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Posts posted by Power

  1. [quote name='Titus Pullo' timestamp='1298473433' post='2642847']
    Sam is, and always will be, in The Sweet Oblivion. His words still resonant through our halls and his spirit dwells within every member. We will never forget all that Sam means to our alliance.

    If you hate Sam, I would suggest you go ahead and hate TSO as well.

    Well said Longbowe.

    Happy Birthday TSO

  2. [quote name='Anakey' timestamp='1291887924' post='2534775']
    TSO had 55k tech as reps, the breakdown of this tech was as follows, 40k were to go to Athens, 5k to Open Source Alliance, 5k to Genesis, and 5k to Ronin.

    We had already managed to pay about 24k of the reps to athens by the time they decided to waiver the rest of the amount, the reps to Ronin were also waivered some time ago, Genesis has all being paid off leaving only OSA left, over half of which has been paid and hopefully the other half will be paid shortly.

    Although at the end of the war we still had 45 or so nations however due to many circumstances that number has sadly dropped to just 20 and out of those a good few are severely inactive. But TSO will rebuild now that the weight of the rep has mostly been lifted from its shoulders a new year is coming and a new year for TSO.

    Big thankyou to Athens for doing this for us

    To add to this I would have to also say that at least 75% of the tech sent out was direct tech. Not that it had to be direct, but sellers are hard to find and we wanted to full fill our obligation.

  3. Sunny, I still hate to see you go, but I understand. I hope nothing but the best for you in RL. I had a lot of fun with our tech competition, and in the end - you won! Thanks for the friendship in and out of CN. I hope you stay in touch and as far as I'm concerned you will always be a member of TSO.

    o/ Sunny

  4. [quote name='AndrewHG' date='25 February 2010 - 07:59 AM' timestamp='1267102974' post='2202945']
    One year is more than enough. As far as we are concerned this is water under the bridge.
    Happy birthday TSO, it was a painful birth but I'm sure it was all worth it.
    Some groups in CN hold ridiculous school yard grudges :facepalm: for far longer than necessary.

    hmm, two from MCXA that congratulated us for our birthday. Maybe some of you non-MCXA can look at this and learn?

    Thank you Andrew, Dr Fresh.

  5. [quote name='Daedalus27' date='22 February 2010 - 07:44 PM' timestamp='1266885898' post='2198195']
    I'll dedicate a nuke in your honor tonight.

    Good deal, Ill be out looking for it! You can be number 21 for me. It can be like a celebration - kind of like Disney at the end of the day!

    Don't worry, if your like all the rest, my SDI guys should be sleeping so it should come right in. ;)

  6. [quote name='Evitressa' date='22 February 2010 - 05:50 PM' timestamp='1266879032' post='2197988']
    In order to not utter the same sentiment as the rest of the 'non-o/'ing parties in this party...

    Congratulat[size="5"]i[/size]ons to you and the w[size="5"]h[/size]ole [size="5"]o[/size]f your [size="5"]p[/size]r[size="5"]e[/size]tty awesome (though still [size="5"]you[/size]ng) alliance an[size="5"]d[/size] [size="5"]I[/size] [size="5"]s[/size]till [size="5"]b[/size]elieve [size="5"]an[/size]other year is to come for your amazing alliance, no [size="5"]d[/size]oubt in my mind.

    o7 from the heart, mates!

    Sorry, you cant disband friendship!!!

  7. Hello, I am looking for a long term technology seller that would like to do 6m 150 tech deals.

    The deal operates like this:

    Using one aid slot

    3m 3m 50 50 50 start over as long as you would like to sell technology


    2500 NS minumum, In an alliance for at least 60 days, can be active every 10 days.


    If you are late on a tech payment it becomes a 6m 200tech deal -

    If I am late on a payment you just owe me 50 tech, so its a 6m 50tech deal-

    If anyone is interested please send me an in game message, I currently have one aid slot.


    Thank you

    Power of Thunder

  8. Most of you on these boards do not know who I am and I prefer to keep it this way. Unfortunately, I feel I need to come out of the shadows and say a few things before I slip back into them. I am somewhat of a new nation at only 444days compared to some of you so please bear with me. Also my grammar and spelling are something to be desired so I apologize in advance.

    I am finding it hard to understand what the main argument is. It appears that some of you have problems with a select few of the people that have started this alliance. The reason I say this is most that are bashing the TSO are people that would also bash MCXA in the past. With the exception of a few, let me say it again A FEW MCXA nations, most nations in the MCXA have accepted that we have left and do not hold a grudge. I cant remember what day it was Saturday or Sunday Gopher wrote a speech before we left that the doors are open and we could come back if ever we wanted to. Is this something that you would do if we “screwed” them over by just up and leavening? Another thing that most of you, other then MCXA, don’t know is that almost all of us gave a resignation thread around a week in advance. On mine, I was asked why I don’t just leave now and not wait till Sunday. I had to explain that I wanted to stay around and help in anyway that I could, also if anyone felt that I needed to leave before Sunday that they could unmask me and I would understand. Well, no one did.

    I’m not sure what else to say other then with the exception of a FEW MCXA members, not many have posted on the boards about how bad we did them. I don’t know how most of you, as outsiders, can say that we did the alliance wrong. You weren’t there…

    I thank all of you for reading this but don’t bother to ask questions of me because I would rather dip back into the shadows and watch. Thank you for your time.

    o/ MCXA

    o/ TSO

    Power of Thunder

  9. Looking to buy donations for September and October, I am willing to pay up to 9mill or 150 tech. pm me in game to coordinate.

    Buffalo Niagara

    I am also nation sitting this nation that is recovering from bill lock and would be interested in donation deals for him for up to 150 tech or 9 mill for September and October (some of which may come from my nation).

    Comrade Delski

    Deals will be on a first come first serve basis Send the donation and forward your preferences for tech/money payouts.

    Make that 12m 200 tech each and I will do both for you.

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