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Posts posted by JDawg

  1. It is the Karma War. For two reasons, the name of the coalition and the 'getting what's coming to you' element. Like the Unjust War, the name works well on two levels, it is short and memorable and it makes sense. The vote clearly shows that almost half of people already call it that and you're not going to get that sort of support for another name.

    Pretty level headed thinking here.

  2. It IS wrong for anyone to make blanket statements about an alliance's fighting abilities simply based on their individual wars.

    You're right, we should base their fighting abilities off of MCXA's gold star winning arrogance and gloating abilities.

  3. That Polar is "not really in a position to criticise other alliances for their preparation in tangential wars." I don't support gloating by any of the alliances on the winning side of the war but I also don't recall seeing any.

    My post was a response aimed towards the few Polaris who were criticising the MCXA's ability to fight, as if it was relevant and/or they could do any better themselves.

    Is it wrong to have an opinion against an opponent who could hardly damage a polar nation that was being attacked by several other nations at a time? One would think against those odds the larger force would have no problem destroying the smaller force.

  4. None of those things change the fact that Polar was extremely poorly prepared for war and are therefore not really in a possition to criticise other alliances for their preparation in tangential wars.

    I would be very curious to find out how you would react to the same war we had with your alliance instead. I find it hard to believe that if your alliance was in the same situation as us at the time, that you would hold off better than we did. It was assumed that from the beginning of this war that Polaris would have it's original awesome strength at about 11.5 million reduced to zero - that in fact was not the case and we ended at around 3.5 million. Now, if that doesn't sound like a good defeat, than I don't know what is. We withstood hundreds, maybe thousands of attacks upon our nations and yet they all managed to diminish our alliance strength by only maybe 8 million strength for an alliance war that lasted weeks at a time when we were up against maybe four or five times our odds?

    By you sitting there and telling us how our strategy, war mobility, and preperation was poorly set up, you are very naive to think so. As very very few alliances in this game could actually pull of this amazing stunt.

  5. King Penchuk, you know how I and the rest of Polaris feel about you man. I wish the best of luck to you and your new and future home - just remember you always have a home here in Polaris. It's a shame some people can determine your decisions in CN, and believe me when I say that will change in the near future - most know it.

    Also KP, don't even bother trying to debate or argue with that sam dude. You're better than that, since he usually just comes up with most of the BS anyway for bragging rights he barley has. Everyone knows who he is and how much of a bad representation he sets for his alliance due to the gibberish he says on these forums. It's not even worth it, take my word for it. Arguing with him is like debating against a stubborn mule - he has nothing better to say so he sticks with his usual response.

    Anyway, take care old friend and you will not be forgotten.



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