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Posts posted by Cable77

  1. Today I woke up thinkin' bout Elvis somewhere in Vegas, I'm not sure
    How I got here or how this treaty in my left hand just appeared
    Outta nowhere, I gotta go, I take the infra and the tech deals and hit the road
    They say what happens here stays here, all of this'll disappear
    there's just one little problem...

    I don't even know my last meme
    Dos Equis would be so ashamed
    It started off, "Hey cutie, where are you from?"
    And then it turned into, "Oh no, what have I done?"
    And I don't even know my last meme

    Fark will temporarily protect the Drunkards AA until July 12, 2014 as we consider a more formal relationship and wait for the test results to come back. An attack on Drunkards will be viewed as an attack on Fark

    Signed on the 13th of April, 2014.

    Signed for Farkistan:
    905, Submitter
    Mr Vicarious, Squirrel
    one_eighty_two, Speaker of Totalfark Council
    Cable77, Totalfark Council
    Arcane, Totalfark Council
    Rollo Gigante, Totalfark Council
    docmeister, Totalfark Council

    Signed for The Drunkards:
    o8secridr, Drunken Masta
    Quiggler, Drunk as poop

  2. Scut Farkistan!

    Scut Farkistan! What a rotten name. We were trapped. There he stood, between us and the alley. Scut Farkistan, staring out at us with his yellow eyes. He had yellow eyes! So help me God, yellow eyes!

    Iron Dill! Farkistan's crummy little toady. Mean. Rotten. His lips curled over his green teeth.

    GPA lay there like a slug. It was his only defense.

    Say "uncle."



    In our world, you were either a bully, a toady... or one of the nameless rabble of victims...

  3. py5.png4td.pngf0f.gif


    We don't always add new members; but when we do, we like them to be ice cold!

    For a little over two years, Dos Equis has been one of the most interesting blocs on Planet Bob. As most of you know, one of our founding members recently decided to move on. Before they left, we had already begun talks for adding a new member. What we thought would be an expansion has become a return to our original number.

    But who would we want to join a bloc where when opportunity knocks and we're not home, opportunity waits for us to get back? A bloc where we can both lead a horse to water, which he willingly drinks, AND we can look in his mouth and the gift giver feels honored?

    We considered several of our closest friends but one was a clear-cut unanimous choice to join us in our vision of peace and security. We are pleased to welcome the members of the New Polar Order to Dos Equis!



  4. Is there a link someone to read about how the process actually works? Can the current "leader" appoint a successor via a control panel or does Admin or mods have to get involved? One issue we're currently discussing is whether to use our true elected leader or a more stable appointed admin position. For some alliances, the leader can change fairly frequently due to elections. Not a big deal if we can change it ourselves but could be if it is more difficult.

    Another option is to call the position "alliance admin" instead of alliance leader. This would allow for the more stable position without causing any in-game confusion as to who is actually leading the alliance. That would also alleviate issues for alliance with 2-3 heads of state.

    I also feel it is very important to port over existing members and keep the alliance seniority intact. It really isn't fair to people who have been in the same alliance for 5+ years to suddenly have 1 day seniority.

    I do think this has potential, but I voted no until the issues at hand can be addressed.

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