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Posts posted by Decker

  1. All right. Any others we should know about?

    Like meh giving secretz trades? :rolleyes:

    Maybe you should focus to hold your brave Finnreich in place. Their attitude is so awesome with all those straight accusation, trolling, !@#$%^&*ting without forgetting messages to our members. Someone else could be a bit pissed off with them already.

  2. I'm fairly certain this is the wrong place for this, and I don't think people pay 3mil for 100 tech, though I could be wrong.

    You are actually wrong, 100 tech = 3 mil is common price for tech at these days.

  3. First I would like to tell that FCO have reached 1 mill NS again! We have came from 300k

    and now we only need that 300k to reach the point where we were before the war.


    We would like to thank FOK!, Grämlins and CMEA as they have given great help to us and I hope

    that we will reach that 1.3 mill as fast possible.

    Well nada about it. After a new chancellor Iosif Moldov there have been kinda new winds and

    I would like to introduce our new charter which takes FCO more towards democracy:

    We, the representatives of the Finnish and Karelian peoples, the children of the North, who are tied together by one glorious Fatherland, common bloodlines, language, culture and traditions, honoring the memory of our fathers and showing love and loyalty towards the realm they built, swear in the name of the highest of folks and accept this constitution as the holy constitution of the Finnish Cooperation Organization, which, like bedrock, remains intact through centuries and millennia, forming the firm stone foundation of the Finnish nation.

    1§: Founding Statement

    1.1 Finnish Cooperation Organization is a fully fledged republic, over which authority is possessed only by the Finnish folk and the Senate representing it.

    1.2 The only official language of the Finnish Cooperation Organization is Finnish. Every official decision of the alliance is to be made primarily in Finnish, secondarily in English.

    2§: Symbolism

    2.1 The flag of the Finnish Cooperation Organization:http://img65.imageshack.us/img65/7518/image1iv9.png

    2.2 The state motto of the Finnish Cooperation Organization:

    "Kaikki maailman suomalaiset, liittykää yhteen!" / "Finnish people of the Cyberverse, unite!"

    3§: Membership; application process and obligations

    3.1 Upon joining the alliance, newcomers must undergo a short but comprehensive militaristic, and economical training, handled by the Commission of Popular Enlightenment. Only after completing their education, are newcomers promoted to fully fledged members, unless they are given an extraordinary permission from the Commission of Domestic Affairs or the Chancellor to skip education.

    3.2 Members must always show loyalty to the alliance, through times of prosperity and through times of misfortune. Information gotten from the forums or an official of the alliance must not be leaked to outsiders without getting a permission from an official. Officials must not spread information or permit doing so, if it is against the interests of the alliance.

    3.3 Members leaving the alliance must announce their departure at least two days before actually officially leaving. One must never leave the alliance without informing the officials about it.

    3.4 The members of the alliance are on every occasion bound by the rules set by the upkeep and administration of Cybernations, and breaking those rules will be punished like any other crimes defined in the alliance's legistlature.

    3.5 All those members of the Organizations who have committed some criminal need, have constitutional right to free trial and right to be punished by independent and neutral court.

    4§: Chancellor

    4.1 Duty of the Chancellor in the alliance is to represent the Organization and its intrests abroad and guide the Senators in their own duties. He is the figurehead of the alliance and everything it represents and is. Chancellor has a vote in the Senate, which is usually the one used to settle Chancellor nominates his successor.

    5§ The Senate

    5.1 The Senate, the highest legislative and executive organ of the alliance, is formed by a group of Commissars appointed by the Senate itself or and universal referendum. Each Commissar is in charge of his respective Commission, in which may be lower officials, who are not members of the Council of Commissars.

    5.2 The Chancellor and the Commissars may disperse their authority and responsibility by creating new Commissions subject to them; the number of Commissars and Commissions is therefore not a standard, and in theory has no limit. However, a certain number of permanent, essential Commissions in key positions is defined in this holy constitution, and that's five.

    5.3 The military is led by the Commissar of Defence. In the responsibilities of the military belong the creation, development, and upgradement of the organization of the army, placing the population into units and appointing officers, as well as planning and performing all kinds of military operations.

    5.4 The Commission of Foreign Affairs is led by the Commissar of Foreign Affairs, and his task is to take care of the alliance's foreign relations, uphold and develop relations with friendly alliances, uphold and organize embassies, and in general, represent the alliance abroad, exploiting his charisma to the fullest extent.

    5.5 The Commission of Domestic Affairs is led by the Commissar of Domestic Affairs, and his task is to make sure that every and each matter in the alliance really reaches every corner from Hanko to Petsamo. In the responsibilities of the Commissar of Domestic Affairs also belongs the peaceful extension of the alliance and handling the applications of newcomers, as well as other tasks defined by the Chancellor, clearly falling under the category of domestic affairs.

    5.6 The Commission of Economic Affairs is led by the Commissar of Economic Affairs, and his task is to take care of the alliance's internal economy. The alliance's socialistic political agenda is commissioned through the authority of the Commissar of Economic Affairs, from rich nations to poor nations, in the name of the benefit of the entire alliance.

    5.7 The Commission of Popular Enlightenment is led by the Commissar of Popular Enlightenment, and his task is to acquaint the members of the alliance to the secrets of economy, warfare, social life, and the world politics of CN. The Commission of Popular Enlightenment is subject to the authority of the Commission of Domestic Affairs.

    5.8 The Commissions of Economy and Popular Enlightenment together realize the planned economy of the Finnish nation in terms of, for example, trading. Their responsibility is to direct the economies of single nations by advising and setting decrees.

    5.9 Every Senator or official working for Senator may be expelled from their post by referendum launched by a popular initiative, which needs at least five signatures from the members of the alliance to activate.

    6§ Superiors

    6.1 In the Finnish Cooperation Organization, the word of superiors is the law. They represent the authorities in their great plans and act as the grassroot level branch of the Senate.

    6.2 Superiors may disperse their authority and create other official positions that are hierarchically under their control, and appoint staff into those positions.

    6.3 The decrees set by Senate automatically repeal all decrees set by lower officials, if contradictory.

    6.4 It is very strictly forbidden from all officials of the Organization to take part in bribery or in any kind of behaviour which can be undesrtood as corruption. This will be considered a severe offense and both sides of the crime will be punished in way it is seen best.

    7§ Law of Continuing Foreign Policy by Methods of Special Nature

    7.1 Unless specifically ordered otherwise by their superiors, any member of the alliance has the constitutional right to attack any nation that's not in any alliance and does not possess weapons of mass destruction. If the goal is to steal technology from the target, the members can only use soldiers and tanks against the target and they have to offer peace after each round of attack.

    If the target counter-attacks, members are authorized to use every means necessary against the target.

    Without a direct order of the superiors, breaking these rules a undeniably punishable. Actions of this sort will almost always lead to sanctions, and in the most severe crimes, banishment from the alliance and even the repossession of grounds and technology to the alliance.

    7.2 If someone is to declare war on a member of the Finnish Cooperation Organization, the attacker declares war on all of the members of the alliance. The members need to notify that they are under attack as quickly as possible, so that the alliance can begin counter-measures, either through diplomacy, or in the worst case, through military might.

    8§ Changing the Constitution

    8.1 The Constitution can be changed by the Senate or by universal referendum started by popular initiative. Launching a referendum needs at least five signatures from members of the alliance.

    9§ Legislation concerning Elections

    9.1 If government of the alliance has decided to choose a commissar or any other official to the job through elections, elections must be held according to this very article.

    9.2 Nomination process and election itself both last for three days. Second round will be held if all candidates get less than half of all given votes.

    Oh and just because we like to have new stuff around us, I would like to tell that

    after this day you can catch us from different place. Our old forums will be buried

    and our new home is:


    Even as the site is still a bit under construction and forums need some tweak we are already

    using them and I hope that you could do so aswell if you have anything to us. And thank you nextkiller for all that help. Well that is

    all what we have at the moment :)


    Commissar of Foreign Affairs

    Finnish Cooperation Organization

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