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Posts posted by Cheyenne

  1. Please forgive my lack of a nation.

    This is truly a loss for the Cyberverse and the world. Denzin was smart, thoughtful and good tempered. To borrow from a man much wiser than myself, he has gone to his grace, and that leaves so much less of ours.

  2. Except that most people's problem with treaties is that they are the opposite of what you just described: People helping out of true friendship. Treaties today are nothing but a scrap of e-paper that can be broken whenever you want, for whatever reasons you want. (ie. Ordinance of the Orders).

  3. Well, I woke up Sunday morning with no way to hold my head that didn't hurt. And the beer I had for breakfast wasn't bad, so I had one more for dessert. Then I fumbled in my closet through my clothes and found my cleanest dirty shirt. Then I washed my face and combed my hair and stumbled down the stairs to meet the day.

    Cheyenne stood alone among the ruins of the Vox Populi capital, watching as the remaining rebel soldiers hurried from make-shift building to make-shift building, trying to eke out an existance among the rubble. The few days he had spent since his return from travelling abroad had confirmed his greatest fears.

    These last couple days I've been hanging out on IRC, poking into the new Game that Must Not Be Named, and just generally getting caught up with old friends. I had to sail on from Vox to keep up with my studies, Student Council, band and the other activites of a high schooler, and as I've been catching back up to my schedule, my thoughts have wondered to the wonderful group of people that were Vox Populi, that "temporary ad hoc rainbow coalition" that I embraced so fully in my last weeks. It seems that the band wagoners have passed away, much as I expected them to, but they have also taken those I thought would stand more steadfast in the battle.

    I would urge the remaining free thinkers of CN to stand up to the world all around them. Not to take up arms, necassarily, because this may be neither the time nor place. As an interloper in this Cyberverse, I can't really tell you. But I can tell you that if you stop opposing the lies, they'll become the truth. Like the new Orwellian attempt to classify the Great Patriotic War as a victory for the Orders. It surely was not. As a proud veteran of that battle, I refuse to accept this revisionism.

    Keep your stick on the ice, and remember, I'm pulling for you. We're all in this together.

    On a Sunday morning sidewalk, I'm wishing, Lord, that I was stoned. 'Cause there's something in a Sunday that makes a body feel alone. And there's nothing short a' dying that's half as lonesome as the sound of the sleeping city sidewalk and Sunday morning coming down.

  4. In response to the question put forth by the OP:

    There will always be help available to those who need it. Vox Populi will ride again, whenever the ruling class becomes overly oppressive, we will be there. Our membership may change, our flag may be different, but our goal will be the same.

    We aren't leaving. Ever. Get used to it.

  5. Now I for one have never been one to follow the events of CN closely. Mostly I have found the events to be repetative, because infra building and war are two subjects which have only finite possibilities. However, this recent war intrigued me. Quite often groups of people scrap together to form no-name alliances which within weeks, fall apart and cease to exist, or merge into a slightly larger, no name alliance. At first I thought of the Vox Poppuli as such an alliance. I figure it released a piece of propoganda which was especially offensive, and made a ruckus, and it was time for them to break apart. However, I was surprised when more and more people, especially well known ones, joined their ranks. Next thing I knew, my intuition was wrong and it was a formidable force.

    Now that hostilities seem to be subsiding, and members still proudly call themselves Vox Poppuli (sorry if I have been spelling this wrong), I must wonder, how long will this alliance last? They must start rebuilding now, and start a hierarchy in which keeps the promise of letting every member have a free voice and speaking out.

    If you honestly believed an alliance founded by eleven of the biggest names in this game was going to be a no name alliance, then I question the fact that you have any sort of CN intuition at all.

  6. Philander Beckenridge, Minister of Foreign Relations for the House of Cash, tapped the microphone twice before speaking. His low, calming voice reverberated throughout the conference hall, and reporters scurried to take down everything he said.

    It is with great sadness that we, the House of Cash, terminate all relations with Kaiser Martens and his nation. Our brave leader, Cheyenne, made this difficult decision after discovering the expulsion of Kaklin from his alliance for having informal relations with this man.

    While we are saddened by this fact, looking back at past actions, we don't think that Slayer or the Phoenix Federation would do anything stupid, or unjust, so their expulsion of Kaklin simply MUST have been justified.

    Thank you for your time.

    The reporters began to scratch their heads, trying to work out whether Mister Beckenridge had been sarcastic or honest.

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