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Posts posted by Mooch329

  1. Electron Sponge was a great leader that wanted to see Polar as the top power on Planet Bob. Now if you don't mind the fact he plotted on NPO and his other allies, had a history of pissing off and on allied leadership, and signed so many treaties with anything with a pulse that NpO spent most of it time picking and choosing what ally to support and what one to piss off when two of them would get in a pissing match because no one had the forsight pick and choose allies who would get along then he was just fine. I am sure if you were in Polar and pretty much saw your allies as stepping stones that you don't mind screwing over when it gets you ahead he was a great guy. And if you can look past the whole OOC attack and then crawling off like a coward when just a fraction of what he had been doing was brought into the public light then I am sure he he is just the leader you would love to have. Well except for the whole turning your allies against you thing and the only alliance keeping you from being crushed is the one you were plotting on thing. That did not work out all that well.

    I always assumed an OOC attack would be one where you either make fun of, belittle or demean a person. Which I saw none of but only a mere mention of it. So do me a favor and stfu.

    Just for the record, I was in NAAC before NpO and didn't particularly care for ES.

  2. You do realize that they are only "flimsy" and "baseless" to you and you're fellow NoV and former NoV buddies right? The rest of CN that isn't posting in this thread has no problem with the CB and the subsequent destruction of your alliance. But keep up your rhetoric maybe you'll get a few others to jump on board.

    How wrong you are. Please do not speak for the whole of cn community. I believe TPF's cb is a bunch of crap. They should have been crushed like goons, m...

    Personally, it is no business of TPF's or anyone elses on how Nov handles their members, espcially if they show no signs either in game, on these boards or their own forums that they are ws or nazis.

    To NoV: good luck in your fight. I offer you my support, as it may not be much, but again, good luck.

  3. Personally, I think it is idiotic to declare war on an alliance because they attempted to recuit from another alliance. If your members are strong and loyal, it shouldn't be an issue. Just say, "Thanks but no thanks" and move on.

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