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Simon De Montfort

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Posts posted by Simon De Montfort

  1. Oh dear Lord, not this again. The first one was funny but this is getting old, fast



    Knights, I'm going to give you some advice that you aren't going to like but you desperately need to hear. 



    1. No one is going to seriously join your alliance. I'm mean why would they? It's clear you don't know what you're doing. People won't follow someone that has literally no clue how this game works. Now that doesn't mean you can't learn how this game works which leads me to my next piece of advice.



    2. Join an existing alliance. Someone has already mentioned this and it's solid advice. Simply being in an alliance teaches a beginner much about how Cybernations works. You seem enthusiastic which leads me to advice number 3.



    3. Once in an alliance volunteer to do menial tasks. Alliances have a lot of menial tasks that no one wants to do but still need to be done. If you do these tasks well people will put more trust in you and give you more responsibility. As you gain responsibility you will learn even more about how alliances work and people will learn about you. This leads to my last piece of advice. 



    4. Once you've established yourself as a competent player and leader then, and only then can you even think of founding a new alliance. 



    Seriously, some people have been playing this game for YEARS before they even think of founding an alliance. Do you really thing you can come in here and say "Hi, I'm new. Will you follow me?" and expect people to actually do that?

  2. 1)  Maybe if your AA wasn't 60%+ in PM this entire war it would entice some upper tiers out


    Then why get all mad and post a screenshot of your war screen if you just need to make excuses as to why it's not better?  Couldn't you have just not posted it?

    1.) Do you seriously believe that? Let's follow your logic. Your coalition is keeping THEIR upper tier nations in PM because my alliance is keeping much of its lower tier in PM? Yeah that makes sense.


    2.) Just because you've fought a bunch of defensive wars doesn't make your war screen better. It's just means others have done a good job of keeping you out of peace mode.


    I see a bunch of down declares and 1 defensive war, you want a cookie?  You want to see what a real war screen looks like?  Go look at mine.


     Also my PM comment was clearly directed at one nation as opposed to the AA he's in...

    1.) It's not my fault other alliance hide their upper tier nations in PM.

    2.) It's not my fault only one person has declared war on me.

    3.) Yes, I want cookie.

  4. I hope the fact that Michonne is...


    [spoiler]viciously raped by the Governor[/spoiler]


    ... isn't some type of commentary on R&R, berbers. :|

    OOC: Considering that those images clearly come from the TV show and not the graphic novel I'm going to go with the TV show story line on this.


    I'm more than happy to see UPN join us in defeating R&R.

  5. Does this suggest that TOP is less disposed to exposing itself to the indirect treaty chains and hops via oAs and ghost DoWs which characterise the involvement of periphery alliances due to coalition warfare? Or does it simply reflect that TOP, as a core alliance, has enough direct treaty obligations to sustain its involvement in the current war?

    Not trolling, just curious as to TOP’s policy.

    I wasn't making a statement on TOP overall strategy in this war. I was just pointing out to D34th that TOP attacked TPF and not STA as a result of treaty obligations. If you want a more detailed answer please feel free to submit your requests to TOP.gov.


    I'm just a lowly grunt fighting in the trenches. (oh &%$#, IN COMING!)

  6. But actually calling someone out would force Rush to leave his wonderful rhetorical bunker where he can lob grenades and proclaim to know everything without actually saying something.  It's rather cute, no?

    This is the best description of what Rush is doing.


    Sometimes calling out a "pink elephant" with out naming it works when there is actually one and it's really obvious. However, when mockery of the supposed "pink elephant" begins to dominate the thread you either name it or go away.

  7. GW1- Nothing like it had ever been seen it CN before. Set up a bi-polar cold war that didn't really end until GW3.


    GW3 - Largest war in CN history. Set up an NPO hegemony for two years.


    Karma - Ended the NPO's hegemony.


    BiPolar - Mainly because of it size and that it put an end to the moralist faction in CN.

  8. My advice to solve transition problem: http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?/topic/117228-how-to-make-new-alliance-system-transition-run-smooth/

    I think this is a good idea. I like the idea of changing the current alliance system. But we all know that an immediate change will cause some serious problems. So a transitional period with both systems in place at the same time is a reasonable way to deal with the concerns of everyone.

  9. Yes, that may be true. Perhaps NPO did join just for the staggers. Keeping an eye on the peace moves is just a bonus......Seriously focusing on NPO joining is focusing on the wrong part of the story....whatever their reasons. To think that you guys could have been negotiating to leave AI hanging is pretty suspect. Brehon must have a permanent handprint across his eyes from all the facepalming he has had to do over the course of this war....It's been pretty bad man on multiple occasions. Please leave Brehon sane you guys. He is still an ally we care about. 

    I know that you're trying to be objective and respectful towards your ally. I'm totally cool with that. But you're arguing with Aeternos Astramora and no amount of logic or reason will get him to deviate from his talking points while in full blown cover up mode.

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