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Posts posted by Mindwerkz

  1. Aww you guys are so nice :D Well it seems that these cowards expected people would agree with them and clearly no one did. Facing that they did what cowards did and ran and hid. At this point Im trying to get to the bottom of whats going on so I can speak to them directly and put an end to it finally once and for all. This is a really stupid situation blown out of proportion by childish cowards who dont even have the balls to talk to me themselves. Hopefully this gets dealt with quietly and we can go on with our lives, its really up to them at this point.

  2. Best wishes to all involved now that it looks like its ending. Cant say I really agree with punishing someone after a war is over other than reasonable rebuilding but hey, thats just my difference with CN I suppose. I have yet to see any terms that don't seem overly vindictive from anyone in my mind... ever.

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