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Posts posted by KrakenRouge

  1. Because of the constraints of the game mechanics, and the organization hitherto required to function effectively, we cannot effectivly portray an actual collective etc with the consensus system. In reality though, we have the weakest executives in effect of most alliances in the game. And, these are also based upon responsibilities, not on the act of the system existing in admiration of itself.

    In the end the mechanics reduce each little nation-state to a deformed version of a Republic, how we choose to percieve ourselves is almost the only true integration.

  2. The meatbag comment was very humorous, it wasnt my intention to flame, just to accentuate one part of the post to stick into people's minds. Hizzy, you need to be a part of every announcement, also, sorry to all the squares who expected something respectable. I hate 'stick-up-my-a' diplomacy and people taking things too seriously.

  3. Democracy-like the cleaning of a house, it never ends. The Libertarian Socialist Federation presents its new line-up:

    Public Announcer of the LSF - Krakenrouge

    Co-ordinator of Military - Superzorro

    Co-ordinator of Foreign Affairs - Palachinov

    Co-ordinator of Economics - Trikoupis

    Co-ordinator of Alliance Security - Battousai567

    Co-ordinator of War Preparation - skinz

    LSF Forums: z15.invisionfree.com/LSF/index.php?

    naughty terms removed - The Management

  4. First of all, good luck comrades.

    While i am in my way out of the game (i would be out, but one day i just couldn't restrain from collecting and paying bills again in order to anarchie a guy; sin is sweet :P ), i find this interesting enough to comment. But i will not comment the positive aspects of this experiment, which are surprisingly many in my eyes, i would simply like to point out a couple of weakness or perhaps illusions (this word may sound a bit offending, but my limited knowledge of english does not help me find another one). I'll present my thoughts going from point to point.

    Thanks for the support. Im sad to see you leave the game, since there's few enough libertarian Socialists as it is. Your concerns are well intentioned and theres no reason why we couldnt use another level head I suppose. Consider it.

    1) Alliances' military in CN is of a complex structure. Modern CN warfare requires an excellent organisation for timely and well put strikes like quadrupling or cutting the enemy from slipping into peace mode or effective use of spies. It also requires (it has always required) for the success of such operations a high level of secrecy.

    On Military Organization- The whole concept of maintaing a form of defense in terms of a pre-established heirarchy is not necessary for the method of self-defense. We've toyed with the idea that people in the group of similar NS will coordinate as a brigade in the occasion of a war breaking out. This brigade will function independently like a cell, maintain its own orders and objectives and target and coordinate with other cells on thier own. If people through compulsion establish thier own directives or choose not to fight they are free to do so.

    2) Ofcourse, a war is won before it is fought. CN is above all a diplomacy simulation. Nevertheless, a military organised in a way that matches minimum standards is what any ally expects from you. After all, the Orders have proven in the past that good organisation can be, in a reasonable measure, stronger than simple numbers or ns.

    On Allied Expectations- If people expect a squad on which they can count to sway to and fro like bathhouse whores towards the next conflict then they are talking to the wrong people. Allies can expect the friendship of a community of individuals based on the respect they give, however I see two things as being ruled out of the picture in -----'s case:

    *----- You can rest assured that will only accept as the highest grade possible an ODP, and even that may be a bit too drastic.

    *----- holds as one of its reasons for existing, to not exist in the machinery of diplomatic jingoism or to expand or grow itself and participate in imperialism for the sake of growing. ----- sole goal is the continued existence of the community, not of its aggrandizement, not of a rat race situation where we want to be the biggest and the best

    *------holds that any ally that cant understand this is no true ally and is gearing thier friendship towards us for ingenuine reasons

    3) Neutrality in CN can be held only for as long as it doesn't succeed enough to be able to protect itself. And you do not seem to seek it anyway, as you are starting with a protector, friends and foes (an alliance around this theme couldn't be any different).

    On Neutrality- Neutrality is not maintained in CN because allegedly neutral alliances are always signing more and more conflictive treaties and attempting to expand thier role as mediators or to expand thier presence in general. ----- regards this as a foolish, counter-productive, and imperialist mode of thought which brings these alliances to stop being neutral.

    We have a protector but by no means does this mean a domination of our affairs by the protector's[TRF] diplomatic arrangements. We will share a common viewpoint most likely, since were both very good friends and are ideologically similar, but this will not extend into some form of 'bloc' mentality that degrades the foundation of it.

    Simply put, the protectorate exists only because it would not be possible in the game mechanics to survive without a protectorate. ----- considers a protectorate to be a favor granted upon a small and budding community, not an open door into managing the protectee.

    ----- is being criticized for starting out with a protectorate incorrectly. Beyond people from our forums visiting other sites or forums as individuals, there will be no foreign apparatus to the community to impose itself on anyones field of vision. All were asking for is our corner, to grow and exist outside of this sphere, and for the CN world to consider us as an expirement and a novelty. Were just trying to exist, we exist for no other reason than that to restate the point.

    So you are not neutral, you need allies and you are not going to organise a military -not with open boards!- capable of being of any help to anyone. Ergo, your existence depends only on other people's good will. And you seem to realise that, by basing all your hopes for a peacefull existence in your open structure, which is supposed to be able to prevent bs DoWs. Well, for one, it doesn't prevent bs DoWs, nothing prevents bs DoWs. And second, people don't need justified DoWs in CN. So you are not doing it right in my humble opinion and perhaps you should put more thought over these problems, take advantage of the current political situation, close your boards, organise your military like anybody else and strife to get more and stronger allies, while you still have time.

    ----- does not exist to make itself more palatable or user-friendly to other alliances, so no we're not a help to any warmongering power which attempts to call itself our friend only to bring us into 'its' conflicts and its powerplays. If this means a lack of growth, diplomatic isolation, all the better, it will only give us more time to hone our project, and more clearly differentiate the malaise of CN. The malaise of CN is the constant repetition of cut and paste alliances which exist only to have forming tool bureaucracies and playing president. The malaise of CN is the very mechanics which force people into situations where they have to acclimate to militarism and nationalism, and inducing them into the seductive throes of pseudo-fascism.

    If ----- is destroyed by an unjust war than history will absolve us

    ----- doesnt exist to go backwards on its own principles and acclimate to the closed environment, the perpatuation of fear, and the degredation of any attempt at conscientous philosphy

    ----- will either exist as it is and as it should be, not as some watered down format to better protect ourselves. In the end, the nations that we control are a bunch of binary code, and I never understood the anal retentive nature in which these phallic compensations are safe-guarded.

  5. To respond to some questions/concerns:

    We are having a culture clash in the sense that we don't seem to be able to reach a common interpretation of what we are and how we percieve oursevles:

    -On the Note that Forming An Anarchist Group is Inherently Un-Anarchistic: I feel that this being used as a rationale is crass, uninformed, and an intentionally loaded opinion. We are not a group or a collective, we are a free association of individuals which reminds its members that they are individuals and not the adherents of a herd mentality. We are a group inasfar as we maintain a common dialogue, ensured through an 'umbrella' in a sense of a name (-----). Ergo, we are not a paradox because we do not claim to be anything other than what we have represented outselves. All action is vehemently autonomous and is only existent in the form of an 'alliance' because we have no way of existing outside of the game mechanics which require protection blocs.

    -On our Foreign Policy and Views Concerning How These Things Are To Be Arranged: Foreign agreements concerning our society are not bureaucratized, in that there is a function and effect limited to a sole few members of a bureaucracy and that functions in an anti-popular way. Foreign agreements are the only agreements to be respected as a 'unit' and a collective. Ergo, this is the sole facet of our organization that is controversial but necessary to acclimate into your bourgeois nationalistic militocracies. WE ARE VERY UNHAPPY IN THAT SENSE, to have to form a collective unit to organize a defense, because the CN world is too immature and patriarchic to allow any form of autonomy inherently and not conduce itself towards its BS macho posturing states.

    While you are in our forums and negotiating your persuasion, towards individuals and not pre-established bureaucrats, officers, or state officials, all your communications will be inherently open to the other powers' views.

    -How The ----- Association Seeks To Protect Itself from BS Cassus Belli:

    It is due to this reason that we keep and will maintain a completely transparent government and function/the first to my knowledge in CN/ and will endeavour to use this as a means of protection. In most scenarios Ive seen, a single person can go Rogue and commit an action for which the alliance is blamed as if it conducted some sort of combined act of collusion, inecessarily acting out at the most logically inconvenient time.

    ----- Will not be accused of spying with a straight face

    ----- Will not be accused of collusion or a break from neutrality in open conversations

    ----- believes that neutrality is not the lack of criticism of other states or governments by our own comrades, but that the criticism in the 'name of' ----- is inherently a break in neutrality. Individual opinions and words are exactly that, a seperate distinction oftentimes facetiously overlooked by the bourgeois establishment in CN that perpetuates itself on the fear of free speech

    If in case one of our members was to go 'Nuke Rogue', we would have to have the alliance that is opposing or calling for war to prove to us that the entire collective association is complicit, and to utilize in the face of undisputable absence of evidence, thier very flawed and hawkish stance.

  6. Also I wish a lot of people especially Silent, would wait till they have warrant to insult, to do so. On that very subject, Id like to see another political 'essay' constructed on the part of Silent : 'Selling My Soul and Loving It', or '12 Easy Steps to Being Insufferable'

  7. We exist for different reasons than the conventional government on CN:

    -We do not acclimate to a conventional structure which calls for a repetition of the bourgeois concepts of statecraft, artificial nationalism and militarism, and an abstract and apoltical detachment from the function.

    -We shall endeavour first off as Ive stated before, to be an original concept due to our primary objective:existence. -----will not be the handshaker of the people with the corpses in thier mouths, those of you to whom this is directed know.

    -I personally would certainly wish that the ----- grouping exist as an anti-thetical piece of performance art against the power structure and the notion of necessary establishments and protocol. Underneath the cobblestones comrades, there is a beach.

    -Lastly, ----- aims to be such a variant and malleable idea that exists as a neutral counter to being a part of the power politics, and to being an unpaid slave to the cut and paste order and square monotony. -----aims to be the concept of art and political action formed into one union of each other in one large grey matter of function and leisure.

    - ----- will always be an open space for conversations across the boundaries. The interest is in not OWNING a group of people and thier functions, but rather letting them develop naturally, with as little resistance and embellishments possible, and keeping the culture as the primary function.

  8. It is good to see the left flourish in CN. With NoV and other more right, aggressive alliances out of power the left is free to grow and prosper. As long as you remain friendly with Pacifica and the majority of planet bob, I think you'll do just fine.

    Good luck comrades.

    Thanks for the support

  9. Were trying to keep the forums open as well as much as possible, possibly even going for total transparency.

    And were not aiming for like public recognition or balls to the wall jingoism as an outlet. We just want to have a chill community, who happens to play CN, and what not.

  10. So...you require your nations to have "Anarchy" selected as government?


    No not quite, see Anarchism is this philosophy that exists. In the real world...

    That was our qualm about naming it Anarchy, that too many people would associate it with the arbitrary association to a government choice....

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