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Posts posted by adolf45

  1. Any method works, if you have the members making it work.

    This. ^

    Ultimately, if the government system is among the things the alliance's theme centers around, it will attract people who support and believe in that system. Secondly, no matter what kind of a system there is, a somewhat clear purpose for existence and a direction to head towards are important. These directions have to be defined while you're laying the foundations for the alliance, unless it's a dictatorship. Obviously though, even so the system will not necessarily be stable if the community is young and large, instead of having been built brick by brick from the tiny foundations to a large, truly experienced community. Direct democracies work with people like OP who feel that a direct democracy provides opportunities, free discussion and generates experience, knowledge and responsibility among all the people over a longer period of time, given that the bunch of them are still enthusiastic about striving for whichever goals; on the journey towards those goals, mistakes will be made and learned from.

  2. Wow, no, again, I suggest re-reading the OP. They are neutral when it comes to senate voting. Therefor it is NOT THEIR ELECTION. (Emphasis added to make it easier to understand.)

    You are trying to unseat the purple unity candidates, that is why I mentioned the fact that they are not members of any of the treaties. But it doesn't change the fact that this is not something they want to be bothered with and made this post to indicate their desires to the larger world.

    This means that you are (unsuccessfully) denying seats from everybody lying outside the borders of your Unity, which effectively means the same thing as declaring your little federation as the rightful owner of Purple. I disagree with this view; it's the Unity that is trying to unseat the Stickmen candidates. The Stickmen candidates, who are the only true rightful senators, the prophets to steer the Purple team towards freedom, away from the incarnation of stagnation that is Purple Unity - a repressive system of democratic centralism.

  3. nso.png

    Hello, fellow cyberverse peeps. We at Stickmen, being a bloc made of member alliances on the purple sphere while not being a purple sphere bloc, felt very left out of the Purple Unity Awards. Thus, as per the Burn Down Preston Doctrine, Stickmen activates Article I, section ii and Article V in making this announcement.

    But first, let us pray.

    Our Admin, which art in heaven,

    hallowed be thy name;

    thy ACP come;

    thy will be done,

    in Digiterra as it is in heaven.

    Give us this day our daily update.

    And forgive us our trespasses,

    as we DoW them that trespass against us.

    And lead us not into perma ban;

    but deliver us from evil.

    For thine is the kingdom,

    the power, and the glory,

    for ever and ever.

    Now, without further ado, allow me to present The Purple Sphere Awards (Revised and Trashed!) :

    The following winners will receive this most prestigious award:


    First, the Individual Awards!

    Mr. Purple

    Is attributed to: Alterego

    You are so fluffy.

    Miss Purple

    Is attributed to: Ogopo (aka A Soviet Attack!)

    You are the one we always go to to “feel better” and get “cheered up.” We can always count on you even if you are “helping” someone else at the same time.

    The Purple Heart

    Is attributed to: Bubbler Nation!

    You aren’t even on purple. But by Admin you were hit in the line of duty this last war. A lot. We respect that and thus award you the Purple Heart.

    The Purple Jester

    Is attributed to: NoWedge

    Just when we started to bore ourselves with continuous fart jokes, you were there to bring us back up again.

    The Purple Diplomat

    Is attributed to: Matt Shovel

    You’re always so willing to help out with diplomatic affairs and dealing with people. Luckily for our infra, we put you in finance instead. But the spirit you put into it cannot be ignored.

    ALLIANCE Awards

    Best Newcomers

    SLCB, the most seaworthy of the newcomers.

    iFOK, the most international FOK of the newcomers.

    FCO, the most finnish of the newcomers.

    The Most Influential Alliance on Purple


    Purple wouldn’t be what it is today if it weren’t for you guys. Your influence, we feel, is still felt even today (surprising, isn’t it?).

    The Most Welcoming Alliance


    When we all first moved over to Purple, we remembered you guys the most.

    The Purple Growth Award


    They have grown the most (too bad it was in the wrong direction)



    Seaworthy Liberian Cardboard Boxes

    Finnish Cooperation Organization

  4. On behalf of the Finnish Cooperation Organization, I gave the order to attack GOONS on this date, alongside BLEU and Nordreich. We were shortly countered by CMEA, a GOONS ally of equal strength.

    I do admit I miss the old GOONS and I think the era that followed was nowhere near as interesting as the times before the UJW's end.

  5. Decker, let's not be too hasty in portraying the innocent sheep. The fact that FCO's government KNEW about both members planning to go rogue is still inexcusable.

    While I and probably the entirety of FCO's active membership knew that the ex-members in question, as well as many other current members including myself, were not exactly best friends with the targets of the rogues here for very good reasons, we have no way of predicting these kinds of incidents. If the targets were any other people, personally I would offer rebuilding money out of decency - not out of obligation. If people do idiotic things outside of our ranks, that doesn't oblige us to get involved. I do respect Nordreich as an alliance, knowing many of it's noble officials, but not enough to make up for rogue actions that never were in our control, especially when the targets are individuals which have acted in such ways, that would provide anyone with a dozen valid Casus Bellis against whichever alliance's wings they happen to dwell under, yet which we never got any compensation for, even when at the time the perpetrators were your full members, even in the government. Believe me Chiftelos; this isn't a subject worth arguing about. It is only a waste of energy and could be detrimental to our relations.

  6. Karma is definitely not a deserving name for this coalition. These terms are weak, and all the alliances that signed them (not so much Athens) should be ashamed of yourselves for letting them get off so damn easy. Pathetic, to say the least.

    Yeah... Booooo, weak terms!!! Because we need more excessive reparations, public apologies, viceroys, forced expulsions, permanent ZIs, disbandments and all that jazz. In other words, we should pick up where our very enemy left and effectively render this entire war pointless.

    In case it didn't catch your attention, this war wasn't just a chain reaction of treaties; there was a real reason for it. Karma has probably given twice more white peaces during this war than all Hegemony alliances, combined, ever did. I think a whole lot of more people will give greater value to that from this moment onwards. An eye for an eye would make the whole world blind. I wish GGA had received easier peace terms, but I'm not in a position to do one thing or another about it. I'm glad they were given peace, regardless of whatever they might have done in their history of existence.

  7. To be fair, and with all due respect, if you don't want to your name to be used against you, try not naming yourself after a white supremacy movement, ya genius.

    Tela, Lady Gaga, whatever you want yourself to be called... I once held you in high regard as a respectable ally who took a lot of responsibilities and was loyal and dependable. I'll give you that. However, that statement of yours broke the back of the camel and confirmed that you have, indeed, become a troll... or you just happen to be extremely ignorant of the subject matter here. I think I'd rather believe the case is the former, since that would mean you're consciously being annoying, instead of just plain stupid.

    Or maybe you are right. I mean, King Zog just couldn't refer to the Albanian king, could it? No, that'd simply be too far-fetched. Kingzog obviously is an abbreviation for KINGZIONISTOCCUPATIONGOVERNMENT. And a Zionist occupation government definetely sounds like an organization devoted to white supremacy! Damn them zionists, conspiring to place whites in the grip of power, everywhere around the world! How come have we not realized this vile plot until now?

    I can't wait until someone picks up on my own nickname, for the 847684th time.

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