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Posts posted by Bergerland

  1. This amuses me to no end. Equilibrium gets criticized for attacking without DoWs, even though a blanket DoW is rather clear and should be fairly understandable even by the most mentally inept Non Grata and Mushroom Kingdom members. But hey, Deinos wars and then posts a DoW. How awesome is that! Not to mention a third of you are in peace mode, so it was fairly pointless to even post a DoW in the first place.


    No, no. There was no blanket DoW. It was a statement of, idiotic, policy that an attack on one member of the coalition is an attack on every member of the coalition. Unless you're giving up your position as a sovereign alliance a declaration is still necessary.

    As for the peacemode, our side has been known to cycle in and out of peace in waves, welcome to competent warfare, cupcake.

    Also, o/ Dinohouse. Let's go guys.

  2. [quote name='FlogYou' timestamp='1317432258' post='2813096']
    2 things you should never have in beer. Honey, and Raspberries, it's BEER!

    Only two rules apply to beer:
    1.) Drink what you like.
    2.) You finish what you start. No wounded soldiers.

    Other than that everything is free game.

    If the hidden article isn't about beer I'ma be super disappoint.

  3. [quote name='Drai' timestamp='1316300927' post='2802633']
    Very good, it's still retarded though. I mean everyone knows I'm no mister sensitive, but yea just saying, you guys really aren't that relevant anymore.

    Can't tell if sarcastic.

    Anyways, post reformation Viridians are indebted to those whose kept the spirit and returned the Viridian banner to CN. To them we owe our thanks.

  4. [quote name='Arrnea' timestamp='1308686626' post='2737630']
    That is why we [b]declared war[/b]. That is something different to "what we seek to get out of this war".

    So what you sought out of this conflict was spending your allies' political capital to make sure you didn't talk to each other? How clever.

  5. [quote name='Letum' timestamp='1302555225' post='2688723']
    I was unaware that sitting alone for two years minding our own damn business caused other alliances to believe they have suffered a wrong.

    You sure as hell weren't getting into any wars, but minding your own business you were not.

  6. [quote name='Opensource' timestamp='1302326081' post='2687274']
    I am 100% sure that as an alliance we would still defend you in a defensive war, but we have zero interest in fighting wars that were started by any one of our allies.

    So that's why we fought in $6M. It totally makes sense now.

  7. [quote name='Omniscient1' timestamp='1300071369' post='2663979']
    So you're preaching guilt by association. What would you say then if I reminded you that VE themselves were once allied to the great Hegemony that oppressed us all?

    NPO wouldn't have been anything without the other alliances propping it up. So yes, there should be at least some guilt derived from association, or at least for decided action.

  8. [quote name='HeroofTime55' timestamp='1300060242' post='2663515']
    No, it doesn't end. How you managed to convince Polaris that it does end, is beyond me.

    The only term with an expiration date is Article 1. Article 2, along with the rest of the terms, are eternal.

    I can't believe that these terms were allowed to pass by Polaris.

    Apparently you have no reading comprehension so I'll break it down for you.

    [QUOTE]1. The New Polar Order may not send foreign aid of any type, internally or externally, for a period one month unless where excepted by Article 2.[/QUOTE]

    There is no aid that goes to the NpO for a month except the exceptions made in Article 2. which reads:

    [QUOTE]2. The only foreign aid the New Polar Order may send or receive will be between members of the New Polar Order and the Victorious Alliances, via tech deals at a rate to be determined. Neither the New Polar Order nor the Victorious Alliances are required to utilize this exception.[/QUOTE]

    Article 2. details what foreign aid is excepted during the [b]one month period[/b] where foreign aid is not allowed. Not only that, it is explicitly stated that the tech deals are voluntary by both parties.

  9. [quote name='Sulmar' timestamp='1300060140' post='2663507']
    So the NpO are allowed to refuse to do tech deals with VE et all?

    [Quote]2. The only foreign aid the New Polar Order may send or receive will be between members of the New Polar Order and the Victorious Alliances, via tech deals at a rate to be determined. [b]Neither the New Polar Order nor the Victorious Alliances are required to utilize this exception.[/b][/QUOTE]


  10. [quote name='Sulmar' timestamp='1300059748' post='2663484']
    I'm confused. Are there reps or not? From the looks of it the "Victorious Alliances" can basically just say send me tech whenever they want to. Also, there is no apparent end to that section of the terms either.

    What are you talking about? It ends when the no aid clause ends and the tech deals are completely voluntary, not mandatory.

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