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Frederick the Great

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Posts posted by Frederick the Great

  1. Based on what I have learned about Francoism, it advocates that Feederites overthrow the Userites. However, by technicality, in CN, the Feederites are all nations with "None" as their alliance. Taking Francoism in it's original form, NPO's original philosophy contradicts it's existence.

  2. "In recent news. Top secret documents from Amazon reveal shocking conditions and unbelievable warcrimes during the final days. Apparently, the government destroyed whatever infrastructure remained and children being force recruited into the army. A thousand man army of children were slaughtered in the onslaught. In light of new reports, General Michael Christian has committed suicide. Protestors are up in arms against the GGR4 over the reports and demand the removal and suppression of such documents. The government has responded in protecting her natural citizens from the migrants and has commenced ethnic cleansing of Amazonians in some regions. This is a situation in which all sides are guilty of human rights violations. President Frederick the Great and Chancellor Christopher have both requested foreign intervention to mediate the argument between the Germans and the Amazonians. The two ethnicities have gotten along well until now. Sectarian violence and terror bombings are a common site within the nation of GGR4."

  3. bump.. still looking for more people. The 3 million sent to each player instead of fifteen is to protect the interests of sellers and buyers. Buyers will be insured and will not lose fifteen million to a rogue at once and the sellers have an extended period of time to gather up their tech.

  4. The Communist Party of the Fourth Reich which has long been banned by the Federal Republic of the Fourth Reich (along with other extremist parties) has returned. Large scale violence and protests have caused an immediate crackdown on the party. Within the first half of the day, hundreds of protesters within the small capital town of Berlin have been arrested for disturbing the peace. The army has been called in to stop the violence. Twelve terror bombings have occured with few injured and the President has currently been put under heavy security.

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