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Posts posted by aznjons

  1. Aluminium - upchuck of warmarding

    Coal - aznjons of AnkhMorpork

    Fish -

    Gold - bwhelan123 of Gypsyville USA

    Iron -

    Lead -

    Lumber -

    Marble - bwhelan123 of Gypsyville USA

    Oil -

    Rubber - upchuck of warmarding

    Uranium -

    Wine - aznjons of AnkhMorpork


    Automobiles, Steel, Construction, Asphalt, Microchips, Scholars, Radiation Cleanup

    Post or message me with any questions :)

  2. VEFlag.jpg


    What is right? What is wrong?

    Our once honorable opponents in the coalition building to defend Hyperion from the fury of Valhalla and the Grand Global Alliance would have you believe that they are hope's last gasp, that they are the one true bastion of righteousness in an increasingly corrupt Cyberverse. For the past month they have done all they could to convince the public that such is the truth: they have raged against the practice of Eternal/Perma-ZI, railed against the standing power structure, and bemoaned their own victimhood. Surely these are the signs of the protagonist, correct?


    NADC, GUN, FIST; these are alliances that know first hand the military arrogance of a BLEU empowered. Countless others, too, trembled in the wake of the Unjust War, fearing reprisal from the Eastern Web for even the most minor of wrongs. Viridia herself has known the madness that stemmed from their illusion of power. Make no mistake--they, just as much as any other, perhaps more, contributed to the state of global affairs we "enjoy" today.

    This is not a righteous crusade. This is not a climactic battle between good and evil. This is not a glorious last stand. This is war: ugly, grey, and terrible. There are no heroes and no villains, only soldiers; only those who will live and those who will die.

    The Viridian Entente shall heed the call of her allies, those who stood with her when madmen rejected reason and their arrogance blossomed. They are not perfect, but they are good enough. We will do our part to put an end to these false saviors who now attempt war upon our brothers.

    The Viridian Entente does hereby declare a state of war between itself and the Mushroom Kingdom.

    Let the hammer fall.


    Ardus Dolomus Cadogan I, Lord of the Viridian Entente, the Viridian Hammer, Destroyer of /b/, Consumer of Atomic Shrooms, the Lovable Tyrant, and a Little Teapot, too.

    tl;dr: <Argin[VE]> the only reason I went rogue on you guys is so babyjesus would attack me

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