spell my name correctly?

    Not entirely correct, good sir. You were alerted to the need to move into peace mode due to the actions of two other members of TGE and only after I had duly posted your name on the standing target list. Considering that you would have been unable to see said list, I cannot help but presume that the same two persons who intervened on your behalf before had done so again. Then again, TGE's leadership has shown itself to be more interested in the addition of large and nuclear-armed nations to its ranks than to handing over nuclear rogues to the nations they have offended.

    You're asking for reparations for launching unauthorized with nuclear weapons and then being hit back?

    Nuke rogues as ambassadors - you, sir, might indeed be just the right person to represent TGE.

    1. TGE did not declare on Hyperion, MK or Athens. But the allies of TGE did and defending your friends is honorable, something you sadly lack.

    2. No exception was posted on the boards but the discussion of using nuclear arms was discussed thoroughly with Kaiser Frederick.

    3. First off, It's called "The German Empire" not the German alliance, for someone who once ran Defense not to know the actual name of the alliance sickens me. Second, I was a member of TGE, NPO members and myself both know that despite me helping them, that I was staying in NPO.

    4. After MK dropped nukes on NPO, all attacks and counter attacks on nuclear weapons against all nations fighting against NPO was issued.

    5. I have used the NPO flag periodically but I generally use the Canadian flag.


    7. The way you were talking to me tipped me off that you were stupid enough to issue an attack on me. (I've played this game too long not to have seen through your petty foolishness)

    8. I have never attacked FEAR or had any problems with them previous to this, this is your form of having TGE attack me while keeping your hands clean.

    Your darn tootin I'm the best for the job.

    As Janax put it, I am in no way denying dropping nukes, I'm just justifying why I did what I had done.

    If you really had issues with me, you would have brought this to question weeks ago, the only reason you chose to do it now was because K-Fred was not in as acting leader.

  4. Hey everyone, I've just been informed of this topic and since I'm one of the concerns in this story, I have no choice but to voice my opinion on the topic.

    Well, lets confirm one thing, I am the man that is accused as being the "nuclear rouge" and I can defend my actions fully.

    Lets take a little trip to the last GW. As we all know, $%&* hit the fan and NPO was thrown into the mix. I was in TGE at the time, but I still had (and currently still do) loyalties to NPO. Before TGE entered the conflict themselves, I got into the mix by attacking an MK nation, a Hyperion nation and an Athens nation. My defense to this, MK was in a war against NPO, and both the Hyperion and Athens nations were attacking NPO nations, they launched an assault in a war they had no business being involved in. When the war went nuclear, so did I, I'll admit, I dropped nukes, but not for the lulz like it was made out to be (although lulz were had) and the Athens nation, he was far from concerned about being attacked and always wondered what it would be like to be nuked. So for this, Turril had FEAR attack me attack me within two hours of joining TGE's protectorate TCoC. He held the burden of proof in this situation and he acted against higher authority by ordering an attack on me.

    Turril proceeded to question myself about the incident, almost a week after the attacks by FEAR, these questions were only brought forward after I was told that he was trying to have me taken out. His line on questioning was swift, precise and prejudiced. I managed to capture on to this and then entered peace mode which turned out to be a smart decision as this was his intentions from the get go.

    To FEAR: I have great respect for you boys, you are running the alliance right and I have only the best wishes for you. But, I am disappointed in the way you attacked me without proper reason for the specific intentions of tech raiding myself. Because of your actions, I lost 500 infra, 100 tech, 2K in land, not to mention the military loss and the 4 nukes spied away by you guys. I would find it honorable if there was at least some compensation for the damages caused to my nation, I feel that this would improve relations all around. I am not looking for the money myself, but I know there are some small growing nations in The Confederation of Canada that I would love to see get some strength to their forces.

    Best wishes boys.


    Also: NPO: I might show up as ambassador to your boys forums from TGE soon enough. (Any reason to check in and have a convo with you boys eh?)

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