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Posts posted by Kogenta

  1. 1) The Grämlins - Obvious bias :D

    2) TOP - :wub:

    2a) OG - :wub:

    4) MHA - We came into this world around the same time so I guess you could say we are twins. Of course, we are the better looking twin. :P

    5) FOK - You crazy FOKkers are made of some strange form of win. Maybe its Dutch flavoured win.

    6-12) IRON, MCXA, NATO, NPO, Sparta, TPF, Valhalla (no particular order) - Gets a little fuzzy around here. All awesome in their own ways, but can't decide on an order for their awesomeness.

  2. Three, all taken when Halopro went rogue. Incidentally, eating those three nukes gave me an excuse to finally go ahead and jump 5k infra. Probably would've hemmed and hawed over the decision for another month otherwise.

  3. Thank you M*A*S*H for working so hard to try and resolve this in a peaceful manner. Too bad it didn't work out as such. I will be by to see you in your IRC sometime today.

    Now we will be showing Halopro why you shouldn't feed us after midnight. :ph34r:

  4. While I do not fully support this change due to the severity of it, I do think the idea of deflating tech's impact on NS was a good move. To anyone who still thinks their tech is worthless now, feel free to message me in-game about me possibly buying some of that "worthless" tech. I'll need a few days for aid slots to open up because I just bought 200 tech before these changes happened, but I will pay a fair price. Wanna know why I am so eager to buy more tech even though its worth has gone down so much in your eyes... Because it still has a lot of worth. My NS will still go up 250 for every 50 tech you sell me, my bills will continue to go down until I reach the 10% threshold, my spies will be even more effective than they already were.

    I lost 14k NS because of this change. And while that cost me a couple of ranks I am still in nuke range and quite securely too. I will just switch my focus to buying infra, finding donation deals, and buying wonders. Not as big a deal as some are making it out to be.

    Oh, and

    I am sooo freaking pissed off about this update. I'm a tech heavy nation, my nation strength that was artificlaly inflated is now more realistic and my bills have also been reduced because I'm now closer to the 10% threshold for infras upkeep reduction. Oh holy god I'm pissed.


  5. 1. No, if they have done nothing wrong besides being on the opposite side of a war with you then they do not desrve to be sanctioned.

    2. No, if they don't believe in such actions then they should not be allied in the first place so better cancel the treaty then refuse to help but still keep the treaty.

    3. Appointed Leaders, though I would prefer a mix.

  6. I just got my 6 month bonus today, and thought "What the hell? 6 months already?". Seems like just yesterday...

    How do you think I felt when I hit the 6 month bonus a second time? When I restarted my nation I didn't expect 6 months to pass so quickly.

  7. In the past 14.5 months since I joined a lot has changed in the cyberverse. There have been three Great Wars (I don't count the last war as a Great War), the alliance that was indirectly responsible for me even joining disbanded, the formation of WUT and its eventual breakup, and much more. When I first started and in fact for the first 6-8 months I rarely visited the forums so I completely missed GW I as I was an unaligned during it. Now I regret my ignorance back then since the real fun of this has came from the drama and the people.

    Its been a long road from those days back when I joined as an unaligned Pink team member and I am glad to have walked it and will continue to do so for quite a long time.

    Oh, and while I'm here. Thanks for getting me started in this crazy, crazy place LUE. Never joined the alliance, but if I had never seen that original post back on the Life, the Universe, and Everything board on GameFAQs I would definitely not be here today.

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