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Posts posted by Kodiak

  1. I would also like to agree with this. Browncoats never intended to "end" the 57th Overlanders. However, I hear that's what they want of us (insert Kodiak saying things here).

    Yeah, for what it's worth...that was the wrong choice of words on my part, and apologies for any confusion that went with that. I'm not going to make excuses, I'm not known for being a diplomat.

    What I had meant to say is we're looking for a surrender here, and we continue to look for a surrender.

  2. warflag.jpg

    For anyone confused, this is our warflag.

    An announcement from the 57th Overlanders

    The heaving 1,500lb Grizzly labours to get up onto the podium at the town square. He is initially unable to get the attention of the bickering crowd of poseurs and miscreants. Standing behind him is a veritable barnyard of roosters, squirrels, monkeys, Canadians and, of course, Saintsmaen in his legendary brown trenchcoat. By his side is one particularly large man in a black tuxedo holding an unmarked briefcase. The bear coughs, but the racket continues. Frustrated, he inhales slowly and blasts a deafeningly loud and deep roar.

    "If I could just have your attention."

    The large man in the black tuxedo swiftly opens the briefcase and pulls out a single parchment inside, holding it in front of the eyes of the tired ursine behemoth who struggles to read it. It is at this time that Lord Panda comes out of his cave and stands beside him, saying little.

    Kodiak continues, "Bear with me...this was written by our Captain."

    The pun is lost on most, and ignored by the rest.

    Some people seem to think that it's okay to let your friends make a suicidal charge while you sit pretty at the back. You know, the kinda folk who watch their mates run against a couple hundred ching-wah tsao duh liou mahng without nary a twitch. Those folk that know us will know that we ain't those kind of folk, those that don't... well, they gorram do now.

    So it's not really much of a surprise then that the men and women of the 57th will be accompanying Veritas Aequitas--.

    "Wait...that's not right. Didn't we have some new information or something that changed all that? How about you get me the current draft...."

    The Grizzly chuffs and grinds his claws against the wood surface of the podium while the many people behind him start poring through the many documents inside the briefcase. Ultimately it is the rooster that quietly meanders over to the beast, urging him to turn around. The legendary Saintsmaen is standing there in his brown leather trenchcoat. He presents a newer, shinier piece of parchment to Jake, who subsequently holds it up in front of the bear's eyes.

    "Here it is, sir."

    We believe in standing by our allies come hell or high water. We've found neither in this instance, what we have found though, is a lovely little snippet. This snippet shows how someone was planning on jumping the 57th after we were otherwise engaged. Not due to a treaty, oh no, but apparently because they hate us, and expect us to hate them back. They wanted to participate in the beatdown they so desperately wish the 57th to undergo.

    The 57th doesn't (most the time) have a lawyer, so we tend to call things as we see them and act accordingly. In this instance, we see someone who wants a war with us, and who had planned on attacking us only if it was ensured that they'd win. Could just be me, the 57th, most of our allies and common sense, but it would seem to stand to reason that doing something like that is morally wrong.

    Alright, alright... okay, I'll skip the rest of the lecture, but only because Saintsmaen will probably kill me in his excitement otherwise. I wouldn't put it past him, his eyes aren't the best anymore. He's seen one too many things, and has quite a bit of rum in him, as you do.

    Anyway, in short, you hit the 57th out of a treaty obligation, fair enough. You hit the 57th because you don't like us, well, guess that's your right. You hit the 57th while we're otherwise engaged and will only hit us because of this and we will take you down.

    We got lucky this time, and were warned of this distasteful maneuver at just the right time from somebody within their alliance who had a conscience. It could have have as easily been that this would have gone the other way, and that we'd have helped VA and then been hit by their enemies and these bandwagonners alike. Fortunately, that's not the case, and I have no intention of leading the 57th into a trap, and so we're going directly after the people who had it planned for us.

    Browncoats 2.0, we are coming for you.

    While we're flattered that you think we're your blood rivals, we do not. NSO has more claim to any rivalry than you do, and we've managed to co-exist with them just fine. Don't be too sad though, as after all, war is fun. You will have it.


    Veneke, Captain

    Kodiak, Lieutenant

    Lord Panda, Quartermaster

    "So I think that's about everything. DesertSon, can you start distributing the evidence packages to anyone who wants them? Thanks."





    "And before issuing this attack, I just want to remind you that we will follow our current nuclear policy. DS, could you pass that around too? Thanks."


    Nations that can play with yellow-cakes are encourag'd to do so, but we don't mandate it. Nuclear first strikes are part'n'parcel of warfare. You spent that cashy money of yours on a missile, you sure don't just leave 'em acting like statues now do ya? The 57th will use nuclear weapons to defend itself, and its allies. Nuclear weapon release can only be ordered with the unanimous agreement of the Captain, Lieutenant, and Quartermaster. No nuclear weapons will be fired upon non-nuclear nations (unless the sly piece of go-se decided it'd be fun to try and spy a nuke away, then he's fair game...). Oh, and if we get some HOE-tze duh PEE-goo thinkin' he can start the 'glow at night' programme first, you can best bet that we'll return the favour with much gusto.

    "In plain English. We won't be nuking you, unless you strike first, in which case we will. We were quite content to coexist with you guys, even if we weren't thrilled with what you've done to the Browncoats. However, if you come looking to harm me and mine out of sheer pettiness. I will personally see to it that we end you. We're not going to wait for you to find a vulnerable moment, no matter what you choose to call yourselves."

    We aim to misbehave.


  3. Much respect to our neighbours in the Bovinian Empire.

    Let me say, that speaking on behalf of an alliance of Gryphon worshippers, ruled by a nation of meglomaniacal bears, that Planet Bob is one f***ed up place.

    Look forward to seeing more of your kind.

  4. I'm sorry to say this but you got emotional over pixels?

    Never been pissed at a game before? There's people behind those pixels.

    If you need us, we'll be licking our wounds and wondering who our friends are.

  5. We asked the people, the answer was clear. It's been emotional. Congratulations M*A*S*H.

    Many thanks to our supporters on both sides of this conflict who have shown maturity and respect.

  6. Speaking as one of the rabble in question, this isn't about the "freedom to move from one alliance to another if you're unhappy with your present alliance", this is about the "freedom from the OOC persecution of P-ZI, and freedom from being sent into anarchy because you traded (knowingly or not) with a P-ZI nation".

    As hard as it is to believe, a lot of us certainly didn't go in thinking we would win. We'd much rather be remembered for doing what we thought was right.

    Nevertheless, I'm sure you feel better.

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