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Posts posted by Ashleaa

  1. I would have chosen my language a little more carefully if I realized my PMs were going to be posted to the OWF without my consent, which I am not happy about. 


    I was contacted by CLAWS and GATO and they politely and firmly requested that I cease tech deals with COBRA for the duration of the war.  They did not explicitly threaten me, but the implicit message was clear that there could be adverse consequences if I had continued my tech deals.  Or maybe I'm just an old paranoid FAN.

  2. [quote name='Gopherbashi' timestamp='1291787641' post='2533672']
    (while moving away from the cute and cuddly [color=gold][i]Federation of Armed Nations[/i][/color]).

    I forget if we are still fluffy bunnies or not. Apparently so?

  3. We are an old trade circle on YELLOW hoping to replace a member who was deleted for inactivity.

    [Aluminum] Pigtopia
    [Cattle] United Nations III
    [Coal] Side 3
    [Fish] Pigtopia
    [Iron] Side 3
    [Lumber] XCrew
    [Oil] United Nations III
    [Rubber] Texas Nuevo
    [Uranium] XCrew
    [Water] Texas Nuevo

    This circle provides: [Steel] [Automobiles] [Beer] [Construction] [Asphalt]


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