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Posts posted by bzelger

  1. STA, you're seriously going cry over this? I thought better of you guys.


    I kind of agree that it sounds like whining from some quarters. To be clear: I don't think any among us has any complaint about losing a war that we voluntarily entered. Nor about being heavily outnumbered. We wouldn't know what to do with ourselves if we weren't. Various people among us have altered their opinions of various enemy states based on how they elected to conduct this war and are choosing to express that. Please don't convolute that with crying about getting our teeth kicked in.


    We like that. :ehm:

  2. I am rather pleased that this came to fruition. Most of the alliances arrayed against us bring me no particular joy to cause harm to. But you, IRON, have always been a terrible alliance. Without exception you have been a group of weak spines,  myopic vision, and clumsy self-interest. Few alliances have done more harm to mine over the course of the years than IRON has.


    I look forward to burning the fields of a truly deserving alliance.

  3. I had hoped this rumor wasn't true, but I guess they usually are. I don't mind losing a war, and I don't mind losing it badly, but I really don't care for the flavor of this.


    I have always liked and respected you, Fark, and I had dared to imagine that there was some measure of reciprocity to that sentiment. If that were the case you could have easily opted against joining the dogpile on a throughly-countered and entirely periperhal alliance such as our humble group.



    The fact that you are here anyway indicates that my regard was unrequited. Oh well, so it goes. Enjoy my nukes - I'll be sure to save some for you.

  4. Please dont get me wrong, I have a deep respect for STA, but why I have the feeling that they are always dragged by the wrong side?

    Note: "wrong" meaning, the side that have the lowest odds to win, not as a moral stance.

    You have it backwards. It's always the losing side because we're on it.
    We're bad luck.
  5. At last, after many false starts, we get to consummate our treaty, TPF.


    Ours has been a strange journey together. We were bitter enemies and uncomfortable neighbors back when color politics mattered, beating on each other by proxy whenever possible. TPF is perhaps the only alliance that we have ever dealt with who worked with us in an honest desire to move on without any ulterior motive or especial benefit. We blossomed into an uneasy trial friendship that eventually grew into our sole treaty connection. At last we share a battlefield and I expect that at the end we walk off a pock-marked and scorched earth the only way we know how: hand-in-hand with our comrades-in-arms.


    Good luck, NADC. I wish we could be facing an alliance with whom we have a score to settle, but our primary goal here is to best assist our ally, and perhaps you should be marginally flattered that it means showing you a good time.

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